How long do you have to stay home after having baby?

Discussion in 'Post Pregnancy Care' started by cooks2010, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. Chitravivek

    Chitravivek Platinum IL'ite

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    As everyone said it depends from person to person. I was walking from day one of my normal delivery but was sore for few weeks and definitely wanted my walk to be limited. But u can go out if and when u feel like it. There are no restrictions.

    shreya. Sounds like a good plan but if u sch ur hubby surgery around ur Time it might be little too much for u to handle given the fact that you're FTM. Can his wait till you're up and running ? I would do that if that's possible.
  2. Priya4oct

    Priya4oct Gold IL'ite

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    i had c section, started walking (slowly) from second day evening (c section was in evening). Started household work from 10th day as no one was there to take care of my kid and me (though mom came after 1 week of that).

    Regarding outing, i went to eat pizza (i was craving :) :) ) and little shopping in mid of 6th week (had gone to DRs in between for my and DD check-up). I didn't feelany issue but people were commenting how I can with 6 week old kid and that too in C-section .
  3. Khanaksmom

    Khanaksmom Silver IL'ite

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    I would suggest take as much rest as you can... ofcourse if you have to go somewhere important then there aren't many options. Your body needs rest and your immunity is also low. So try to stay indoors and spend time bonding with the baby. Eat whatever your Mom gives you. Remember, they have been there... done that! The previous generation is far better off than our generation as far as physical strength is concerned.
    I had C - section, followed what my MIL said to the T. Today, I think my physical stamina is better than ladies my age around me. Your rest and diet will go a long way with you. Its just a matter of 1 month. Later even if you wish you won't get that rest time.
    So, take advantage and listen to your body!!
    Of course you will have to decide for yourself.
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  4. CrayoNess

    CrayoNess Platinum IL'ite

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    Pregnancy and delivery is not a disease but a normal thing. Usually you can do your normal activities within a couple of days after the delivery. If it is a c-section the recovery time will be a little bit longer. It is actually good to walk, go out, light exercise as this will help your body to recover. It feels wonderful to be able to walk (almost) like a normal person after being several month waddling around like an elephant :D

    If you plan to breastfeed you have to be close to your baby especially in the beginning as the baby may want to be feeded very often.
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  5. manu2009

    manu2009 Silver IL'ite

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    though it is ok to go out after say 5/6 days after delivery, i agree with your mom that you need to take rest for 1.5months. it takes approx. 40-45 days to heal yourself internally and for the extended uterus to go back to its normal size. doing strenuous works adds strain to the already strained uterus thereby delaying the healing process. sometimes the uterus may move down due to physical stain which is definitely not healthy....can create problems later on. going for a walk or restaurant is alright but be sure you don't strain yourself...sometimes it also affects lactation. take care, be happy and have a safe delivery.
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  6. ramyav_cse

    ramyav_cse Gold IL'ite

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    I went to lactation classes and some baby shopping by the hospital 4 days post delivery. I delivered my LO on monday evening and was discharged from hospital on wednesday morn. Friday morning, I went for the lactation class since I had issues with feeding him and didnt want to give him formula. Was quite ok. I was bleeding for about 6 weeks but outside of being pampered by mom and so not going out, I think I was capable of handling the whole thing.

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