How Democrats Take Immigrant Votes For Granted And Vivek Is Changing That. Vivek's Hindu Faith

Discussion in 'News & Politics' started by Thoughtful, Dec 10, 2023.

  1. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Vivek brought this up in the debate and the details is out there for everyone to explore.

    Democrats are really scared of Vivek because he talks things no one else does and it is based on facts. With Trump they could label him as dumb, but people grudgingly admit that Vivek is very smart.

    Republicans who only watch the debate and don't know much about Vivek think he is arrogant. Any republican who has seen and heard Vivek talk outside the debate absolutely loves him ( independent republican media outside of fox rave about Vivek ). They won't vote for him because they are set on Trump but they love him.

    Vivek was unhinged during the 4th republican debate which normally he isn't ( to that extent ). But people are not able to corner him because he doesn't have the normally talking points. He goes after the republicans and democrats alike, he goes after the republic national committee, he goes after the big money people and doesn't talk what the super pacs, big donors want him to say.

    His points are controversial and the reporters think they can get him, but they come back with a bloody nose every time. Fox comes after him, CNN comes after him, the big donors are after him.

    If Trump pulls out or can't run, I have very less doubt that Vivek will be the republican nominee and will go on and win the Presidential election.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2023

  2. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Here Vivek talks about Hinduism to republicans. His son Karthik is adorable and can be seen in family related events.

    chanchitra likes this.

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