Hi in my post under general discussions india / ATM response by thread started gopalan, i have wrongly clubbed my query with the possiblities. i request the moderator or the admin team to kindly delete the point "canara bank tie up with sbi to use the atm". If you are able to delete only that portion, then kindly also delete my subsequent post made today. thank you.
Hi moderator, Whenever i open my profile page, i always see moderaor'ls comment there instead of my details. Is there a way, where the moderator's comment is viewed only by me, since it's a one to one talk between me and the moderator ? Thanking u in advance for y'r kind help in this regard.
Hello Sabari Your profile is in your next tab itself. Sorry dear there is no way to hide the moderator's comment. Nor can it be shifted to the next tab.
Hi Aruna, Thx for y'r response. Then i need another sort of a favour from u. Personally, i don't want the moderator's comment . What sh'd i do to get rid of it? Can i request the moderator to delete my post , in which case even the moderator's comment sh'd get deleted ? will that help or is there any other solution, which i'm ignorant of. Pls guide me.
Hi Sabari Once a moderator comment is been put no one can delete it. Nor can you do anything about it. Why are you desperate about deleting the comment...you just have one. Sorry dear it cannot be done.
Hi, My name is Nandhini....Iam a new member....Can any1 help me how to go about with new Blogs, posts, entries etc..... I wanna post sum entries but am unable to....help? Thanks n regards Nandhini
Hi Nandhini, Welcome ! I see that you have already posted few feedbacks in diff subforum and even here. So, I guess you have no problems about posting . Please go through the forums discussions and start posting in those topics that interests you. To keep track of a particular thread/forum you could subscribe to it. Check the new posts/blogs in the New menu in the purple menu bar in the top of the page. FAQ Index will help you get familiar with the ways in this site, and everything about blogs in Blog FAQs . Do let us know if you have issues in posting anywhere. Bye