Help! Life in India

Discussion in 'Return to India' started by coolcool, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. coolcool

    coolcool New IL'ite

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    we are planning to come back to India and settle there. Not yet decided yet.
    My mental pressure is about living life there.
    I have to live with my MIL.

    Hi indus ladies, I will be more happy if anyone of you who returned from USA and settled in India says their REAL experience.
    I am happy that I can meet my mom, dad, brother and sister.(eventhoug not the same city)

    I think that I will loose my whole privacy. Here in USA, I get up late, eat bread in the morning, cook for afternoon-whatever i like, browse (sometime while brushing my teeth), browse over net even before starting my cooking, weekend shopping-buy whatever i want, weekend roam and have food in the hotel.

    I am afraid that I am going to loose all these.
    Since MIL is with me,
    --I cannot freely talk with my mom or friends over phone.
    --I cannot freely talk with my hubby
    --MIL follows more formalities, so my mom&dad will suffer
    for day-to-day life,
    --I should get up early and cook tiffin,
    --cannot touch the computer (since I have kid, after cooking I have to take care of him)
    --I have to get menu from my MIL after afternoon lunch
    --shopping - MIL comes with me always and if I buy some stuffs little costly, she commends and sometimes she asks to buy for our sister-in-laws - so I have to think a lot before buying anything
    --I love to roam with my hubby and kid, but MIL always aks me to stay @ home.
    -- I can eat what my MIL says (she comments me that I am eating more) ((I look thin)
    Am I over imagining?
    I am afraid all these because when she stayed with us in US she did all these.
    Moreover huband - I am not feeling free to move with him when my MIL is there. I have to be more careful in handling words.

    Or, should I think like, It is time to change myself. Most of the indian women who settled in India are like this only. I am lucky that I am enjoying USA life.
    Oh... I am toooo confused... Can anyone help me.
    I cannot even ask his friends wifes who settled in India since they cannot say it open.

    PPLllllllllllease help me.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2007
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  2. krishnaamma

    krishnaamma Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Cool Cool,

    Be cool. :) It will happen to all the ladies one day or other. You are thinking too much and making you self tensed, I think. Be cool, and handle things. Even she that is your MIL would have started thinking about you and your habits which she saw in US. I think she will adjust to some extent.

    Dont worry! Pray God!! All the best!!:yes:
  3. coolcool

    coolcool New IL'ite

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    Hi Krishnaamma, thank u for your reply.
    I am not thinking abt retun to India Now. Anyway I have to face that, I am ready to face anything. I am happy that atleast I got some years to enjoy with my hubby. Thank God for giving me such a good opportunity. I am preparing myself to back to India. Now-a-days, I am getting up early and preparing tiffin (idly, dosa etc). I am just thinking abt the browising... I am not able to control that. I can say, I am addicted to browsing. :)

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