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Happy Valentines Day! Let's Celebrate With KC Kambar!

Discussion in 'Wednesdays with Varalotti' started by varalotti, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    ....And I call it a laugh riot!

    Ha ha Vidyasarada...you really are something:))

    Thanks for the laughs.....L, Kamla
  2. Vidya24

    Vidya24 Gold IL'ite

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    VS sayang manis,

    Was that one post, or what! No replies,rejoinders,repartees, retorts possible!

    BTW- I did not object to 'arai kizham' being taboo on VD. I object to 'arai kizham' and VS being in the same sentence.

    BTW2- A certain member wrote to me asking if we are the same person. (I know, it is insulting to you!)
    Anyway, I am going to say 'yes', if you post such pieces. All glory is welcome, even purloined glory!!!

    Love is in the air,sayangs all around!

    V 24
  3. jothi

    jothi Senior IL'ite

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    Dear VS,

    That was a Good Post. The way you have explained the scene of your Annal and you sitting in the balcony and the twilight glowing on ur faces(even though you are there because of the powercut) is very romantic.
    I still feel romance, like love is ageless. Watching any couple elderly or young walk hand in hand, out of love is definitley romantic (even if they hold hands so they wont stumble).
    Thanks for that post, it was beautifully written.

  4. sudhavnarasimhan

    sudhavnarasimhan Silver IL'ite

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    Dear VS and all others,

    That was a very good one VS.....though i am sure it is not so bad, you do make it sound hilarious.....i am also going fast towards this stage, though we are only 21 years of married life!
    Guess what, since i knew i was not getting anything from hubby (he just wished casually after i hollered the valentine wish at him!:tongue ) , i got him a bouquet of red roses! As i was getting this in a flower shop, i saw one man quickly walking in and pickup a bouquet without even a second glance at it ...he finished his purchase in 1 minute flat, while i was taking the pains to make a beautiful red roses bouquet! And on the way back on the tram, i could see a lot of men eyeing the bouquet ..maybe they were reminded of something or will be running to the nearest flower shop! :mrgreen: To top it all when i handed the bouquet to my hubby and explained all the above, my sweet hubby comes out with a statement , ...."maybe they all thought that some guy gave it to you"....mmmm how unromantic......and of course its almost dinner time and no signs of taking me out for dinner!:cry:
    Like VS has said , we have started living too much in "comfort" with each other! Well so much for a valentine's day in another arai kizham's life!
  5. Vandhana

    Vandhana Silver IL'ite

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    Oh what a lovable and enjoyable post from you. It reminded me of this book" Mr Horowitz and Mrs Washington" ( Henry Denker) .

    Thanks and am sure you had a wonderful Day .

  6. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Ladies,

    This is not a reply to any of your posts. In fact I do not even have the heart to reply to your posts. I nurse a secret desire to keep this thread on going, to keep this as everlasting as love is, even if many of the subscribers to this thread including yours truly are AKs. Replying to the posts gives some kind of finality to the thread, which I dont want.

    Vandhana (and VS), I will correct the words of the song you have quoted. But dont try to second-guess my age with this information. As you all know I am always 28. The song starts with "அன்பாலே தேடிய என் அறிவுச் செல்வம், தங்கம்"

    It's in the movie Theiva Piravi. Shivaji-Padmini. Shivaji will be a building contractor and Padmini, a construction worker. The one and only Chidambaram Jeyaraman sang that wonderful song. Thangam is the name of the heroine in that film.

    VS, I am floored by your latest post. I might have supplied the leader post. But your post leads this thread, in terms of its content, style and language. Hats off to you. I read, re-read and re-re-read re-re-re.......your post....

    Valentine moments (VMs) are there so long as we live. (Manjula, dont jump at me for coining another term) The young love birds holding each others hands in the semi darkness of a theatre whispering sweet nothings is a VM. When VS's husband says, "Let's go in; or else you'll catch cold" is a VM. Their holding hands although it is to avoid stumbling, is surely a VM. And a VM being VM we can not grade it or comment on it.

    When we observe Valentine Moments in a young couple in a beech or a cinema hall, we chuckle knowingly, telling to ourselves, yes I have gone through all these and much more.

    But when we are privileged to see Valentine Moments a la VS' style, we feel like standing up and saluting the couple, feel like giving a standing ovation to them (VS, we all would have done that, but a virtual forum like IL does not allow that luxury) and finally say a silent prayer to God thanking him for all good things in life.

    At my chronological age, if I am asked to recount the VMs I had with my wife, no doubt, the time we spent in theatres, eat-outs, picnics et al come to my mind. But what stands out is something of a different quality. Let me recapture one such VM, though exactly it may not be a VM from the conventional point of view.

    I think it was somewhere in July/August 85. Indhu was pregnant with Preethi. Preethi was to be born in December 85.
    At that time we only had a two-wheeler, my very first vehicle, a Rajdoot. We bought our first car only in 1989.
    Indhu asked for a long bike ride. And off we went on a Sunday late afternoon. To drive an old-fashioned vehicle like Rajdoot with your 6-months-pregnant wife on the pillion, was the ultimate in driving skills. After a 30 minutes ride, Indhu wanted to have something to drink. Almost all the shops in that neighbourhood were closed. We then spotted a street vendor selling tender coconuts. (Ilaneer). Indhu badly wanted to have a drink.
    We went to him. He was happy seeing us. Looked like he had not sold much for the day. After haggling for the price he took a huge piece and was about to chop off the top.
    Then he saw Indhu walking slowly to the shop from the place where I had parked the bike. He found that Indhu was pregnant. He threw the coconut back into the lot.
    I was surprised. We had haggled for five minutes to determine the right price. Did he want more?
    By that time Indhu came near me and placed a hand on my shoulder for support. I asked the vendor, "Why the hell...."
    He pointed his hand to Indhu,

    "Sir, these coconuts are a few days old. My wife used to say, pregnant ladies should not drink its water. It might affect the child. Please excuse me."
    Indhu and I were rendered speechless. We did not want to stop anywhere else for the drink. We slowly drove home.

    The man who haggled so vociferously for just a Rupee per piece and a man who had not sold much for the whole of the day, a man whose food depended on the sale of coconuts, refused to sell them to a pregnant lady. We were bowled over with his love.

    At that moment I wanted to hug every human being in the world and thank the Good Lord for all the love.
    Strangely at that moment we felt even more close to each other. And that sure is a VM for us.

    thanks for listening to another dose of our suyapuranam!

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2007
  7. Vandhana

    Vandhana Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Sridhar,

    Thanks for correcting me, like i said I was not sure of the lyrics, but it is one of my most favorite songs.

    The tale of the coconut vendor is so heart warming to read.

  8. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sridhar,

    I am visiting your forum after atleast 2 months! The reason for my absence is known to you & let me not elaborate on it. That is of no consequence in this post.

    I had PMs from 3 I L ites, requesting me to post in this thread. So, I broke my
    self-imposed exile & read this thread. Now I know what those 3 ladies wanted from me !! Dharma ( perhaps young?) has written about இளமைக் காதல் & VS, in her inimitable style has written about the next stage . So, the obvious choice for முதுமைக் காதல் can only be chitvish ! - I think, they are right !!

    I wish to quote here from குறுந்தொகை about இளமைக்காதல்:
    குக்கூ என்றது கோழி; அதன் எதிர்
    துட்கென்றன்று எந்தூஉ நெஞ்சம்
    தோள்தோய்க் காதலர் பிரிக்கும்
    வாள்போல் வைகறை வந்தன்றால் எனவே
    When I hear the cock crowing , I know the morning has arrived ! This sword
    of separation is ready to pierce our hearts and it disturbs me no end" !

    முதுமைக் காதல்
    முளிதயிர் பிசைந்த காந்தள் மெல்விரல்
    கழுவுறு கலிங்கம் கழாஅது உடீஇக்
    குவளை உன்கண் குய்ப்புகை கமழத்
    தாந்துழஎது அட்ட தீம்புளிப்பாகர்
    இனிது எனக் கணவன் உண்டலின்
    நுன்ணிதின் மகிழ்ந்தன்று ஒண்ணுதல் முகனே
    The man has just arrived after visiting their newly married daughter. He fondly tells his wife " You will be very happy to know what I observed there. She cooks just like you. Her eyes were full of fumes (புகை)while cooking and the flavour of fumes(புகை வாசனை)) must have penetrated the food as well. But her husband enjoyed immensely the morkuzambu, she had cooked".

    The former is more enjoying the pleasure and the latter is sharing the pleasure. The "mellowing" down has taken place over the years !

    My husband is a perfect gentleman in every way. By nature, he is a loner & hardly communicates with me or for that matter, anybody ! Heavy silence rules our home, the whole day ! Over a period of time, I have learnt to live with it and in fact I have started enjoying my own company, if there is such a term. I have learnt to live in the spaces between my thoughts. I love conversation, but I have realized in life “ vittu koduppathilum oru sukam irukkirathu!” But he has always given me the right amount of freedom & never questions me on my decisions. Also I cannot help mentioning that he is the most integral part of my life, even though I am aware the reverse may not be true!! – not indulging in self pity, please don’t think so. We have reached a stage, I think, where we depend on eachother for the very survival !

    But as years pass by, we have realised that the presence of eachother in the same house is the most essential, soothing thing to the other. There is nothing much by way of conversation the whole day. But we have fallen into a rhythmic pattern that one knows the pulse of the other at any point of time.

    From Bharathy's "கண்ணன் என் காதலன் & கண்ணம்மா என் காதலி", we have reached the stage of telling eachother "நின்னைச் சரணடைந்தேன் !"

    "உன் முகமே பார்த்துக் கொண்டிருந்ததில்
    என் முகமே எனக்கு அன்னியமானது !
    நான் கண்ணாடியைப் பார்க்கும்போது
    உன் முகமே தெரிகிறது !
    நீயும் நானும் கரைகள்
    நடுவே ஓடுகிறது காதல்.
    நீ பல்லவி நான் சரணம்
    இறுதியில் உன்னிடம் வந்துதான் நான் முடிய வேண்டும் !
    என் உணவு, உடை, உறையுள் மூன்றுமே நீ தான் !"

    The above words of Kaviko sum up in a nutshell what முதுமைக் காதல் is all about !

  9. Varloo

    Varloo Gold IL'ite

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    Hai all,
    After a week end of hectic travelling and an attack of cold and fever, I logged in today in IL. And all my physical discomforts are gone by the time I finished with this thread. Thanks to each and every one of you who hae posted in this.
    First, Sridhar, thanks for sharing your VMs with all of us. While women do not feel uncomfortable to share such things with their friends, men never like to even show others that they have soft feelings. So hats off to you and also for your friendship to all Ilites.
    Then VS, I just laughed out aloud while I read your romantic post. Really, you are a gilr of very romantic ideas!:2thumbsup: I would say that this is the most excusitive VM anyone would love to have in their lives (I would love, definitely!)
    Sudha, at least your hubby did not say that you have wasted money on flowers unnecessarily! Now, my hubby would say only that:x . (I guess nobody would ask me my VM after reading this!)
    Now, I am looking forward to the Valentine's day contest results and to read all the entries.
    And, Sridhar, I would like to mention one more scene, the one which I just cannot forget- in Thillana Mohanambal, Shivaji and Padmini would be travelling in the train, just looking at each other and we could hear what their hearts are saying to each other. That is one of the most romantic scenes I like.
  10. vidyasarada

    vidyasarada Senior IL'ite

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    Dear Sridhar,
    The coconutman's gesture was really amazing and truly touching. As they say, its because of people like this, we still get rains , however tattered the ozone layer maybe.
    And thank you for the ovation. Bless you.

    Sudha, how romantic of you to have gone and got the roses ! Speaking of bouquets, just like Varloo says, my lord and master would also say exactly what hers would - waste of money ! Not that he is miserly , but having grown up in a society that did not think gifts between spouses were necessary , he is like many other standard, middleaged dravidian husbands who are averse to demonstrations of affection.( If you have noticed, they dont even touch their daughters after a certain age) They are like that only !

    And yes, dear Chith.( re : "depending on each other for survival") we learn to flow along with the stream and accept the husband in toto as a matter of course, because we dont even think of the possibility of an alternative.

    And Kamla,V-24, jothi,Vandhana, you can be sure that Annal-Aval scene went a bit out of hand in my enthusiasm to see the funny side of life ! If hubby read it, he'd strangle me !- after making sure his mug of Horlicks(Lite)is ready !


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