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How To Be Safe When H Breaking The Lockdown Rules.

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by AmulB, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. AmulB

    AmulB Silver IL'ite

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    Hello everyone,
    I need suggestions urgently.
    My Husband stepped out for more liquor after an argument happened when my kid fell off sofa. I watch my kids whole day as due to lockdown all are home and too much work at home and kids keep Fighting and playing constantly and getting hurt. Only I warn kids to be careful while he will be sitting in the same living room with body present and mind absent with indulgence in liquor. I just questioned him why he didn’t watch and he questioned me back same, I said I was .. that’s y I warned my kid to not jump and he would fall. But he still jumped out and fell. And my H gets violent that I questioned him and started getting abusive and used bad words and even came to hit me. I immediately dialed 911 in anger and disconnected looking at kids faces.
    There’s so much going on this world. Each day ppl r dying due to Covid19 and my H chooses to not care about himself and also putting us in trouble by walking out for more liquor. He has no gloves, no mask, no jacket it’s still cold and he rushed inspite of me stopping requesting him to see kids faces before he steps out. He said he doesn’t care to what eve happens to him or kids. He gives a **** about it.
    He warns me he will go out daily and come back home. I’m already so paranoid of the situation out side, now his ego hurt that I called 911. He warns me he will send me to jail soon. And warns me to step out daily on purpose. Behaving like an illiterate, like Muslim gang who are warning ppl in India. What’s wrong with him.. I called his parents and informed they say I have to look after the situation as they’re away. They all back him and he backs them and are a team when any situation comes.
    My golden period is over, we put our kids in daycare in Jan and I was studying and taking calls for my job process and In March market really went down and lock down started and I’m watching kids daily and doing chores while he is working in his office room. Daily night same routine of drinking and sleeping late and waking late and disturbing the whole cycle. He doesn’t address his issue. On top of it he is behaving insane during this time. I know I have to remain silent. But when it comes to kids safety I loose it
    And what wrong did I do questioning him that he will break the rules of lockdown. Just to torture me... he doesn’t even think about kids. What should I do if he chooses to keep going out. I’m very scared of Covid and ppl r dying and this fellow is driving nuts.
    After coming home with liquor he refused to wash hands or have shower and could he be infected. What kind of a situation I’m in. I’m freaking out...

  2. KashmirFlower

    KashmirFlower IL Hall of Fame

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    Can he live in basement or a separate floor where you and kids don’t use much, and had its own entrance to outside, so he can go outside

    As he is not following rules may be u and kids need to use masks and sleep separate.
    AmulB likes this.
  3. AmulB

    AmulB Silver IL'ite

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    We r living in an apartment two bed. I insisted him to sleep in other bedroom he forcefully entered and slept next to my kid.
  4. AmulB

    AmulB Silver IL'ite

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    CAn anyone give any ideas on tackle this situation smartly without me having to tell what he needs to do. Do I post a picture of kids on fb and tag him and warn parents to be responsible for their little kids. Kids are not his property to behave as he likes. I’m not sure if
    I go public he will do it more. One of his friends got coronavirus and is suffering in hospital seeking some plasma doner for his survival. his wife and kid is also infected and are posting messages
    For help.
    What the heck is this person, know what’s happening around... his behavior is insane. My blood is boiling Unable to control my anxiety
    Is he looking for fame to go viral. When drunk he goes very extremes and looses his sense of what he does. I plead him to limit since the lockdown started. He just doesn’t want to listen and does more.
  5. AmulB

    AmulB Silver IL'ite

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    I curse his parents to have raised him such way. What a pathetic life if his folks r only important why bring me and kids and create miserable life for us. Inspite of me complaining to his dad they have a Group FaceTime call late at night giggling talking nonsense. I wish to quit this marriage once I get a job. I’m so f tired of this bs. My emotions are raging and hate to see him around kids.
    Divorce cannot seperate him from kids, and he won’t change his ways. Even if we get partial custody he will still be drinking not care about kids leave them starving, and hit them while he enjoys his drinks. How do I get out this mess.
  6. AppuMom

    AppuMom Gold IL'ite

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    Hi OP,
    Reach child helpline or domestic abuse helpline and ask for their help.They might help you how to tackle this situation.He needs a tight slap from someone.
    AmulB likes this.
  7. Caughtinbetween

    Caughtinbetween Gold IL'ite

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    I dont have any helpful suggestions for you . Sincerely wish these problems get solved soon and please stay safe with your kids.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2020
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  8. AmulB

    AmulB Silver IL'ite

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    He got super mad when I called 911 and disconnected. If I seek help line they would come home ? And don’t know the repercussions
  9. AmulB

    AmulB Silver IL'ite

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    I know so scary situation. How can adult be so irresponsible of his actions. They don’t care well being of ppl at home. They don’t have any right on our life.

    And do these men stepping out know some of the employees are infected already. Who r working in Starbucks and Costco. Recently came as a warning.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2020
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  10. AmulB

    AmulB Silver IL'ite

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    In such situation if I call child helpline what action they would take. Looking at the risk what if they try to separate kids
    Thyagarajan and KashmirFlower like this.

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