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How Does The World Run?

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by HariLakhera, Mar 24, 2024.

  1. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    How does the world run?

    The believers (Theists) say God runs the Universe not only the world and nothing happens without His permission. The non-believers (Atheists) say there is no God and the world runs on its own. Those in between who call themselves SBNR- ‘spirituals but not religious’.

    The SBNR believe the Originator created the world, and then let rules of mathematics and science run it. He created the world as a mathematical equation where good balances evil, creation balances destruction, happiness balances suffering- and after that, the universe rolls out without God’s assistance or interference. For every Hitler there will be a Mother Teresa, for every person dying of poverty, there will be a billionaire and so on. God’s role ends with the creation of the world.

    This, at least establishes one thing, that the world will stay forever. Things will move as a mathematical equation and science will keep on opening new doors. As humans, we shall keep on grumbling, and die and new ones will come to replace us.

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    I think religion is nothing to do with process that keep the world revolving and spinning. Both are required for survival of species and other objects inerts or not . The elements air water earth space and light (fire) are getting pushed around to cause seasons at marked intervals.

    Every activity in the universe connected to all other activities and all these are overseen by an entity call it god Almighty. Each religion may call the Almighty in different names . But all elements in someway connected to this driver - The Almighty - The animator Of the world for whom our one year is said to be just one day.

    In creating anything by Almighty or humans or animals, there is some waste is generated. The waste is “bad” created while “good” is beeing made. It is ingrained in the process.
    Even when gold is extracted from its ore, Dross is produced.
    For every Rahul there could be hundred Modis or vice versa.

    Hundreds of software and hardwares are created. But they dont know Micrsoft or Bill Gates. ( they should be treated invisible God animating them)
    But microsoft provided a point for connecting it to an element - electric energy - which is connected to element of the earth and earth in turn connected invisibly to the cosmic Agent.
    I read stories in sanskrit mountains too grow and once upon a time they were flying . They also take avatars. Men & women perish and may reincarnate but not necessarily as men & women.
    In his book on “Heat” author JB Rajam after describing the p-n-p* fission in the heart of the sun claims that Sun has many millions of years to live and right now it is still you g at some 15 million years only!

    In Cherbonyl, they have discovered recently life forms which are completely immune to the high level radiation!!! So the creator of this earth has a very, very long term plan and we human beings may disrupt it only to a certain extent!

    Man has now set foot on moon. One day he might meet his Creator elsewhere.

    * Proton Neutron Proton Bombardment
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2024
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  3. kaluputti

    kaluputti Platinum IL'ite

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    Hello, Hari ji! there cannot be a creation without a creator they say. Also everything going on has a rhythm, method and order, whether we see them or not.
    HariLakhera and Thyagarajan like this.
  4. kaluputti

    kaluputti Platinum IL'ite

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    Thiagarajan ji, at least Hindu religion says that Vishnu is the sustainer, whereas Brahma the creator with Siva the destroyer. We as human beings witness everything, creation, sustenance and the destruction, while we ourselves are going through the process..
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Hari Sir,

    The world runs on its own is also a belief unless someone explains that here is a mathematical equation that makes the earth to twilt a little in its axis, move at a specific speed, move around the Sun, atmosphere that is conducive for life to exist, Ozone layer that would protect life from burning from the scorching Sun, the plants to generate food from water, carbondioxide and sunlight, all five elements to coexist in the planet, etc.

    I learned that Albert Einstein, Niel Bohr and a mathematician decided to come up with an equation that explains how the universe exists the way it is! May be the human beings are created to sustain the planet the way it is on the contrary the human beings are doing everything to destroy it! Why would the human beings be given sixth sense and human beings also may easily be created only with five senses?

    In fact, all lives are given the ability to procreate and in a way, they faciliate Brahma's job and may be they are also supposed to help Vishnu to sustain in the planet by making this planet worthy of living. Who knows they may be the agent also for Shiva to destroy the planet and recreate it later?
    HariLakhera likes this.
  6. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Shri Thyagarajan,
    That brings us closer to the understanding that the world moves on its own and there is no role of God/Gods. Or at most spiritual leaning, God does not interfere into day to day affairs, once He has left it to the natural forces to balance. Draughts and floods, creation and destruction, good and bad, rich and poor etc will coexist.
    That brings us to the rituals like praying for rain and worshipping Nav Grahas. Why even have a Janma Parti for the newborn?
    We seem to be living in a dual life and talking of Advait at the same time.
    I may add that these are just academic queries.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  7. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Yes, Mam. There has to be some rhythm in the madness. Thousands of people live on river banks. Every year, the floods wipe up their dwellings. They return and the zig zaw puzzle goes on.
    I am sure, the Creator had no such plan.
  8. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Shri Viswa,
    You said it. Humans thought the sun circles the planet Earth but then Nicolaus Copernicus proved it otherwise. Our sage and saints talked of 9 Navgrahas but added another two Rahu and Ketu
    also. NASA is sure that there is 10th planet.

    Panchdeva-Surya, Ganesha, Devi, Shiva and Vishnu are there to balance.
  9. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    I agree when a process is set in motion in a system , it keeps on moving or performing in huge organisations like bank and social network. Many cone
    and go click like give FB, start their own threads . I have heard in France certain .manufacturing factories is fully automated and someone arrive in the morning and evening only to switch on and off the factory . Neither the machine nor the products know who animates them.
    HariLakhera likes this.
  10. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Right. Elon Musk's Telsa car factory have very few employees. Automation, robots and now AI is going ot make the future generation look for new skills. Maybe, the Creator will interfere or simply watch.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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