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Home remedies for asthma

Discussion in 'Nature Cure' started by kanaka Raghavan, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. kanaka Raghavan

    kanaka Raghavan IL Hall of Fame

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    I saw some home remedies for asthma on TV the other day.They are as follows.
    1.Have jeera water regularly.
    2.Roast and powder ajwain seeds.Mix this powder with cooked rice .One mouthful would.This can be taken twice a day for 3 days a week.
    Always change the pillows and bedsheets once in 3 days.
    Vacuum your curtains and carpets regularly.

  2. arch174

    arch174 Senior IL'ite

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    HI asthma sufferers,
    Sum few yrs back I was one of u ..this is wot helped me..
    I used to have 2 times a day milk diluted with ginger water..
    ginger ..say 2 inches I boiled with 200 ml water till abt 1/2...use this water with equal milk..have twice a day for 2-3 mths..
    My asthma was gone poof...

    pl send FB
  3. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    Thats a wonderful idea........................ I have many asthma patients around me............... I will share thiss with them.............. May god bless you for sharing such a valuable remedy.................. All my friends and few of my relatives too are going around with inhalers costing up to Rs. 2500/- per inhaler...............
  4. Kurunji

    Kurunji New IL'ite

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    Asthma runs in my family ..... :icon_frown: My grand uncle used to consume 'chukku thanni' daily, instead of regular water. Just boil the day's needed amount of water , add some pounded pieces of chukku [ dried ginger] and let it come to room temp. Then consume throughout the day ......

    Also, 4 - 5 dates consumed on empty stomach with a cup of warm water, daily will provide very good relief ; can actually feel the relaxation of the bronchial passage . I tried this remedy when I couldn't find chukku here initially .

    Also there is a herbal remedy called as 'neer kovai' in naatu marandhu shops .. we got the tablet form [ siddha medicine]. Just dissolve a few tablets in water, and apply on chest area , regularly ----- excellent results. I use it for my son also [as it is extremely safe ], when he gets these horrible coughing bouts at night esp.

    Good health to all.
  5. pbindu

    pbindu Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Arch,

    Thanks a lot for the info.

    My husband keeps on talking rotocaps and I dont feel its good. Will definitely try this out.

  6. samba

    samba Bronze IL'ite

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    I had been suffering with asthma for the past 15 years.Will try these remedies for sure........Thanx for posting:bowdown
  7. jayanthisuresh

    jayanthisuresh Gold IL'ite

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    thanks for posting a useful thing
    i will try it out
  8. vimala1957

    vimala1957 Bronze IL'ite

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    thanks for sharing the remidies.
  9. nativehealth

    nativehealth New IL'ite

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    The patient should perspire through steam bath, hot footbath, hot hipbath and sunbath as this will stimulate the skin and relieve congested lungs.

    Honey is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of asthma. At the time of asthma attack a jug full of honey should be placed under the nose of patient, within few minutes the patient would start breathing easily. One can also mix 1 teaspoon honey in a glass of water and have it 3 times a day. This is very good home remedy for asthma.

    The patient should be given garlic cloves boiled in thirty grams of milk daily. Good Home Remedy for asthma.

    Steaming ginger tea with minced garlic cloves should be given twice a day (morning and evening). This asthma remedy is good natural remedy for asthma.

    A teaspoonful of turmeric powder with a glass of milk 2-3 times a day is recommended. It is highly beneficial when taken empty stomach. This remedy is also considered as good home remedies for asthma.

    During the attack mustard oil mixed with little camphor should be massaged over the back of the chest. Effective Home Remedy for asthma

    The patient should also be made to inhale steam from boiling water mixed with ajwain (caraway seeds). This is one of the simplest asthma treatment.

    Blend radish, honey and lemon juice together in a blender. Mix for 20 minutes and cook in small pan on less heat. Take one teaspoon of it in the morning daily. This is good asthma remedy.

    Take cup of hot water and put half a teaspoon of licorice root tea in it, then wait for 10 minutes, strain and drink. This remedy is one of the best home remedies for asthma.

    Another asthma treatment is air, sun and water are also great healing agents. The patient should sit in fresh air for sometime daily. Try to avoid dusty places, exposure to cold, mental worries and tensions.

    Boil 4-5 cloves in 125 ml of water. Add one teaspoonful of honey and drink the mixture twice or thrice a day. This is a good home remedy for asthma.

    1-2 teaspoonfuls of Spiegel seed with warm water twice a day helps in minimizing asthma attacks and this is considered as effective asthma remedy.

    Soak dry grapes in water at night and keep in cold milk for half an hour and chew them. Good Home Remedy for asthma.

    Take fresh dry grapes with seeds and soak them in 150 grams of water at night. Remove the seeds in the morning and chew them slowly, one by one. In the remaining water add a little sugar and drink it. In a month the lungs will be strengthened and poisonous wastes will be removed from the body.

    Mix one gram of dry ginger powder and one gram of black pepper in one teaspoon of molasses of honey. This remedy is also considered as one of the effective and simple home remedies for asthma.

    Useful diet for asthma is to take grind kheel of borax (heat borax in an iron vessel so that it spreads and store in a bottle) and dilute it. Take half gram to one gram of it twice or thrice with honey or warm water.

    Boil one teaspoon of pure honey, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, half a cup of milk, and some garlic clove. Drink everyday this boil mixture as this is effective natural remedy for asthma.

    Boil some fenugreek seeds in 250 ml of water; remove from flame when one-third of it is left. Add one teaspoonful of ginger juice and one teaspoonful of honey. It is highly beneficial for the asthma patients.

    Turmeric can be taken along with honey in the morning on empty stomach to reduce the intensity of attack and is one of the most useful natural remedy for asthma.

    Regular chewing of fennel helps expel infected mucous from the chest. Thus, helps in preventing asthma attacks.

    Peel dry pomegranate and keep them in a jar. Boil two raisins and some part of the peel in 250 ml of milk. Drink this milk twice a day. This is one of the good asthma remedies.

    Boil 20 grams of linseed in 300 grams of water. When one-third of water is left, sieve and add 10 grams of sugar candy. Drink one teaspoonful many times in an hour. This will help in the excretion of mucous that has dried up in the chest. This is also good home remedy for asthma.
  10. umathiru

    umathiru Silver IL'ite

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    wow so many types of home remedies...for asthma..thks a lot.

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