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How Do You Cope With Feeling Expendable?

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by Gauri03, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I am a fairly private person. Friendly but guarded. Inwardly focused. It takes me a while to warm up to people and let them 'in'. I am neither gregarious nor charming. My friends say I wear a prickly affection-proof armor to protect the 'vulnerable little bird' inside. As you'd expect, I have a very small and close-knit set of friends who mean the world to me. A recent experience with one of them has left me reeling.

    I have/had(?) a very close friend. I have invested a significant amount of time and emotions into this friendship. It means a lot to me. This person means a lot to me. Contrary to every sensible instinct of mine, I put all of myself into this friendship and trusted that my affection was reciprocated. Though I say so myself, I've been a good friend, or at least I've tried to be one.

    Not too long ago, I found myself in need of support. I reached out to her but this friend of mine was inexplicably unavailable. I waited, but even a cursory 'are you okay' was not forthcoming. As time passed I ran through a gamut of emotions -- impatience, annoyance, then anger. I was mad but I couldn't bring myself to give up on her. Eventually I ran into her and in a ham-handed way tried to convey how hurt I was. I'd hoped this would incite concern and help clear the air. I thought, maybe, just maybe, she didn't grasp the severity of my need.

    What happened instead was incomprehensible. My 'friend' shrugged and walked away. I see her around, nonchalant, and utterly unaffected by anything that has transpired between us. Effortlessly and unceremoniously, I've been tossed aside. She carries on, unconcerned, like I never existed. I'm bewildered, embarrassed and deflated. I feel expendable and inconsequential. Of course it's not her fault. I am the weapons-grade idiot with misplaced expectations. My bourgeois ideas of 'a friend in need' etc., led me down this path of hurt and humiliation. Thanks to my a**hole ego, I was convinced of my indispensability in her life, and here I am, flat on my face, snorting dirt.

    I'm not sure I've been able to articulate this the way I want to, but that's me right now - sad, mad, hurt and raw. I'm trying to make sense of this but I'm a mess. I go from sobbing in the restroom at work, to chastising myself for inflating my importance in the lives of other people. I wake up feeling like I've been played for a fool, then telling myself I'm too old for this nonsense. Nothing is helping. Perhaps it would be less painful if she were actively trying to hurt me, but I've realized that I don't matter enough. The thought that I'm not even worth an acknowledgment feels like a body blow. I feel robbed of all dignity. I know this is an irrational response; I know I should be able to shrug it off and walk away, but I can't seem to make myself see sense. It's been several weeks. One minute I'm rational and in control, then a blubbering mess the very next minute, wondering how I could have misled myself so. I feel an overwhelming sense of loss, made more acute by the painful awareness that this feeling is entirely one-sided.

    I'm miserable and I'm not handing it well. I need help working through this. I feel silly talking to my husband about it. He sees me walking around with red eyes, sniffling. I keep telling him I have a cold. It is all incredibly stupid. : (

    Those of you with greater wisdom and experience -- How do I rationalize this muddle of feelings bringing me down? How do you handle the knowledge that you are expendable? That you mean nothing to someone who meant a lot. Outright insults are easier to deal with. Indifference stings like a motherf@#$%. : (

    I don't need advice on dealing with my friend. She's made her choice clear and I have to respect it. I want to pick myself up and move on. I need help handling this like a big girl.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2016

  2. Gaiya3

    Gaiya3 Gold IL'ite

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    Hi, been there and have faced it. Yes it hurts to the core and it feels silly that we are expected to act as grown-ups. time heels everything. Family comes first. Friends come and go but it is the family that stays with us through all the rough seas. I focused more on my family took me more than 6 months. This too shall pass. Sorry if this is not what you expected. Take care.
    sindmani, Gauri03 and vaidehi71 like this.
  3. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I've been through this once, and it hurt like hell. Three questions went around in my mind, for ever and ever. DH understood, but beyond a patient ear, couldn't help much. It's been close to 3.5 years and still hurts like hell but less often. I was backing out my car the other day after grocery, my kid said her name, and forgot to include Aunty after her name. I looked out, saw her, she ignored me, and I felt that old familiar pain again, just it was much duller. She's kept in touch to the extent of one congratulations and one condolence in past 3.5 yrs,after we were each other's lifeline and support and more. Well, time has been the famed help it is supposed to be, and it doesn't hurt as bad. I still cherish the good times, and know that what we've shared is cherished by her too, and I can trust her with confidences shared, but on a regular basis the friendship is gone. I know deep down she will be still respond in case of a 911 middle of the night type emergency, but not otherwise.

    Tu nahin, aur sahi, aur nahin, aur sahi. If not you, someone else, if not someone else, then someone else. With every goodbye you learn. More later, for now I'll say - read "After a while" by Veronica Shofstall.

    You lose a little faith in humanity, and become a bit cynical and guarded in friendships. I've come to a point where any friendship, or for that matter, any relationship, other than my immediate family, is essentially dispensable.
    Paripoorna, sindmani, radv and 6 others like this.
  4. magician

    magician Silver IL'ite

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    I will go ahead and ask this.

    Why do you wish to be indispensable to others? Are you hurt by the non-reciprocation of your efforts? Or is it the fact that she doesn't like you anymore?

    I think there's a name for these people: "Fairweather friends".

    One more question: Are you, in any way, an overbearing friend?
    vaidehi71 and Gauri03 like this.
  5. sokanasanah

    sokanasanah IL Hall of Fame

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    Ankita2017, Gauri03 and vaidehi71 like this.
  6. momsky

    momsky Gold IL'ite

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    It's her loss, not yours. I know it is painful, I've been there but if she can't see how good of a friend you are, then you are better off without her. I know I feel better when I say 'good riddance' to my head when I see my old friend.
    sindmani and Gauri03 like this.
  7. vaidehi71

    vaidehi71 IL Hall of Fame

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    I never had close friends in my life. Had just some travellers as friends ( real and virtual) , in my life journey, that is all I would say.

    Had been hurt by a few, but I move on, just that the time will heal the wounds. In the end our life, is how we decide to make it out and for me, my family comes first, than anything else in this world.

    I could feel your feelings, whatever might be, just forget and move on in life. I am just adding this sentence ( quote below), because I had some trouble few months ago and that time Cheeniya Sir, put this quote which incidentally has stuck to my mind forever.

    You are someone special which your family will cherish whatever might be your characteristics. Do not make your family unhappy by showing your feelings. I don't show it to my family at any point of time, be it my health issues or whatsoever.

    I hope you make your family happy.

    Take care,

  8. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Gauri, sorry to hear about what you are going through. If it is any consolation, this is the preliminary step towards "handling such issues like a big girl" and getting over the hurt.

    There is always a first time. Or let me say, the first few times. Initially one is left wondering what went wrong. One smarts from the proverbial 'slap on the face'. It stings. It festers. It hurts like crazy. Over the years, one gradually gets over it - just like getting over the loss of a near and dear one to death. The scar remains for a while. Then it fades over the years or decades.

    I shan't be dishonest. This may not be the first or the last time. There may be many more. How do you deal with it?

    • Shutting out friendships does not serve any purpose nor is it the most sensible solution.

    • Reduce expectations. If one is sure that one is not in the wrong, then don't worry. It is the other person's problem. If you are not sure whether or what you have done wrong, ask - if you feel like asking. If not, leave it. If she comes back and offers a reason, fine, take it from there. If she doesn't, leave it. Again it is her problem. If a friend for whatever reason is unable to fulfil your expectations, never mind. There are many other people who might be able to help.

    • Do not get into any discussion about how hurt you are. It might lead to the opposite result of what you want. Not everyone is capable of handling accusations/discussions ... in whatever vein. It would sound similar if not exactly the same as the mother's letter to her kids. You could just make it known that you don't know what has happened for her to behave this way and you are open to talking about it if she wishes. If she doesn't want to, let go. I am not saying this lady in particular but a general guideline.

    • Detached attachment or attached detachment would be the only solution and can be developed only with persistent practice. Just friendly, warm, affectionate. No expectations. Learning to say 'no' when warranted in the most polite manner. Yes, eventually one might be left with just one or two 'good, reliable' friends, but that is good enough in today's times. Count them to be blessings. But even with those it is good to keep a reasonable detachment.

    Been through many such instances in life Gauri, and this is my way of dealing with such issues with friends as well as relatives. The key is in trying to get as emotionally independent as possible. That will be constant work in progress. Don't know if it would work for you or whether you would want to try, but just thought I would share. Am perfectly happy in my own bubble today. Have a handful of friends whom I found here online and who are really good friends in real life today.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2016
  9. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    So true.
    True again.

    Detachment. What a concept. And we redefine it for today's world...from it's ancient form.
    vaidehi71 and satchitananda like this.
  10. shobhamma

    shobhamma Gold IL'ite

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    My dear
    First of all ACCEPT that ALL of us are "expendable" and always have been. No one is ever indispensable. Even a child whose mother dies at her birth grows to be a happy person.

    So you just have to heal yourself. Like Satchidananda said detachment is best. I know it is easier said than done, but you have made a good start. Vent all you want , get rid of all hurt and finally you will see it was all for the good. I too do not make friends easily and maybe I am myself a not good friend to others as I just cant stand or sympathize with too much emotion. Maybe your friend was like that too?
    sindmani, Gauri03 and vaidehi71 like this.

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