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Has INdia really changed and become so mordern?

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by anika987, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. anika987

    anika987 Finest Post Winner

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    Read Anika's post and how her friends were rude about Usa..

    iam am very curious...few questions ...

    1) finally do we have best of both the world's there?
    2) is life as people say a replica of usa?
    3) is it time to finally pack our bags and go home? Why stay in usa when we
    Can get everything there plus family plus function festivals?
    4) if India has changed so much in 20 years,sure it will be so good in next 20 years?
    What are we waiting for..

    my main reason is we have lot of loans to pay back other than that pollution corruption
    gossip etc etc were my reasons.if nothing of those do not exist anymore as people say
    once loans are paid should go back.

    what is your reason?
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014

  2. Weasly

    Weasly Gold IL'ite

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    My reasons to stay :
    1. Loans to pay
    2. Not a male dominated society!
    3. Distance from inlaws!
    4. Dh is open, holds my hand in public, feels free to gv me peck on my cheek wnevr he feels like (yes, its imp for me gigglingsmiley)
    5. I can pray n celebrate festival acc to my convinience n not like my mil where she has 500 rules how to light a diya!
    6. Now tht im no longer at home, dh shares almost 50% of the household responsibilities, which i know fr sure wudnt be psbl in india, (longer hours at wrk in indis, ppl dnt like whn husband helps out at home!)
    7. Politics at wrk is a lot less
    8. Flexibility at wrk
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  3. Aria

    Aria New IL'ite

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    Blue, Green, Red, Purple, Black what ever passport I can't rote another alphanumeric combination to fill in forms. With great difficulty I memorized the number of my current passport (after relinquishing Indian citizenship).

    No reflective, patriotic, philosophical , comparative reasons other than that.
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  4. Aria

    Aria New IL'ite

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    I've often seen people talking about flexibility of work , surprised that no one talks of quality of work or is it very provincial to my field that nothing leaves the country that is core of the system, only the giblets are outsourced. I've worked across lot of firms and not a single firm I was associated ever outsourced a project that was too important in terms of functionality and delivery for the firm. All the biggies IT, Networking and Tech firms in India that boast sales and revenues in India the multi-million dollar American , European, ASPAC projects are really not the most challenging. Again I've worked for very less time in India , speaking only from meetings that I attend where work to be outsourced is sieved and freighted.
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  5. Aria

    Aria New IL'ite

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    Just wanted to add to that , if one is working, enthusiast, learner and look forward to challenging aspects in work then it makes a lot of difference if you are working in Bangalore or Baltimore.
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  6. Aria

    Aria New IL'ite

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    To illustrate the point, I did a short stint in India and one morning when I clicked on my inbox see a mail

    "Aria has carelessly [...].. causing great loss [..]. I had to [..] , everything is fine now"

    cc-ing 3 levels above me
    I cced another level and replied coolly - "Will take a look when I back with my smoothie"

    Here it is always a tap on the shoulder from your supervisor who jocularly squeaks:

    "Lets get our defences ready. We screwed up pretty bad this time! Guys march to Meeting Room B"

    We are warring tribes with external departments but internally the solidarity is awe-inspiring in all the teams I've been associated with.

    If one is working I think most of my experiences can be related to , unless the people around me belong to a different tribe.
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  7. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Haven't we done enough of this of late? Anyway, here we go again...

    Yes, India has changed, and continues to change as we speak. Life in India can be wonderful provided it meets your expectations of what constitutes a good life. Whether you can have the best of both worlds there, is a matter of individual preference, as everyone on the forum has repeated ad nauseum.

    What do most humans need to be happy? Financial security, a purpose to life, and a loving support structure. Wherever you find these is home. If one of these is missing, unhappiness reigns, be it in the most industrialized nation in the world, or a developing country. Infrastructure, malls, brands, festivals and poojas are not what we live for. They are incidental to life, not essential. They make life comfortable but they don't necessarily contribute to happiness. Billions of people worldwide lead contented lives in the absence of even the most basic amenities.

    Think about this. Most people on earth are stuck where they were born. You are among the 1% on this planet who are in the fortunate position of being able to choose how and where they want to spend their lives. While you waste precious years agonizing over the pros and cons of where to settle down, life is passing by. Have you thought about just LIVING wherever you are? And I mean living deliberately, not existing involuntarily trapped beneath expectations of an illusory idea of life.

    I have a very close friend from college. We came here together for our masters. Unlike me, who never had any intention of ever returning home, this guy is a consummate Indophile. He loves the food, the culture, Bollywood, the bustle and the chaos. He once showed me a scrapbook he'd made of this lovely little traditional home he wanted to build in India. But...he can never go back. He is gay. All his life he was teased and bullied for being effeminate, for having unmanly interests. He loves dancing and acting. After coming to the US, poor guy thought he could come out to his elder brother and find some support. His brother was so enraged that he disclosed his sexual orientation to his entire extended family. His parents flew down and tried to talk him into getting married. When he refused they disowned him. He loves India, and always wanted to settle there, but his father told him not to set foot in the country until he is ready to get married to a girl. So what does he do? Mope and whine? No. He has married a wonderful American man, and is very active in the local Indian community. He organizes Bollywood nights, cultural events, plays and parties. He hasn't given up on his love for India; he has simply adapted it to his current circumstances. Even now he dreams of an elaborate Indian wedding once his parents come around.

    What I'm trying to say is, if you have a strong preference to live your life a certain way, then choose to make it happen. If your circumstances don't allow it, then accept it, and do your best to live the fullest within your constraints. But don't vacillate for so long that life forces your hand and takes the choice away from you. You seem to put an inordinate amount of stock into what your friends, acquaintances and even strangers on a forum think. Try asking yourself what you think. Decide what you want, then ACT on it.
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  8. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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  9. Aria

    Aria New IL'ite

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    One of the best critical analysis on nature and cause of induced suffering I've read in this forum. Beautiful and spot-on!

    I'm glad you posted it twice, once to read and once to remember. ;-)
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2014
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  10. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Does a virtual friend like your post twice to save you embarrassment? Nope. Only a real one!hugsmiley

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