If you would like to see only the messages that were posted since your last visit, click on "New Posts" on the horizotal menu bar on the top of the page. You should be a registered user to be able to use this feature.
how can I see only the thread that i have started? is there a way to get notification whenever there is a new post in my thread? plz answer.
Hello Magicworld there are 2 ways where you can view your thread one you can go to the purple bar above click on quick links and click on the option my threads and you will go to all your threads. Second click on your name and a dialog box appears there you can click on find all threads of magicworld and you will go to all your threads. You want a notification whenever a new post is posted in your thread then you will have to subscribe to that thread and you will get immediate notification through email. These links will help you to know better http://www.indusladies.com/forums/faqs/44814-how-do-i-know-if.html http://www.indusladies.com/forums/faqs/16447-how-can-i-subscribe-thread.html
hi, that was so easy to find ,thanks a lot for ur instructions... makes indusladies more easier for me. thank u again.