How Democratic National Committee Are Bending Rules To Keep Biden In And Rfk Jr Out

Discussion in 'News & Politics' started by Thoughtful, Sep 15, 2023.

  1. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    This is priceless.

    In the last presidential primary 2020 the DNC and Obama's candidate Jo Biden started with losses in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada which were all won by Bernie Sanders. Then came South Caroline where Biden won and with some arm twisting they got rid of Bernie.

    This time around in 2024, to avoid the embarrassment of Biden losing, DNC is changing the Democratic primary order. We start with South Carolina now.

    New Hampshire said to DNC, this is unacceptable. It is in NH state constitution that it should be the first state for voting which has been the case for more than 100 years.

    NH rejected DNC's and have said that they will do it anyway whether DNC likes it or not.

    DNC then threatened the other candidates ( primary targeting RFK Jr ) that if you set foot into NH or Iowa for campaigning, even if you win in those states, all of your delegates will not be counted and will go to Joe Biden instead.

    DNC wants to push RFK Jr out as he will not be their puppet.

    RFK Jr, son of RFK and nephew of JFK who held true democratic beliefs and were assassinated by the CIA.

    Now the list of haters of RFK Jr
    - DNC who will make it impossible to give a fair chance to RFK Jr
    - Republicans and Republican media as he will not be their puppet either ( to be fair, lot of Republicans love RFK Jr and he transcends against partylines )
    - Big pharma and the vaccine industry who stand to lose in billions if RFK Jr becomes the president as he will start pushing back on the industry for their unfair practices ( its not ironic that Big Pharms is a major donar to DNC starting from our dear Obama era )
    - CIA - If RFK Jr becomes president, the details of the JFK, RFK assassinations will be made public. Those who were involved in the CIA and the others are very scared. This information should have been released to the public and both Trump and Biden have not released it. Even, Trump for all his bravado, after knowing what is in these details has kept mum.

    There is still a way and I think DNC is forcing the hand of RFK Jr, which is for him to run independent.

  2. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Missed to mention that RFK Jr haters include CNN MNBC and the other left wing media, the various DNC donors, arm suppliers ( which RFK Jr is going to oppose ) vs Joe Biden who is war monger. Joe Biden and the white house have gone out of the way to block RFK Jr out of the media and that includes social media where a lot of his content has been removed.

    Basically all lobbyists and selfish politicians stand to lose if RFK Jr loses and the people of America will be the only beneficiary. But, who cares about the people right.

    Does the modern world still have room for ideologists like RFK Jr in politics, remains to be seen.

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