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Happy Mother's Day!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, May 21, 2024.

  1. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    I am sure all the mothers are back to business after getting acknowledged on the day, and here I come, waltzing, wishing you all one - so late in the month. But you will see why!

    I am busy preparing for the class, and from the corner of my eye, I see a shadow breeze by. I am immersed in an episode of melodrama on TV and feel a shadow breeze by. No matter what’s going on in my mind, I see these quick movements outside my window. You cannot blame me for being everywhere except outside. It is also that time of the season – birds are busy building nests, gathering twigs, and perhaps catching a worm, and all I want to do is be outside. Finally, I get a chance to sit outside. The weather is good, and I plop myself in my hanging chair, which is nestled in a corner, with my faithful puppies by me, doing nothing but listening to the birds and watching them. Looking at the flowers, spotting a bee here and there. Catch a glimpse of an orange blurb as a fish comes up every now and then to get a breath or nibble at that lily leaf. It never ceases to amaze me how life around us goes on as we stay put in our heads. The whole world is busy creating magic!

    As soon as I got out of the car, I noticed a red circle on the pebbles in the parking lot, and I knew instantly that it was that bird again! She does this year after year – lay her eggs right on the pebbles. No nest, no nothing. We catch her usually sitting tight on the eggs; her eyes fiercely focused on anyone who walks by with ready-to-kill looks, challenging us with a 'bring it on.' Almost all of us who pass by never bother her. This time around, yours truly wants to do nothing but a glimpse of her precious eggs. I wait patiently, sitting at ground level, taking some pictures, trying to see the eggs, but no, she keeps turning around as if to prevent just that - to prevent me from seeing. Finally, I decide to talk to her and tell her loudly and clearly that "I am a mother as well. I understand her, and all I want to do is just see the eggs once," and lo as if she understands, she gets off her eggs and starts bathing in the mud nearby, spreading her wings, making sounds, singing! I am pleased, thank her profusely, take some quick pictures, and go my way, sharing the story with my family later excitedly.

    upload_2024-5-21_7-54-0.png upload_2024-5-21_7-54-12.png upload_2024-5-21_7-54-21.png

    The only other bird I know and have seen that nests on the ground is the blue-footed booby! It was an exciting experience as we watched the birds teach their newborn chicks to fly! Anyway, I am curious now about this bird that is bold enough to lay its eggs in a pathway of pebbles where people walk and sit there stubbornly defending its choice. Thanks to Google Lens, I learned that the bird is called 'killdeer' for its shrill voice and does all the things it did for me- the mud bathing, the singing, the spreading of wings as a distraction from her eggs, pretending to be hurt to protect her eggs, ready to sacrifice herself by drawing attention to self, hoping that the dad will sit on the eggs for the night as they usually do.

    Now you see why I am still talking about Mother's Day? The other creature that has held my attention for the past three to four months is the octopus—they, too, sacrifice themselves after hatching eggs. The documentary "My Octopus Teacher" is spellbinding!

    Mother nature, I tell you. If only we care to observe! It is Mother's Day, everyday for nature!
    Last edited: May 21, 2024
    Anisu and Thyagarajan like this.

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:Wow, it was like watching in Discovery Channel - you and the bird over the eggs at centre of pebbles in a parking lot.
    I thoroughly enjoyed your birdy vlog.
    Hats off to your walking the reader to the spot.
    An excellent narration that deserves several stars. An entirely a different breezy thread from the mundane and trivial. An excellent treat for Mother’s Day!
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
    Srama likes this.
  3. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear @Thyagarajan sir,

    Thank you for your very warm response and words of appreciation. I am fortunate and grateful for being able to witness such beautiful things in nature. I am learning that only if we look, it is all there to see.

    Thank you!
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  4. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Your snippet on Mothers' Day is simply superb.While the entire world talks of Women Empowerment

    and total freedom,you have viewed the subject with an altogether different lens.

    How does MOTHER EAGLE train her child eagle is noteworthy.


    When we see eagles flying at great heights we may think that eagles fly by instinct.Many do not know that if eagles are not taught to fly they will be safe and lazy like ducks.

    Mother eagle builds nest way up high in a tree,gathers soft things to line the nest.The baby eagles love the soft nest. Mother feeds them bit by bit.When it is time for the baby to fly, the same mother becomes stiff. She removes the soft things one by one,roughens the nest with sharp sticks and thorns and make the nest as uncomfortable as possible for the baby.The eaglets,losing the comfort zone come near the edge of the nest, look around the world. The mother flaps its wings. The child climbs on it.Mother flies taking the baby on its wings.When the baby feels very secure seating on her mother, the mother dives suddenly,plummating downwards,depriving the baby of its seat.The baby is in a free fall,tumbling down and down.The mother within seconds catches hold of the baby,comforts and gives some rest.This comfort does not last long. Once again the mother pushes the baby out in the air.The process gets repeated hundreds of times until the baby is strong enough to fly alone & experiences the thrill of total freedom.

    Is this not a true case to make all women realise ?

    "A mother is not a person to lean on;
    but a person to make leaning unnecessary."
    ( Dorothy C. Fisher)

    Srama and Thyagarajan like this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Kudos to madam sister @jayasala42 . I never knew the mother eagle makes so much effort in training her fledglings to learn fly on their own. Thanks for the details.
  6. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear JS mam, @jayasala42 ,

    Thank you for your words of appreciation. It truly means a lot to me. Spring is such a wonderful time to watch these birds, their nests, and their activities. Some mornings the amount of chirping I hear makes me wonder if I am living in some kind of a bird sanctuary.

    Eagles, as you may know, came to be endangered, and now, though they are off the list, bring a lot of excitement when they nest in our area. We make trips to watch them, observe and simply be! It is absolutely fascinating. That said ma'am unfortunately what you have shared is a myth :( Eagles no doubt are fascinating and evoke strong feelings as we try to make sense of the world around us.

    Thank you, ma'am, for your feedback. You made my day!
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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