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How to deal with an adamant child !?

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by outofthebox, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. outofthebox

    outofthebox Platinum IL'ite

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    hi sanchita...kids make us good story tellers...:)
    I will tweak this story and tell her for her bed time story! I already had to make up a story for not wasting food....and whenever she wastes food, i just have to remind her, and she will continue with the moral of the story...hehehehe.......so now another similar story about a girl throwing tantrums.....good one....! :) will definitely try it today and let you know the effect :)
  2. teacher

    teacher Platinum IL'ite

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    May I be a party pooper? When you do tell her the story, keep the 'no one loved her' out of it. Children should learn the difference between actions being irritable, unlikeable or anger provoking but not unlovable (even if the adult finds it so).
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  3. SRK123

    SRK123 Silver IL'ite

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    Hi outofthebox,

    I used this website www.talkingtotoddlers.com Although it says toddlers, but it is useful for upto 6 years.

    I highly recommend this.. I personally used it, and I can say that I have zero problems with my daughter now with respect to discipline. The various tips and language strategies which he gives are very helpful in positive parenting, and there is zero stress to parents and specially children once you get used to using them in the daily life.

    I paid around 45 dollars for the lessons, there will be 11 lessons which you can instantly download, each will be around 10 minutes of audio. I only used the first 5 lessons and I never read the rest of them, as I could deal with all the situations by using the tips in the first few lessons. It is recommended to listen to one audio first and implement it and once youmaster that technique then after two or three days, next audio. It only takes 10 minutes of your time, and 50 dollars. But it is worth it !!

    Good Luck!!:thumbsup

  4. itsjustme

    itsjustme Silver IL'ite

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    I was an adamant child.. For no reason.. I feel bad about it now..wish we had indusladies back then... my mom would have got some advice. i used to give her so much trouble. you know, i would create some problem and everyone would find fault with mom!
  5. vjbunny

    vjbunny IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Kiran
    Will you please share the tips you used it will be of help to us...

    Hi itsjustme...
    Welcome to IL...
    Dont worry dear but you can always make it up with your mom now too...
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  6. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Shanvy,

    By now I hope you are aware that this reply of your's has been nominated to the FP of the month by Outofthebox!

    I read through your reply and the whole thread and couldn't help thanking the Almighty that my duties of bringing up a little child is done with and remains safely in the distant past!!

    After I read the OP's post, I could feel the desperation in her cry for help which it seems you heard too and responded at once. Your advice and the way you have written it can easily be called a Gem. Looks like it has worked too. But then, we all by now know what a source of comfort and help Shanvy is! A very sound and sedate advice Shanvy and also your further replies in this thread were all just as comforting.

    My hats off to you!

    L, Kamla

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  7. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Outofthebox,

    Thanks for nominating Shanvy's reply to your post! By doing so, you have seen to it that many get to read it and some of them may also benefit from it just like you did.

    Coming to your post, it was really touching to see how much thought and effort you are putting in to bring up your only daughter with care and foresight.

    With such a considerate and thoughtful mother, I have no doubt that she will grow into a very well mannered young lady who will make you proud of her. Take heart, such problems are met by most parents and as long as you are alert to such changes and tantrums in your child, nothing at all can go wrong.

    I wish you and your little one all the best and I am waiting to read that she is over her tantrums and I think that day will not be too far away!

    L, Kamla
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  8. outofthebox

    outofthebox Platinum IL'ite

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    hi all,

    Though I have been visiting the forum, I just wanted to give it some more time before I could update here, and I am so glad that more members have dropped in!

    hi teacher,

    I have still not used the story tactic yet, but I know I need it for sure...just waiting for the right time.....I will definitely keep the pointer you have given in mind while making up my own story....it really makes sense.....danke!

    hi rajkiranvarenya,

    thanks for dropping in here....and for letting us know of this site....
    as vjbunny said, if you can share some of the things that you learnt as tips, i think it will be really helpful for all those having similar experiences with their kids now...

    and I must thank vjbunny for having made this as a sticky thread....the last time I came to update, I was searching for the post, and then realised it has been made into sticky!! am sure there are many people out there like me, and surely they will benefit from this......

    hi itsjustme,

    well, now that you have said, i don't know if being stubborn and being adamant are correlated...maybe they are...even I was stubborn as a kid...but not to the extent of throwing tantrums like how my DD does!!! i think its only at a later stage of our lives that we realise how we have been...so don't worry, you can always make up for it now with your mom and let her know that you will be ever grateful to whatever she has done for you.....and you can always reciprocate to her now in the best way that your mom would need!!

    and as you rightly said, i wonder how the experienced moms have managed so well without all these forums & support groups! hats off to them!!!
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  9. outofthebox

    outofthebox Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Kamla,

    Thank you so much for your kind words :).....well, yes, I have no doubt in saying that Shanvy's advice is working for me in bits and pieces everyday! The moment it worked for me the first time, its like a daily chant that I recollect in my mind of whatever has been mentioned here!

    Thank you so much for these wishes...its so comforting to hear such words at such trying times, and parenting is something which is going to be a process for the entire lifetime....and when we are able to benefit from the advices given here, the end result in the form of our children cannot be expressed in words!

    and a few words about what I felt about Shanvy was that, although the main root cause was ME, she carefully chose her words so that the asker(that is, ME) does not take it to heart. if it were a sensitive person, and if the writing was blunt, then it may not be taken well, and instead spoil the purpose of forums! I have seen lot many others like Shanvy who give such timely advices...I will save this for another post!!!

    When the reason/root cause is not known or clear, it makes it all the more difficult to solve the problem. But, when she subtly pointed out that maybe I am not giving enough time, thats when I realised where I am going wrong, even though I knew it....but somehow in the race of life, ignored it ! now, even though she may throw tantrums, i look into myself first, and then use the tactics given here to solve the problem in hand....so i have a process to follow, and it is working!

    Thank you so much ! And yes, I have now made it a point to keep visiting this post, and update whatever little changes that I am seeing!! With so much support available here, I think its now not so difficult as I felt a few weeks ago!!

    now for a quick update - now whenever my daughter throws tantrums, being ziddi or adamant, i quietly tell her "by throwing tantrums, do you think you will get anything? do you think it will solve your problem?"....and its so surprising to see that a 5 year old kid suddenly becomes quiet, and 7/10 times she responds by saying "no, ma, we wont get"....and then she cools down, which makes it a bit easier and the situation is controllable.......its as if its a magic potion !!! the day i had posted my question, after i got some clear responses here, i sat with her for a while and explained, which I described already in my earlier post....and i also explained the consequences of what will happen in her language style........now that particular talking works in her stored memory!!! its really amazing to note such changes......

    apart from that, she helps me with her already allotted chores, and sometimes she takes a little more....so whenever she says she can take a little more, i just check with her if she is ok, and she so willingly does it ! in my case, and I guess for most of the kids of these days, just going by their flow helps them a lot to learn what is correct and what is wrong.....and asking her to do some chores is one way of distracting her from her tantrums...it doesnt work all the time, but it does help......so by the time she finishes that work, she even forgets for what she had cried, and she is back to her cheery self!

    and am still to implement the "hugging" medicine...i have saved it for a bad day, but am sure this also will work......!!!

    will be back when i have some updates!!!
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  10. vjbunny

    vjbunny IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear outofthebox
    It is good that you nominated Shanvys post and you have written absolute truth about dear Shanvy here nothing can describe her more truely as sensitive caring person am proud to be associated with her as fellow Ilite.. people like her makes IL a worthy place to move around.. Hats off Shanvy...
    Thanks outofthe box for giving me chance to say all this...

    This will surely help all moms someday am sure one day or other they will face some of the situations like you have mentioned if all moms currently passing thru such phases share here am sure this will become a lovely place to share our woes and go back with a lesson or two to quell it...

    Good Luck dear Hope to see you more here... Life is a big school where we learn each day with each others notes...

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