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Healthy Beauties -- Do Not Miss!!!!!

Discussion in 'Clothing & Apparels' started by vidyasarada, Dec 19, 2006.

  1. vidyasarada

    vidyasarada Senior IL'ite

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    Hi all'
    Todays newspapers carried a lot of news items that were worthy of cheering. Team India won in SA, Big Brother US signed the Nuke Deal , Jassica got Justice etc. etc.
    Buried in that bag of goodies, was a small news item that really made my day - The Italian Govt. is moving a proposal to ban anorexic models from all fashion shows and bill boards . It has also reprimanded all fashion designers for promoting an unrealistic and emaciated image as the epitome of female beauty and for putting the health of whole generations of blindly aping women at risk. Now this news is melodious music to the ears of despairing mothers like me, with misguided teenaged daughters .
    Feeding a child is a problem not just for young mothers with toddlers. Mothers like me too have had to go through daily battles of the same kind. But growing girls adamantly persue a starvation diet in order to look like some bag of bones they call a supermodel.They are under all sorts of pressure: Peer pressure, Mall pressure,blood pressure. And Father would wring his hand crying : of what use is my earning all that money, this girl looks like she's facing a famine ( of course, the fashionably torn jeans may also add to the picture) . And Grandma growls on the sidelines: How will this girl bear children later in life ? Mealtime becomes a soap -opera !
    Now, thankfully, its curtain on all that drama. Because, what happens in Milan ( one of the three Fashion Capitals of the world) today, will happen in our Desi metros tomorrow. Perhaps good sense will prevail after all and we will see peaches and cream not only on our girls dressing table, but also on their dinnerplate.


  2. knbg

    knbg Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Vidyasarada,
    A nice write up and good news.
    Though things are fine now,still the craze for size zero is there.
    But, we love seeing chubby models too, I remember a cute,chubby model, posing for a pimple cream,who coolly says "No problem" when her friends alert her not to eat more .
  3. vidukarth

    vidukarth Platinum IL'ite

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    hmm.. i remember that ad too, but forgot, can u give the name of the ad and the model..


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