Signature is a piece of text that would be inserted at the end of all your posts. Signature can be your name or location or occupation or a proverb! If you specify a signature, then the forum will automatically append your signature to any messages you post. In order to add/update your signature, please follow the following steps: 1. Sign-in to your account 2. Click on "User CP" on the horizontal menu bar on the top of the page 3. Click on “Edit Signature” on the left of the page, under “Setting & Options” 4. Update your Signature 5. Save changes You are done! Note: - You can disable signatures on a per-post basis by un-ticking the 'Show Signature' checkbox when you compose your message. - You may turn the signature on and off on posts you have already made by editing the post and altering the state of the 'Show Signature' option. - Self promotion or Advertising is not permitted as part of the forum policy.
Dear Administrator, I tried to edit my signature. But while trying to save same, it says BB code is big....What do I do? Can you please guide what is meant by BB code pl. with regards rathisrini
BBcodes means [i] etc.. they are all BBcodes.. may be you used too many such codes than that are permitted..try to remove few such codes in your signature hope this helps cheers :cheers
Dear Aparajitha I added none of these as mentioned. I wanted only this to be my signature rathisrini Live and Let Live but this did not get added.......... what do I do? Pl help with luv rathisrini
Hello Rathisrini Are you following the steps given in the 1st post. you shouldn't have any problem in adding just this much.
I have been trying to make my 1st post on "who am I"...but not able to get to the page, where i can introduce myself. Can you please help?
my problem is resolved I was dying to add signature but every time a message is shown. Finally I resolved my problem after going through this thread. Thanks.
Thanks and a Query Dear Indus Ladies Team, Thanks once again for the selection. I had to clear a doubt since this is my first stint at Indus Ladies! Kamla had mentioned about some special mention in the signature if your post is selected as the finest. How do you go about doing it? Regards, Shail
Re: Thanks and a Query Hi Shailu , you already know about adding / editing signature You can add the link to your finest post in signature like this : [noparse]finest poster of __________ (month)[/noparse] Edit : example for the required code : [noparse]My finest post : what happens when a religious leader ...[/noparse] please correct me if I am mistaken in understanding your query ...