If a post doesn't follow the forum etiquette, you can report it to the moderators by clicking on the icon on the top right of every post. Please refer the below image which indicates the "Report Post" icon by a purple arrow. You will be taken to a "Report Post" page with the message box as follows: Enter suitable message in the Message box ( indicated by purple arrow) and click "Send Report" button. Please report unacceptable posts so that our community continues to be clean!
Dear IndusLadies Team, When I click the 'Report post' icon, I get this message: Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Does this mean that the 'Report post' icon cannot be used to report posts (!) that deviate from forum etiquette? Thanks Jyothi
Hi Jyothisri, Of course you can use it to report about those posts that is not in tune with forum etiquettes. Bye
Hello, When I report a post, how do I know that the Moderators have considered it and taken necessary steps? I dont get even a confirmation email. Please help.
Custard, BE rest assured that your reported post goes to the moderator and also the admin. The necessary steps are always taken. if it is just a little editing of the text, it is taken care. if there was a problem with a member, the mods do deal with them through moderator comments. It is not possible to confirm the receipt and action for a report, unless it is very crucial as we get 100's of reports per day.