Hello ILites This week poll is on "Money Matters". Well in India, most of the payment of bills are manual, waiting in the queue for a long time and paying the amount in cash. The public has to bear the poor response of the staff and wait patiently until their turn comes and absolutely not at all customer friendly. That was the scenario a few years back for paying the telephone bills, electricity bills etc. But with the new players in the telecommunication segment, BSNL is also waking up to being customer friendly by introducing schemes such as ECS (Electronic clearing Scheme), Easy bill collection center and so on. The electricity bills collection centers are also computerised greatly reducing the wait time. Now one could pay the telephone bill through credit card or check or csh or whatever methodology it is convenient for her. How is the payment method in the other parts of the world? You could always share it here and you could cast your votes in the poll topic.
Dear Laxmi, The bank services in India also are improved alot. I pay all my bills thorugh my bank account online directly. My bank's online service provides me the facility to pay up the phone (landline or mobile) bills, electricity bills , water bills, credit card bills etc free of cost. I think it is the best. No more waiting in the queues. Simply sitting in your home or office, open your online banking and VOILA :2thumbsup:
HI, Though i have internet banking facility. I am comfortable in issuing cheques wherever accepted. Love shanthi
Hello, I issue cheques or pay by cash. Laxmi, I should congratulate for coming up with interesting topics for the weekly poll.:2thumbsup:
Dear Laxmi, I am greatly dependent on my credit for payment of telephone and other utility bills. Credit card payment is linked to my bank account. So no hassles..no queues, no waiting..I remember the days my mother would stand in long Q's waiting to pay the bills. Thank God..those days are nearly over. In UAE, we also have collection machines for payment of telephone bills. Regards USHA
Usually by credit card .... Ashely <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cols=1 rules=none border=0 frame=void><COLGROUP><COL width=144></COLGROUP><TD align=left width=144 height=18>
Eventhough most utility companies accept online payment, we feel it is safe to pay through cheques. For online purchases, sure, through credit card and also for the monthly expenditures, credit card payment. Sriniketan