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Have Our Gods Failed Us?

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by HariLakhera, May 10, 2020.

  1. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Have our Gods failed us?

    "Will God survive science? All the gods of our past have fallen. So the question now is: Are we naive to think the gods of today won't suffer the same fate."

    Dan Brown

    (Author of The Da Vinci Code and other philosophical-religious thrillers.)

    I will not use falling as Dan did but failing is what I think is closer. The theory of evolution has contradicted the story of Adam and Eve. Old testaments are becoming venerable.

    Well, nice people do not ask questions. And I am a nice man, I think so. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam share a gospel but Hinduism, I grew up with is so different, a religion of many gods. But questions have to be asked, will be asked.

    But when it is said God is one, I am inclined to think that He is failing, if not failed already, in protecting His children irrespective of caste, creed or color.

    Dan is optimistic in saying that "we have plenty of technologies we could use to destroy the planet but we don't. There are more love and creativity on this planet than hate destructive power".

    Race, religion, and politics are giving birth to terrorism and He is meekly watching. North Korea is up in arms, sorry, nuclear arms. People are killing each other. And He is watching!

    To add to human miseries there are floods, hurricanes, earth quacks, hunger and fires that kill mercilessly. He is watching!

    And now here is another and more destructive pandemic named Covid-19! He is watching!
    Thyagarajan likes this.

  2. kaluputti

    kaluputti Platinum IL'ite

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    Standing under a wish fullfilling tree...so goes a popular story...finally when the man feared thinking 'what if a tiger appeared suddenly from somewhere and devour me'...and 'bang' there appeared a tiger and devoured him. Hinduism says that gods are together wish fullfilling tree....Gods failing? No they are assisting the scientists prepare vaccine, find medicines, makes the governments take steps to contain the spread, and it is endless.A film or story will be interesting only if it has a villain to plot against the hero, dont forget his kidnapping the heroine to give a chance for the hero to prove his bravery and trustworthiness..etc.,etc.So gods provide us with villains and triggers the hero(s) to counter it.And who do you think makes the people with tech not to destroy the planet, it is gods themselves..no way they can live without having fun with this universe. So we need not worry, it always pass with gods, since it has been a perfect team work....no failing during covid-19...:beer-toast1:...
  3. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    When good things are happening to us we want to take credit for the same and God is not made a party to it.But whenever something bad happens, we tend to blame God and say he has failed.In the natural view of things balancing is a must and that is what seems to happen now.
    God never participates in evil things. He is a silent witness to many things which makes us think that He is failing.
  4. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    I am sure it will happen and His will will prevail. These are testing times and He is testing our power of tolerance and getting out of this pandemic.
    Till such time, we can keep saying OMG!!!!
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  5. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Very few remember God and thank Him when all is well. It is only when something goes out of control, we go to Him. It happened with Mother earth many a times. When Pap (sin) engulfs the earth and it is no more in a position to bear the load, it has to report in the court of Lord Brahma and get an assurance from him that Lord Vishnu will appear in some form to help her.
    In this case we can say He will appear as a Vaccine for Covid-19, so would say the Faithfuls.
    Till such time, pay the price of our past Karma.
    deeparull and Thyagarajan like this.
  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Hari Sir,

    God wanted to feel the love and therefore, he replicated one into many. We are all part of the whole. I read a book written by Rev Berg, Kabbalah preacher of ancient spiritual wisdom. The book's name is "Nano Technology: Mind over the matter". He explained in that book, when God separated Himself, he created lives that would function independently to receive His grace. But the lives had the same quality as God and refused to receive grace and loved everyone including God. Therefore, He added selflessness and selfishness to the lives so that one part will receive His grace and give it away to other lives and one would receive His grace and retain. Even though it is directly not referred to in the book, I consider them as Satvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic qualities mentioned in the Hindu scriptures. We can consider Proton, Neutron, and Electron in each atom as these three intelligent elements of God.

    Now let us get back to your point of whether God is failing or not. When the whole universe is created with lives, He gave the consciousness that binds to the God's will and free will that functions independently in every life. God designed the universe to be the cause and effect of the actions of lives. Therefore, if our collective consciousness binds to the God, the world will be peaceful. Even if our collective consciousness is operating with free will, if it promotes the well-being of all the lives selflessly, the world will be peaceful. However, if our collective consciousness is operating with free will only under the premises of selfishness, the world suffers.

    The collective consciousness of the world based on measurement carried out by Dr. David Hawkins is below 200 on a scale of 1000. If it crosses the limit of 500, it would enter into the territory of love, 540 will enter into joy, and 700 will enter into enlightenment. This 200 measure is after taking into account of many spiritual leaders constantly keeping their consciousness high in many regions including the Himalayas.

    Lastly, I remember a funny story of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva having a discussion as to where to keep the consciousness of humans so that it will be found only with sincere effort. Brahma suggested that it should be kept on the ocean floor so that no one can access it. However, the other two objected that man will reach the ocean floor. Another one suggested keeping it in the space but again there was objection stating that man will reach the space as well. Finally, they all agreed to keep the consciousness inside of each man so that he would only find it if a man does self-analysis and purify himself before reaching his consciousness.
  7. sarvantaryamini

    sarvantaryamini Gold IL'ite

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  8. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Shri Viswa,
    At the outset, I must admit that I do not have the ability to analyse scriptures in depth as you do and at times I envy that too!!!! The last para explains everything about consciousness which has been told in many words.
    Now coming to the God failing. God created the universe with lives and that includes every life which again includes the virus or bug or living being one of which we have named Covid-19. In fact He is creating new lives perpetually and destroying some in the same manner. That is why we find sme of the species are no more visible or may be they are taking new birth in new form. This may not be happening to humans because they are the ones taking birth as different living beings depending on their Karma. We have been told that we live among viruses and once we get used to them and they get used to us, coexistence happens. As God is in perpetual act of creating, the new creation needs to get adjusted and get accepted. In the process many get killed. Why would this happen? Why would He do this? Does He enjoy it? Is He really helpless after creating the monster, what is called Frankenstein?
    A common man either leaves it to his fate or starts questioning His God, like the Hero in films does.
    One answer could be that we have played with his creation and must be punished for our misdeeds in form of tsunami, floods, earthquakes and pandemic. Another could be that all these were there even before humans started learning to live and survive. No one created the universe, it was there and it evolved and keeps on evolving.
    Again my rambling is more of an enquiry than questioning the God because I am a believer though I do not have answers for many doubts.
    Thyagarajan, Viswamitra and kaluputti like this.
  9. kaluputti

    kaluputti Platinum IL'ite

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    All these were systematically explained in our scriptures in a manner that is easy to understand, all too simple and plain, when explained by a proper teacher. Such teachers those days were living far away in forests and mountains so people who wanted to know the truth had to go to them. Also scriptures were meant for only a serious seeker of truth but now such good teachers are reachable thanks to the internet, media available now.
    Only now consciousness has been taken for study by western scientists.

    And about the story of the trio of brahma etc., I read something funny that man's mind is wired to be outward bound and so the only place for the pure consciousness is inside of him .when he has exhausted all his desires and questions about himself and the purpose of the life, universe etc., he will naturally turn inward and find his true self, in your words consciousness.
  10. kaluputti

    kaluputti Platinum IL'ite

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    I keep telling myself that if the virus is a living being and if we believe in god's presence in everything, god should be in the virus too...so why fear...let us take all precautions to keep it at bay, since we dont like to be ill and uncomfortable. Not that we may die, since that is inevitable and it will happen only when it happens, so what?

    When you can understand that individual consciousness, part of the super consciousness is inside man, you dont need to analyse scriptures..remember my mentioning here or somewhere that studying Mandukya upanishad alone explains ,not through results after death, (adhrishta phalam), but through our very own experiences of waking, dreamnig and deep sleep state each day.

    (Rama and Hanuman of the Hindu Epic Ramayana, in Muktika Upanishad, discuss moksha (freedom, liberation, deliverance). Rama, therein, recommends Mandukya as first among 108 Upanishads, as follows,

    "The Mandukya alone is sufficient
    for the deliverance of the aspirant") ...that is if we want to know about our 'why's and 'how's...!

    If you have the time and mood you can listen to explanations of some good teachers who abound these days, from the internet.It is a very short one, It says that as we dream we see and experience so many things, so the very universe is the dream of the collective consciousness which according to scriptures can be called god.
    HariLakhera and Viswamitra like this.

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