Dear Friends I have a 3 yr old daughter, very intelligent bright. she picks up words, especially unwanted ones, very fast and started using them. pls help me how correct this. regards uma
hi, Uma Dear Uma, Pls check the site You can write to him and he will get back to you. I had severe probs with two very domineering women in my family-one old, the other young. I followed Dr Phils advice and now live without their interference. It is sad that children pick up bad along with good. One obvious tip might be to eliminate the sources from where she hears these words. Good luck! Love to yr lil girl. rgds Vidya
thank you Dear Vidya Thank you so much for yr reply, I'll visit the site and get back to u regards uma
Dear Vidya I dont know how to thank u for suggesting a very good useful site to me. I just visitied the site and many tips are really useful. Thank u so much once again Love uma
Here are few suggestions don't use these words in front of her but most importantly you have to tell her that these are bad words and we don't use them in your house. You have to teach her right from wrong right from the starting as you won't be there with her at every step of her life. If you keep telling her not to use those words then sooner or later she will get it.