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Housewarming For New Home In Us

Discussion in 'General Discussions - USA & Canada' started by sanjuruby3, May 24, 2017.

  1. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    We are looking for homes and plan to buy this summer. I am excited and over planning and my H hates me for this. So my question is how did you experienced ladies plan your housewarming? I am curious how indian people do it here in US.

    In India, house warming is different. It is religious ceremony and then food and guests.

    Here, I have not visited many friends for house warming per say. Once a casual dinner as they call it, after 6 - 7 months of moving into new home, they invite set of people( like to show the house) so its like house warming only. So after 6-7 months, they have whole house fully set up with furniture and place to sit for everyone. So I guess people have different gatherings. Once very close, then as time passes & they get settled in new home, more formal people.

    When do you arrange housewarming? Technically it should be soon like 1-2 weeks may be. But then you may not have all furniture or decor in place. Also do you arrange some religious ceremonies here in US like inviting temple priests home.? I am sure they charge fortune. And when you first day enter the house, what ceremonies to perform? Like in India I know, we put oil on corners or make rangolis. Please pour in your xperiences and advise.

  2. BhumiBabe

    BhumiBabe Platinum IL'ite

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    When we bought our house (it was 2 years old), we did the puja with the homam and priest on the auspicious day. We didn't invite any friends, though we had my in-laws and parents in town. The price for the priest was ~$200, and he did an amazing job. I grew up in the US, so I like each part of the procedure to be explained so that we do it with intention, and the priest understood that and educated us. It is additional for all the supplies that you need for the ceremony. Only after the puja, we moved in and slept our first night in the house.

    The housewarming party with friends does not have to be so early, unless you have close friends who are able to give you nice gifts (jk). But seriously, when you don't know people well, they tend to give strange housewarming gifts that you're going to return anyway. I think giving yourself a month to get situated, with furniture, appliances, some decoration, and then having a housewarming party makes a lot more sense.
    sindmani likes this.

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