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How To Enjoy Retired Life?

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Thyagarajan, Mar 18, 2021.

  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Thanks for instant response.
    Mere read of the opening sentence had so much force in it that I had belly laugh! It was that songs in a pair of bicycles produced that chemistry.

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2021
  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:Superman ai seventy + nuggets for joyful graceful ageing.

    upload_2021-3-22_11-36-53.jpeg :hello:
  3. hrastro

    hrastro Platinum IL'ite

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    I know a few elderly people, so I could tell what they do?

    1) An 80+ lady teaches slokas and short songs to kids over google meet (I taught her how to use it)
    2) A 70+ lady reads the Srimad Bhagawatam on phone to 2 enraptured audience everyday for 1 hour (one of the audience is me) - even on the day of her vaccine, she had body pains but refused a break!
    3) Another 60+ lady makes tiny sweaters for newborns as a hobby and distributes in slums, she is also a maths teacher and teaches on google meet (I taught her how to use it)
    4) One 75+ uncle has 50+ years of work experience in the social and rehab domain - that no one else in India has - I have requested him to give interviews to his 15 yo grand-daughter (who loves writing articles - she is my mentee)
    5) One uncle and aunty, 70+ have 4 sons, 2 daughters in law and 2 grandkids in the same building (different apartments) - they both do meditation, vegetable shopping and vegetable chopping together for the whole household.
    6) Another couple (nearing 90) wake up, pray, read books, listen to songs, appreciate youngsters, talk positive things with relatives on phone, sleep in the afternoon, wake up, watch TV and sleep !
    7) I have been asking one 65+ lady - PhD + retired headmistress + science teacher - to create some audio recordings about her advice to students. But either she is busy with granddaughter and house work or I am not giving her the right clarity and structure - so she is finding it difficult.
    8) Another 75+ uncle used to go and sit in the hospital just to help fill forms and talk to the patients and organize them according to the token number - or help them with directions etc.... - but the hospital asked him to stop coming after covid - so he stays home currently and makes the morning vegetable juice for his daughter's family! I have helped him create a website for ayurvedic treatments.
    9) A 65+ uncle I know sings annamayya songs - he is a great friend + disciple of Garimella Balakrishna Prasad garu - everyday he gets ready, cooks, visits local temple, sings songs there, comes home and eats, goes to another temple in the evening, sings songs there !
    10) A 60 year old lady I know is learning Bharatnatyam (knows already, but learning new steps for new songs, her teacher is only 25 and treats her with great respect)
    11) Another 60 year lady I know (apart from taking care of home and kids) teaches Bharatnatyam and also learns and practices spoken Sanskrit
    12) That reminds me - 80 year old high court judge Justice Srikrishna of the Srikrishna commission fame was in one of my classes - he never missed a single session - we studied the Lilavati (1200 year old Maths textbook in Sanskrit) together.
    13) I have seen youtube videos where grandma is telling stories or teaching music to the grandkids and they have been well received by the youtube viewers!
    14) Another 60+ lady, Phd Guide and mentor - she helps PhD students with their thesis and participates in seminars about her subject
    15) A 80+ uncle retired from NIMHANS - helps with couples counselling (to prevent divorce/separation etc)

    My humble request to all senior citizens - please pass on your wisdom or at least find ways to record it - the next gen may not appreciate it right now, but we need it desperately!

    Keep smiling
  4. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Tyagu sir, :smile::smile::smile:
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    @hrastro #13 this would otherwise serve as a list of possible activities for the seniors in various age groups. You have put this ideas in your inimitable style from real world. I quite appreciate for your time and valuable tips.
    2. A visit and stay for a day to a senior citizen home - the one in outskirts of Coimbathoor city - known as Brindavan, one would see the activities of almost agile & over 70 & 80 years young are almost all that you had projected in your list except 4 & 12.
    3. In that community - somewhat cosmopolitan in character - but greatly satisfying to watch them as all are engaged mentally and physically in some way or the other. There is common cooking too, community eat, bhajan groups, worship in temple, resident cum doctors, priests for last rites among residents ..... laundry, parlour...wifi connection

    4. I appreciate your suggestion written at the foot of your FB and do hope seniors would share & record their experiences here .

    Thanks and Regards.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2021
    hrastro likes this.
  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Thank you for this comprehensive list of what other seniors are doing. I am already 66 years old but still working. However, I definitely like the idea to share whatever I have learned with others. It looks like it is a great idea to share our knowledge with the next generation. I am compiling everything I had written here in IL as my spiritual thoughts and thanks to @Rihana, I may someday publish it into a readable book.

    Of course, my background is finance, software and mergers and acquisitions and someday, I will contribute in these fields as well.

  7. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Very interesting observations on enjoying retired life. But the question is
    whether it is for us to enjoy or experience.
    There is no standard format of dos and dont s in retired life.

    Is retirement a boon or bane?
    Very difficult to answer.There are many who eagerly await retired life,since there are no worries about school or college fees and housing loan repayment.If it is without any dreadful disease ,it may be a boon.But all are not that lucky.People who have late marriage and beget children late have huge commitments until they are 70 or 75.
    There are people for whom the very idea of superannuation sends shivers and shock waves and daunts them even when they are 50 0r 55.
    Perhaps the ticking needles of clock depress them.
    Many people are unable to buy a house during their service and start thinking of building home out of retirement funds and the main boon is that pension can take care of day to day expenses.If their old parents fall ill and get a severe disease ,or some deadly disease falls on the bread winner,the entire energy is sucked.
    Pitiable is the position of people who have no pension scheme and who have not made wise investments for their old age.In these days of sky rising costs, their retired life will be a hell.
    More often we are advised to leave everything to God hoping that he would show a good pathway.
    We hope for the boon simultaneously prepare ourselves for the bane too.
    The idea of retirement brings smile to some and frown to others.Those who didn't have job satisfaction, denied promotions or earned some burn outs may like to retire early and find out some outlet for their passion.
    Sometimes the persons retiring from topmost positions such as MD,, CEO etc may feel a sudden vacuum and feel that they have suddenly lost all the respect and prestige and they are not prepared to face retirement.They become highly depressed and lose all the sheen and colour.
    It is a boon to people who have so long kept their passions at bay while they were toiling for bread.They revive their dream of writing, practicing arts ,music and painting and delve into spiritual, cultural and educational enhancement of the self. and the surroundings too.

    Those who define themselves primarily by their official status feel a big dent.They feel lost and deprived of everything in life.They care more for the respect society offers.
    There is another category of workaholics who consider 'work' as the be all and end all in life .They feel retirement as a prelude to physical deterioration and death.
    Old age is one of the stages of human development where a person attains wisdom, maturity,social and economic stability with social recognition and emotional fulfillment. Old people are considered as the guiding stars.They are the symbols of tradition , respect , wisdom and experience.

    It is very often said that while passing every birth day, we are nearing our end by one year.
    Actually we start dying the day we are born.Retiring age is synonymous with failing health and nearing death.
    Fear about existing or non existing diseases,fear of isolation and death.,fearful diseases affecting the children, consequent fear of losing the beloved younger ones and financial problems, indebtedness etc can create an impression that retirement is a total bane.
    Boon and bane are like two sides of the same coin.

    Without the bane, you cant understand the boon or vice versa.
    Just like how you cant understand happiness without sadness.

    The timetable intended for old age is very much varied and cannot be judged on the basis of a few old women taking shloka,yoga, painting classes etc.It is vast ocean.You may startt somewhere and in altogether
    different plane as nature plays its own role .

    Jayasala 42
  8. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Good one and nice to read everyone's feedback. I worked for 38 yrs.two years in Hyderabad.then in Bombay. More tha office it was like a family. We used to enjoy everyone's birthdays and they used to tell me to select t the card for birthdays and farewell.

    Our Company first merged with a other Company and then 2001 taken over by another Company. I used to think.how I will spend my retired life without seeing friends and en joying with them. Beginning for five years time was spent looking for alliance for my children and by 2005 my three children were married.

    In 2007 my daughter told me about this site
    And became active here and earned many virtual daughters and brothers. Wrote many snippets and blogs. Won awards too. Went to sat sang and bajans and marriages

    Later in 2016 on ward's started spending my time in making jewellery
    For one Navratri I made more than 100 chains and gave to ladies and girls
    Became active in Facebook
    Recently joined many food group and posted variety of dishes.

    2021 did not begin well. Had to get cataract done and could not see from one eye. Went to Doctor after having tests Doctor said there is swelling in my heart so it was postponed. My daughter came on 24th Jan and with her cane to Vaikom. Here also firstit was fixed on 9th Feb then the Doctor was not well and finally had it on 2nd March
    From the 2nd day I could see..Had to put so many times eyedrops. But my grand daughter 12 yrs old entertained us and used to tell dont see mobile .your eyes will become red. She is very active whole day

    Though eyes were ok had dry cough for a month or so had sleepless nights. Now since two days better

    After coming here full rest and here the house is very big with lot of trees around and enjoying the fresh air and greenery.

    Sorry for the long post. My feedback is different from others
    Madhurima21, Thyagarajan and hrastro like this.
  9. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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  10. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    It is always like that with many fellow IL’ites here.
    For me it was divine sent.
    I was googling for a colourful embellished Swami Malai Swaminatha Swami Lord Subramania. I selected the website in which a blog written by a US residing fellow IL’ite, her/his pilgrimage experience to Arupadai Veedu with many photos ofthe temple and deities including the main deity.
    Thanks and Regards.
    Madhurima21 and iyerviji like this.

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