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Home Remedies

Discussion in 'Body Care' started by sonu_627, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. sonu_627

    sonu_627 Silver IL'ite

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    When one thinks of traditional home remedies one gets a cosy feeling associated with wise grandmothers and simple, natural ingredients. Members of the older generation in <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:place></st1:country-region> relied heavily on Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine.

    1. Fresh ghee applied regularly to eyelids with a clean fingertip is excellent for eyesight.
    2. When ghee is over one-year-old, it is best used externally, such as in massage.
    3. Persons anxious to lose weight can eat rice boiled without salt, sugar or spices. In cases of chronic dysentery or tuberculosis, rice cooked with dal in the form of khichdi is beneficial.
    4. For those with anemia or general weakness, dates with milk and cream at breakfast are very helpful.
    5. For those who feel they are losing stamina, date milk is a tonic.
    6. Stammering will be cured and pronunciation will improve if a piece of bayleaf is kept under the tongue.
    7. To cure pain of the gums and teeth, boil seeds of 1 black cardamom pod in 1 cup of water until the water is reduced to ¼ cup. Use the mixture as a gargle.
    8. A drink made with black cumin seeds, honey and water cures swelling in the uterus.
    9. A paste of fenugreek, chickpea flour, mustard oil and turmeric when applied to the normal skin, makes the skin smooth and shiny.
    10. If a small clove is swallowed as medicine regularly, early in the morning, it gives vitality and virility and rejuvenates the intestines.

  2. sonu_627

    sonu_627 Silver IL'ite

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    Skin care

    Tips for Smooth Skin

    Home beauty recipes and remedies have been around for centuries. Remarkable remedies were discovered purely out of necessity. Over a period of time, many home remedies have proven to be effective and natural, therefore healthy! Making your own beauty products costs a fraction of what you pay for over-the-counter preparations.

    Keep in mind any allergies or sensitivity you may have to some ingredients; such as glycerin, lemons, strawberries, eggs, etc. Check with your doctor or dermatologist if you are not sure you can use certain ingredients.

    Pamper your skin with these face packs:

    1. This is an excellent remedy to get rid of those ugly acne scars. Blend the sandalwood paste and rose water and apply on the scars. Keep it overnight and then wash it off with cold water the next day. This does wonders to your skin!

    2. Lemons also have exfoliating properties: rub half a lemon on your face with a hint of sugar granules to remove dead cells and lighten a tan. You can also rub on hyper-pigmented areas like elbows to lighten them. Mix with a little cucumber juice to make a natural astringent. Condition your hair with the juice of one lemon mixed with a glass of lukewarm water or get rid of dandruff by rubbing your scalp with hot oil and lemon juice.

    Ways to achieve a Smooth Skin

    1. Mash the bananas along with milk and then apply on your face. Wash it off after 20 minutes. This makes the skin smooth and supple.

    2. Blend the egg white and honey well and then apply on the face. This makes your skin smooth and helps to reduce wrinkles.

    3. Blend turmeric powder with milk and apply on the face. It removes the tan and helps to reduce the facial hair. Scrub it off with a good face scrub and then wash with cold water. You can also keep it overnight.

    4. Mix oatmeal along with curds and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. It helps to remove the tan and lightens the skin.

    5. Apply raw sliced potato on the face. Reduces blemishes and other scars.

    6. Cucumber juice is an excellent astringent. Applying cucumber juice on the face tightens the pores. Wash it off after 15 minutes.

    7. Applying turmeric powder along with limejuice removes the tan. Limejuice is a natural bleach.

    8. Dried orange peels mixed with curds help reduce blemishes and scars. Wash it off after 15 minutes with cold water.

    9. Honey makes the skin glow. It makes the skin soft and smooth. Helps reduce wrinkles.

    10. Citrus face packs and sandalwood face packs are excellent for oily skin.

    11. Rubbing ice cubes on the face tightens the pores and increases blood circulation.
  3. AGR

    AGR Bronze IL'ite

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    Re:Face packs with pimples


    Can face packs be applied when you are having pimples?...........

  4. sonu_627

    sonu_627 Silver IL'ite

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    To AGR,

    it depends as if the face pack is oil free then can applied without any problem,but if its oily like honey based or cream based better to wait ur pimple get vanish.

  5. sonu_627

    sonu_627 Silver IL'ite

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    Few from our kitchen!

    Few from our kitchen!

    1. Water melon juice clears the skin of all its blemishes leaving it fresh and lovely. Grate a watermelon, squeeze out the juice and apply it on your face for 15 minutes. Now wash it with hot water and then splash on cold water.

    2. Fenugreek leaves (methi) cure pimples, blackheads, dryness and early appearance of wrinkles. Make a paste of these leaves and apply it every night. Next morning, wash off with warm water. This improves your complexion.

    3. Tea leaves and lemon juice helps prevent hair fall. They also lead to soft and shiny hair. You need to boil the leaves in water and strain out the tea. Add a little lemon juice to this concoction and wash your hair with it. Rinse your hair thoroughly.

    4. Bengal gram flour (besan) mixed with curd can be applied daily on your face and hair! It will not only give you a glowing complexion, but also long and lustrous locks.

    5. Orange juice is great for an instant glow. All you need to do is dip your fingers in the juice and pat your cheeks, chin, neck and forehead. Wash off after ten minutes.
  6. sonu_627

    sonu_627 Silver IL'ite

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    Body Exfoliator!
    Mix a 4th cup Olive Oil to half cup Brown Sugar and add 4 tablespoons grated Lemon zest
    - makes great low cost body exfoliator.


    Tangled Hair Treatment
    Apply five tablespoons of honey on tangled hair.Leave on for five-ten minutes and then, Wash off.

    Oily Hair Remedy
    Regularly wash hair with Multani Mitti. This will not only reduce the oil, but the hair will feel much cleaner and full-bodied as well.Difference can be seen after two-three applications.

    Glowing Skin!
    Take 1/2 tbspn of turmeric powder, 5 tbspns of sandalwood powder, 1 tbspn of almond oil and mix with milk.
    Apply on face, neck and the back. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes and wash off.

    Baby's Dry Hair and Skin Massage
    Most babies need a massage at least every alternate day.
    Massage your little one(s) with a UBTAN (homemade massage pack) made by mixing five tablespoons of Almond paste, three tablespoons of Almond Oil, two tablespoons of fresh Cream and a little Wheat Flour.
    Done regularly, you will notice a difference within a week.

    Healthy Nails
    Rub Lemon halves on your nails everyday if they have changed in color.

    Dark Eye Circles?
    Drink atleast <st1:time minute="50" hour="11" w:st="on">ten to twelve</st1:time> glasses of water everyday.Have a blood test done for your haemoglobin level and check with your doctor for extra vitamins and proper diet routine.

    Banana Hand & Foot Cream
    Dry hands and feet will become smooth and soft overnight if you mix:
    Bananas, Honey, Lemon juice, Natural Margarine
    Smear on hands and wear white gloves to bed. Wash off in the morning.
    For dry feet, smear the mixture on and wear heavy socks to bed, wash off in the morning.

    Tooth Care
    1) Mash some fresh strawberries and use as you would any other "tooth paste"
    2) Using fresh sage leaves, rub over the teeth to clean and whiten.
  7. sonu_627

    sonu_627 Silver IL'ite

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    Try this home remedies!

    Rose petals and water
    Apart from being a flower sought for its fragrance, the most common use of the rose is in rose water. Rose water is most valued for its use in beauty treatments. It is used to soften the complexion and clear the skin.

    Skin softener
    Take six ounces of plain curd, six red rose petals from a fresh rose and two teaspoons of talcum powder. Mix them well and apply to the face and leave on for 10 minutes. If your face tingles, it is the rose petals at work. Rinse off.

    Face pack for normal skin
    Take two tablespoons of fine oatmeal, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of rose water. Blend the oatmeal with the honey and then stir in the rose water. Apply to the face and leave on for 10 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.

    Almond oil
    Almonds have been known for the beauty of their blooms and the potency of their oil, which has been used to arrest ageing, insomnia, impotency and even a hangover.

    Face mask
    Blend two egg yolks, two tablespoons of honey and three drops of almond oil. Pat on and let it dry for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. After washing your face, massage three to five drops of almond oil onto your face.

    Beauty mask
    Mix equal quantities of almond oil and honey and apply on the face. This pack is also good for getting rid of a tan.

    Face cream
    a paste of almond with milk cream and fresh rose buds paste applied daily softens, nourishes and bleaches the skin. Its regular application prevents early appearance of wrinkles, blackheads, dryness of the skin and pimples.

    <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Oranges</st1:City></st1:place> have been used in beauty aids for centuries. In fact, Chinese women have an age-old tradition of using a blend of honey and ground orange seeds to keep their skin blemish-free.
  8. vatsi

    vatsi Bronze IL'ite

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    Tips to remove dark circles

    Tips to remove dark circles

    Dip cotton pads in a mixture of cucumber and potato juice. and keep the cotton pads on your eyelids. After 15 to 20 minutes wash your eyes will cold water.

    To reduce puffiness of your eyes, grate a potato, tie in a cloth and place the cloth over your eyes for about 15 minutes.

    For bright and sparkling eyes ,add a small pinch of salt in water and wash your eyes.

    Crush a cucumber and take the juice. Add a little rose water and apply around the eyes and wash it after 20 minutes.

    Place cotton wool swabs dipped in cold milk on closed eyes for removing dark circles for 10-15 minutes daily before sleeping.

    Crush a cucumber and take out the juice. Add a little rose water and apply around the eyes and wash it after 30 minutes.

    You can also put cucumber slices on youe eye lids for 10 minutes to soothen your eyes.

    Coconut oil massage daily for 5 minutes before sleeping will help will help you a lot in removing your dark circles.

    Slice one small piece of a potato, and cut the slice in half. Put each slice under your eyes and leave them under your eyes for 20 minutes.

    You can place slightly warm tea bags over your eyes 10-15 minutes to lessen dark circles.
  9. sonu_627

    sonu_627 Silver IL'ite

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    De-Puffing of Eyes

    De-Puffing of Eyes

    This is one of the most common beauty problems. These ideas can help:

    • Gently tap your skin with your ring finger when you're applying eye cream to encourage the excess fluid to drain away.
    • Store creams in the refrigerator, as the coldness will also help reduce puffiness.
    • Take a couple of slices of cucumber (or strips of grated potato) and rest them on your eyes for 20 minutes.
    • Rest for about 15 minutes with two damp tea bags over your eyes; tea bags are said to help fade under-eye bags because they contain tannin and polyphenols which have an astringent effect.
    • Fill a small bowl with iced water or ice-cold milk. Soak a cotton wool (cotton ball) pad with the liquid and lie down with the dampened pads over your eyes. Replace the pads as soon as they become warm. Continue for 15 minutes. As well as reducing puffiness, this treatment will brighten the whites of your eyes.
    • Soak two cotton wool wedges (cotton balls) in chilled rosewater, squeeze out the excess and rest them on your eyes for 20 minutes.
    • Leave a teaspoon in the fridge for an hour or overnight, remove it and place the bulb of the spoon over your eye, first making sure it is not too cold or freezing, as this may damage your skin.
    Tip:Try placing cucumber slices over the eyelids - they are a natural aid for puffy eyes.

    Tip: Cotton wool pads (cotton balls) soaked in rosewater and put over the eyelids soothe tired eyes.
  10. sonu_627

    sonu_627 Silver IL'ite

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    skin care

    Skin Care

    It's hot, hot, hot. But you still want to look your very best, don't you? Here's help.use natural home remedies to help your skin when its humid and hot.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Cleanse skin often

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Use this exfoliating scrub three times a week

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Mix together multani mitti (fuller's earth), channa ka atta (gram flour) and sandalwood powder in equal quantities. Store in an air tight container. Use a teaspoon of this scrub mixed to a paste with water. This rids the skin of flakes and dirt.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Use seasonal fruits as facial masks because they are economical and highly moisturising. Always crush the pulp or squeeze in a blender and apply as quickly as possible before vitamins lose their potency.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Grapes are abundant in sugar, vitamins and mineral salts. Use on wrinkles around eyes and mouth. It moisturizes, detoxifies and nourishes the skin.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Papayas are useful on blackheads and blotchy or sallow skin.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Cucumber is cooling and improves a dull and greasy complexion.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Mix the juice of one small cucumber with one teaspoon of rose water.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Make refreshing eye pads from thick slices of cucumber or cotton pads soaked in milk (iced).

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Watermelon juice applied to the face and neck freshens up the skin.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Coconut water rubbed on the skin not only lightens and brightens the skin but also gets rid of heat rash. All these lotions should be left on the skin for 15 minutes and then rinsed off with cool water.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Drink a lot of water to replace the liquid lost through perspiration. It is important to nourish the skin from within.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->To relieve itchy, reddened eyes, use chilled raw potato slices. Place over eyelids and rest for 10 minutes.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->A drop of rose water in each eye at bedtime also brightens the eyes.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->You could add this to your bath and feel a lot more comfortable in the summer Add a cup of buttermilk (lassie) to your bath to tighten pores.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Nourish and soothe skin with this bath formula.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Mix 2 teaspoons salt, 1 1/2 teaspoons almond oil and 1/2 teaspoon malt vinegar and apply to the body before a bath.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Rub the back of your neck and hairline with cologne fresh from the refrigerator.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->To avoid heat rash, remove your sweaty clothes and jump right into the shower. You can relieve the itchiness of heat rash by applying a cooling cornstarch and water.

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->·[font=&quot] [/font]<!--[endif]-->Compress 1/2 cup cornstarch to one pint water.

    If you have over exercised yourself or over-exerted and are perspiring a lot, you should drink liquid preparations that contain combinations of water, sugar, salt and potassium which are depleted by the body.

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