Hello September 2008 mommies

Discussion in 'Due Date Clubs' started by padmavathy, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. hemsat

    hemsat New IL'ite

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    Hi ladies,

    How have you all been doing? I went for my monthly checkup last week and went fine. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again and was very exciting.My blood was drawn to check for down syndrome or spinal bifida or other complications in the baby.The results were normal.Last night I had a terrible bout of abdominal cramping lasting for nearly 30-40 min. I also had dull backache and cramping and pain subsided after sometime and was able to sleep well though I had slight heaviness in my lower abdomen. In the morning today, after having breakfast I am pretty ok now. I am wondering if it is normal due to stretching of uterus, or due to gas or something.I had no bleeding or any other symptoms in my 18 weeks of pregnancy so far. I was so scared last night. How to increase water intake? I don't seem to enjoy drinking water after I got pregnant but somehow struggling to drink it to prevent dehydration.I don't even seem to get satisfied after drinking water..drinking juices or having fruits makes me happier.Trying to lot of water in gulps is making me nauseous so drinking in small quantities. Is anyone experiencing the same? Someone tell me if it is normal?
  2. Happysoul1234

    Happysoul1234 Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Hemsat,

    Your experiece sounds pretty normal to me. It was probably gas, uterine expansion or the baby pressing on some nerves. Did you do something exhausing the day before?
    In my 18th week, I took a long hike with my friends and that night I too had a bout of severe cramping while sleeping on my left side which subsided when I shifted to sleeping on my right side. Since I did not have any bleeding, I took it lightly and had an ultrasound a few days later and everything was normal.

    If you have a hevay feeling in the abdomen, try sitting on the loo for a few minutes to expel gas. This always works in relieving pain for me.

    I have always been a good water drinker except during my 1st trimester when I could not stand the taste of water. I used to mix some lemon juice or orange juice to make it palatable. I also started drinking lots of coconut water.

    You should drink atleast 8-10 glasses of liquids per day to make sure your amniotic fluid is enough to sustain the baby, to keep blood pressure low and to prevent dehydration for yourself.

    If you don't like plain water, try flavoring it with some lemon juice, orange juice or any other juice. My hubby just brought back haldiram panna paste for me from India and I really like it! Don't overdo on the juice as it can affect your blood sugars. Try coconut water also. Fruits such as watermelon are also an excellent source of liquids. You can try making fruit shakes / smoothies with fruit and/or milk to get in your 8-10 glasses of liquids per day.

    Wish you a happy, healthy and safe pregnancy!


  3. hemsat

    hemsat New IL'ite

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    Hi Pooja,

    Congratulations to you!!
    Thanks a lot for your comforting reply. Really felt someone very close was talking to me!! As you had mentioned, it was indeed due to gas and I did have an exhausting day. I was not too much worried because I had no bleeding and now pretty normal as usual. The heaviness is also gone. I somehow drank lots of water and also drinking orange juice.
    Last time when I went to the doctor at 16 weeks they asked me if I could feel any movement of the baby and said it was probably a bit early to ask. I told them that so far I did not feel anything but wondering how would it be like to get the first kick from my babyBig Laugh! Has anyone experienced any kicks from your baby? Please share those wonderful moments.
  4. Happysoul1234

    Happysoul1234 Gold IL'ite

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    Glad you are feeling better Hemsat!

    Per my doc, most first time moms do not feel babies movements until 22nd week. Also, depends on the position of the placenta, which may be cushioning the movements to the outside world.

    I *thought* I felt flutters around the 17th week but it could have been gas. Now in my 20th week, I definitely feel something moving around in there. It feels like someone is tickling me from inside and I invariably end up laughing :)

    One of my friends who had her baby last year told me to drink something sweet to get the baby kicking and I think it works :) so you can try that out.
  5. radhee

    radhee Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Hemsat,

    How are u doing now? Hope your cramps have gone away completely. I am not sure what could have caused them. anyway, good that you are fine now.

    so you are 16 weeks completed? when is your EDD? Mine is Sep 23. I do feel some flutters at times, but I am not sure if it is gas or if they are baby movements..So i am also waiting to feel the movements. Last week, I had to take another scan and the baby was doing good. It was so active moving its arms and legs. It was really nice to see the little one. Fine then, take care.

    Hi Padma,
    How have you been doing? Has your morning sickness subsided? I am feeling better now.

    Hi priyasuchindra,
    Welcome to the group. I think you will deliver ahead of all of us as your EDD is first week of Sept. How have you been doing? Is your anomaly scan over?

    Hi pmahensa,
    How have you been doing? Are you also a september mommy? Is your anomaly scan over?

  6. hemsat

    hemsat New IL'ite

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    Hi radhee,

    Glad to hear from you.My EDD is 19th September.I am now 18 weeks pregnant and sailing through dreaming all day. I am fine now and trying to be careful and drinking lots of fluids. But I think pregnancy is full of uncertainties which is what makes it thrilling.
    how are others doing?
    Hey padmavathy, how r u doing? Long time we heard from you.
    Hi Pooja, I will definitely drink something sweet when I go for my ultrasound scan in a couple of weeks.Even a couple of my friends suggested that it will make the baby active. Wow, it's so exciting to think of hospital visits these days!!
    Friends, me and my hubby are still wondering whether to look for the baby sex or have it as a surprise. We have not yet decided. Back home, everybody is very curious to know the baby sex. We think if we know we got tell everyone who asks for it or not know at all.
    Ladies, anybody guessing your baby sex? Have you decided to look out or keep it as a surprise? I just can't wait to hear from you.
  7. padmavathy

    padmavathy New IL'ite

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    Hi Mommies..,

    It was so nice to see our club getting very active.,
    I had some slight fever and cold due to the pollens or something., so cudn catch up with u all..,

    I had My 5 onth ultrasound and it went very well and things are gud.,
    Guess what?
    I am having a Baby girl., really got so excited on hearing this.., was thinking of so many names from then..,
    My grandmom passed away last year sep 2nd and my due date is also sep 2nd.., I was thinking that my grandmom is going to come back to me., That feeling makes me really very happy and excited..,

    Do let us know abt all ur babies in coming weeks to come..,
    Have a great week ahead.,
  8. hemsat

    hemsat New IL'ite

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    Hi Padma,

    This is great news!! This is truly a late reply with the latest news!!! Great going!! :clapI am so happy for you! Were you guessing it would be a girl? Did any of the old wives tales regarding baby sex proved correct in your case?
    I hope you are feeling energetic these days and take care of your health. Have good diet and sleep and be happy.
  9. radhee

    radhee Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Padma...Gr8 news! Even i am longing to have a baby girl...mmh lets see!

    Hemsat...I would be happy to know the gender of the baby in advance, but my hubby prefers to keep it as a last-minute surprise..But again, it is illegal in India to ask for the sex of the baby. I heard the doctors will not reveal it too...I think in my 5th month scan, If they show me the pictures properly, let me see if I can try to make out! The reason for wanting to know is, I really want to have a girl. But in case if it turns out to be a boy, then I should prepare myself mentally na..

  10. Raji09

    Raji09 New IL'ite

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    Hi friends,

    I have my due date around the same September last week.

    I have a question. Sometimes, due to my job and work at home I lift weights. Sometimes people around help, otherwise I have to do alone. What is the limit of kgs/pounds to lift.

    Also, I walk very speed (before pregnancy) and get up fast. I heard people saying pregnant ladies should walk slowly and get up slowly. Please advise.

    Because of the job tensions I am worried a lot. Can anybody tell me how to calm myself (pooja or mantra for successful pregnancy).


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