Most Gracious Ladies, Wish you a happy women's day. As a tribute to the women the world over I have posted about my women-friends, The Other Women In My Life. You may use this link to go there Honestly, dear ladies, I have a doubt here. Has any day been allotted as "International Men's Day" so far? If not can you please tell me the reason? regards, Varalotti
Dear Sridhar, Right now, we women live in a man's world. So, as a bone, crumbs, as some token to the whole half of humankind that men oppress, they gave us one day in the year to celebrate as 'International Women's Day'! Thence the origins of Womens Day! The rest of the year, every kshanam belongs to men or so they think. But we women are working on this inequality- through silent, significant ,sterling performances in universities, hospitals, call-centres, homes, space,cyber space. Already in Sweden and Norway, women have become the superior sex with 51% representation. There men get minority status, husband get alimony (get beaten at home). In the next 25 years, it will be a brave new world world. And then you see, there will be no women's day. And there will also be no International men's day. Because of all things that define us women, the most distinct is our sense of compassion. In our world, men and women will be equal. You men will not be discriminated against, you will not be pawed, hooted, have curfew hours, nor get pinched. We will be equal. To that brave ,new world- we welcome all men! yours in gender perestroika Vidya
A woman is the calm of a hurricane's eye where a man finds transquility as the storm passes by A woman is the softness inside the shell when the shell is bonbarded by man's creation of hell A woman is the pillar of a temple foundation where a man comes and goes with renewed inspirations A woman is the cloud that carries the rain giving life to man's soul parched from anxieties and pain A woman is the bank of the river flows helping man's direction by being the woman she knows A woman is the sound of a Lark's song in the morning when mist covers life and man feels forlorn A woman is the emotions shared with a man the climax of giving by the touch of a hand A woman is the flesh that holds the seed the miracle of birth fullfilling human need A woman is the mother of a new generation a man is the direction of that aspiration
Wow ! Vidya That was great, i'm touched in fact highly impressed with what you have written, amazing i must say... Celebrate womanhood everyday ! Happy Women's Day Everybody
Wow Vidya! When I broached about International Mens day I naively thought somebody would take the bite and there could be a spicy controversy over that. But you won all of us - men and women - by your love. I salute to your vision. I will join you all in praying for it to happen soon. regards, sridhar
I Wish & Congratulate all The Women out there on Women's Day We love being an Indian woman,..... Indian women can be so much that most western women fail to do: being a wife, a daughter-in-law, a bhabhi, a chaachi, a maami and at the same time, to have a full time job and a great career.......... tough and independent where we need to be tough, and sensitive where we need to be sensitive. can efficiently wine and dine in a 5 star hotel in business meetings, but also have aaloo paratha with our hands in a dhaaba ! can dance on the latest Take That tune, but can also teach kids about Ramayan and Geeta thats what being indian woman is all about ! Great Indian Womenhood! With warm wishes, Dathri.
Dear IL ites, Wish you all a very Happy Women's Day. Hope you all had a chance to check out this special contest - Rush in your entries and you can be sure to WIN an exciting gift! Malathy
Hello ILites and all the ladies across the globe: Wishing you all a very heart felt warm wishes! Happy women's day.