yes. This is the most welcome bill as per the voice of housewives in india. In india husband is earning. If woman goes for work she has to check for the arrangements of cooking, cleaning and watching over the child if it all works well then only she can work peacefully at office. it is not a easy thing to get a good maid for all this householdwork. hence women ha sto leave the job at the intense pressure of family situations. On the contrary if man goes for job women will take the responsiblity of home. there will be nice peaceful and tensionfree life going at home. but they say it is must for a housewife to do all the duties without any expectations. also according to them a good wife should ask nothing if he wants to give his mother a home, to his brother an education, to his sister a dowry, to his father a relaxed life. Any men can say whether most working women share the responsiblity of her family after married life. aif it is like that then they sure negotiate for marrying her. After all this what is left for housewife after feeding for her own child.she consider the childs future to be brightful and sacrifices everything? As per my view, for a good family 8% of mens's earning is to go for child future eduction 8% of his earning to go for family healthfund 8% for future pension life the above need not be given to wife. since wife is the legal gaurdian for the family she has to given the right to access the fund as and when needed. 40% of his salary to household expenses. can be shared according to the responsiblities. 10% for wife personal expenses 10% for husband personal expenses 10% for house rent. 6% for husband's family expense there is no written law for spending mens salary. but since family is the building block for future india for a prosperous family husband have to spent to it. Any lack of spending in the need is a pressure to the housewife. if you see the practical scenario most of the family is ending with the single child now since because we women has to concern about our future. mostly women desires to have one child. also she is getting pregnant for the second time only to have a male child.we have also seen the past generations. women having male child is now living rich. No women can think to do some welfare for her family and relatives. All emotions finally will have a financial value however it cant be measured. but at least a least amount to be sanctioned.
* One thing I can find from this post is we are living for money not for family leaving all of our happiness aside. * Till today I thouht that couples are giving birth to their son because of love between couples. Now only came to know that its also for money as u mentioned that "women having male child is now living rich". *How do u know the 2nd child is boy or girl as sperm is only responsible for that . Is there any new tech come into existence. * If we men give money for u for the things u r doing, its like women become more or less like a pros....e to men. U r saying Honarium bill, but its really a shame. * Indian government is really a **** government. Instead of passing this rule, If they passes rule for compulsory subjects on human values, Home science, psychology of girls and boys, sex education at schools, it will be really make our younger generation to be successful in family life with love, affection and trust.
See I just fed up with the social system insisting dowry at marriage. We are full of daughters in our family. Our parents have given us good education, done marriage in their cost, jewellery, home furniture, watched us for more than a year for pregnancy time. Still We are not in a position to offer some humble gift to any of our relative marriage as like our husbands. Society is seeing as girls are secondary for their families. Our in laws are the greatest bread winners from their sons. I am also having a son. My thought is not to impose financial burden to him which will be a question mark for further generation. Still my parents save for us for a peace homeshelter for us. I learn from my parents to be self sufficient with what we have. Now i am looking for some revolution which will slowly route out the higher expectation from sons. Also daughters can atleast dont disturb their parents anymore. But anyone will accept that mostly indian bridegroom have commitments that can be meet out from the bride side parents.Also our parents who still thinks do things atmost well for making comfort in ourside lack respect from our in laws who expect to do it more nicely and more. If homemakers have some financial independence, they wont turn to be greedy in future. Even we never regret to pay higher tips for service at restaraunts. But in most of the wedlock at the end of the day homemakers are not honoured upto the level of their hardwork. If you really realize the love , trust, and affection of your partner in the final stage you will really feel that you have not fulfill her expectation. Hence Honorium of 10% is not a big thing to offer for homemakers. It is not a law. You can also educate what you say the psychology of girls to boys and bring out from themselves.
Nullyfying marriage is the solution means what is the solution for dowry system. Death of women for dowry is more here. All working women cant able to provide support to their family. Also women is not enjoying the comfort of going job as like men in a family.if girl is not ready for giving dowry he is not ready for marriage. See I just fed up with the social system insisting dowry at marriage. We are full of daughters in our family. Our parents have given us good education, done marriage in their cost, jewellery, home furniture, watched us for more than a year for pregnancy time. Still We are not in a position to offer some humble gift to any of our relative marriage as like our husbands. Society is seeing as girls are secondary for their families. Our in laws are the greatest bread winners from their sons. I am also having a son. My thought is not to impose financial burden to him which will be a question mark for further generation. Still my parents save for us for a peace homeshelter for us. I learn from my parents to be self sufficient with what we have. Now i am looking for some revolution which will slowly route out the higher expectation from sons. Also daughters can atleast dont disturb their parents anymore. But anyone will accept that mostly indian bridegroom have commitments that can be meet out from the bride side parents.Also our parents who still thinks do things atmost well for making comfort in ourside lack respect from our in laws who expect to do it more nicely and more. If homemakers have some financial independence, they wont turn to be greedy in future. Even we never regret to pay higher tips for service at restaraunts. But in most of the wedlock at the end of the day homemakers are not honoured upto the level of their hardwork. If you really realize the love , trust, and affection of your partner in the final stage you will really feel that you have not fulfill her expectation. Hence Honorium of 10% is not a big thing to offer for homemakers. It is not a law. You can also educate what you say the psychology of girls to boys and bring out from themselves.
Kavi, the intention behind this thought is good. But I don't think it will be practical enough. It will definitely do good to those wives whose husbands are miserly, who have to give complete calculations for every purchase they made. But this bill can also adversely affect the wives whose husbands are not so bad. In most of the households, the standard practice is that husband would bring in a considerable chunk of his salary at the end of the month and hand it over to his wife. After that everything, from paying the bills to shopping for husband's clothes, is decided by the wife only. With the advent of credit and debit cards, this practice has taken back seats. Now-a-days, husbands simply get an add-on of their ATM cards and give it to their wives. These practice is there irrespective of whether they got dowry or not. With your views, such wives will be suddenly restricted to a very small sum for handling the single most important part of everyone's life: the home. Moreover, you really cannot anticipate how people will behave under such restrictions. Give them responsibilities and they will behave responsibly. I give one of my childhood example. We were never given any pocket money by our parents. (The way was, if you want anything, take money from the safe and buy it. Only thing tell the parents that you have done so.) But I had read it so many times in books. So I badgered my parents to give me some pocket money. It was agreed eventually, that me and my bro will be given Rs. 100 every month. My brother spent them instantly and was broken before the week was over. I decided to save it and spent sparingly, so that I could get a nice book for myself. Now see how my parents behaved (intentionally, to teach me a lesson, of course. But its still interesting) Whenever I wanted anything, small or big, they would say, buy it from your pocket money. Pen, pencil, shoe polish, whatever I needed. Within 3 weeks, my money was all spent and I could not get that book. Even when I had my own money, I felt much poorer than before. Why? Because, I didn't anticipate my parents behavior. Do you see how difficult life will be if husbands start to act like that? This is what will happen if the idea presented is implemented.
Yeah what yousay is correct. My father(now retd from govt with higher post in dept.) will take little money for his expenses and give the salary cover to my mother. So only my mother can understand the situation and act accordingly. she made all of us engineers. We all have got professional jobs. Some how we left the job due to family reasons. My married life is very miserable in the first two years where my inlaws aiming at money send my hubby to foreign country. for getting pregnant i took leave and i go there where i got to extend my leave and left my job. however i do all my medical check ups for myself alone when i came here in between. They said if you delay your pregnancy for one year then you have to wait patiently to get conceived.Also i failed to receive physical and financial support from my husband at the time of delivery. Also my elder sister left the job. After having two babies she is expecting for job just to get more financial independence. However my other sister sustain over the job becoz my parents can afford her physical nearance as and when needed for looking after baby. See the inlaws will come to us to enjoy the happiness(when baby born) and they will escape if we expect any physical help from them. Becoz they are inlaws. They has to be treated as landlords. My husband will never even give 10% of his salary for family expense. Getting divorce is not a big deal. it is not the correct solution also. Women who seeks to live along with the husband in this situation faces trouble eachday. Still my inlaws are acting like any thing to get financial support from him. It is not a easy thing to make him understood for him. Even he clearly says he knows them he never say no to their needs. In the contrary he thinks that he will save money from restricting from my side expenses. He give exactly the amount needed for the expense. He will shout more and get tensed very much if iam not fetching good clothing from his money.Eventhough if it is durable and fill my need.He critisize me here and there. Also say you are the loser in the family and your parents spents comparitively low for your education. Go and act clever so that they will give you more. However we are equally professionals. Mostly this will end in break up in relation which me and my parents dont prefer. Some thing should come to execution to change this. Also Patience will also cant do anything before witty inlaws. How ever women without family support from their side how can they manage. I can feel relax becoz of my parents. Mostly I hear these issues in my nearby friends.This has to change.. Men if he took the part of earning then he should give rights to manage the family to his wife. But the society educates him he is the chief in deciding all. He forgets partners role. But these kind of thoughts and speeches will remain abt thier real responsiblities. Hope in future women in this situation recover fast. Thank you for your warm reply.