Happy Anniversary Viji Ma (24th Jan)

Discussion in 'Anniversary' started by Yashikushi, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Ganthimathi

    Ganthimathi Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Viji Mam and Kanaka, Wishing you both Happy Anniversary :)
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  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    A man sees himself through the eyes of the women he loves." Source Unknown

    "Here is an undeniable truth about life – actions speak louder than words! We know, you’ve heard this all before! But the truth is, you can, and must, judge a man by his actions and not by his words!Words are cheap. Actions mean everything! The truth is always there for all to see when you observe the way people act and respond, rarely by what they say. This truth is self-evident – good men practice what they preach."
    Drs. Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz.

    Life is sweet and successful when our dreams are fulfilled and when we get a life partner who is the best. Its not necessary that you should have love marriage , even in arranged marriages you can fall in love . Some people believe that the love lies in exchanging gifts but some believe that being there for each other and give abunadant love is necessary. My dh is like that , he does not believe in giving gifts but shows abundant love to each and everyone in the family and always ready whenever we need him. I dont know how 41 years have passed being with him and how the children grew and now they are all settled but only thing is they are not with us and I miss them everyday but due to modern technology able to keep in touch with them. Feel so happy when they call, when they chat and more happy when the grand children talk on phone. Yesterday also my daughter had called and I asked my grand daughter what do you want from here when I come there. She was saying you dont bring anythign from there , after you come here make dosa, make chakli etc. So happy to hear her voice saying Happy Anniversary in her sweet voice.

    Ya by now you must have realised that I am speaking about my Wedding Anniversary. Ya yesterday was our 41st Wedding Anniversary. I was so happy that it came on a Friday that too Thai Friday. So I could do archana and take Devi and my dh's blessings. Then we went to the temple. I wanted to take our photo and put it in FB:). Was hoping someone should be there to take our photo. One lady was there asked her she said I dont know to take photo. Then told one Uncle, though he also said he has never taken photo, he managed to take the photo. I was so happy to know that he is older than both of us 75 years old and has completed 50 years of married life. So took his blessings. Later came to know that he is our neighbour's close friend.

    During the day passed the time receiving calls and in computer where I got so many wishes which made my day. Evening we went for a Dance programme which was superb. I told my dh we will have dinner out and he also agreed and we had dinner out after the programme. So the Wedding Anniversary went off very well and I went to sleep with happiness.

    Rules for a Happy Marriage

    Never both be angry at the same time.
    Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire.
    If one of you HAS to win an argument, let it be your mate.
    If you have to criticize, do it lovingly.
    Never bring up mistakes of the past.
    Neglect the whole world rather than each other.
    Never go to sleep with an argument unsettled.
    At least once every day try to say one kind or complimentary thing to your life’s partner.
    When you have done something wrong, be ready to admit it and ask for forgiveness.
    It takes two to make a quarrel, and the one in the wrong is the one who does the most talking.
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  3. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: A man sees himself through the eyes of the women he loves." Source Unknown

    Happy Anniversary aunty! Glad you had a good time - getting wishes from your friends and family, going to the temple and topping it off with a dance program and a dinner with uncle. As I see it, it must have been a perfect day bringing you pleasure. Here's wishing you many more of those!
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  4. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: A man sees himself through the eyes of the women he loves." Source Unknown

    Sabita dear mademydaysmiley with your first sweet fb. Glad to get your first fb. Thanks for the wishes. Yes dear it was a perfect day with simple pleasures which made me happy.
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  5. swathiiyer

    swathiiyer Silver IL'ite

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    Re: A man sees himself through the eyes of the women he loves." Source Unknown

    Thats such a lovely narration of the day spent.. So happy that you had a wonderful day..
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  6. GaythriV

    GaythriV Platinum IL'ite

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    Re: A man sees himself through the eyes of the women he loves." Source Unknown

    Happy Wedding Anniversary Vijima. Wishing you many more happiness in future.
    Same time would like to receive the blessings from you 'Niranja Thambadhigal' :bowdownalso. Please bless me vijima.
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  7. attentivegirl

    attentivegirl Silver IL'ite

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    Re: A man sees himself through the eyes of the women he loves." Source Unknown

    :partyHappy 41st Wedding Anniversary Mam :party
    I remembered my mom and dad while reading this. Although I do not have this kind of patience to do all the things you quoted in a relationship.
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  8. DrPreetha

    DrPreetha Gold IL'ite

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    Re: A man sees himself through the eyes of the women he loves." Source Unknown

    Dear Aunty,
    Many more happy returns..Your advice is must to be followed by me and all other families around.It is priceworthy as it is from 41 yrs experience.Let god shower all blessings on both of you and ur family...
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  9. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: A man sees himself through the eyes of the women he loves." Source Unknown

    Many more Happy Returns of your wedding day.
    The rules quoted by you for happy married life are very nice.
    We never celebrate birth days or Wedding days.Sometimes we go to temple to do archana.Children are happily settled abroad with their children. They come on skype to chat with patti and thatha.Mostly they show the toys they built of Legos.
    My grandson read out an essay on what he felt when he had his cute little brother was born.My grand daughter aged 3 was much interested in changing diapers for his new born brother.
    On his birth day when we wished him thro skype, he wrote on a big piece of paper " Dear Patti and Thatha,we may not have time to hold your fingers for long. But we hold you in our hearts for ever.
    Tears rolled down my eyes.
    Our golden wedding day fell on 1st Sep 2013.It happened to coincide with the sathabhishekam of my husband's sister.Many of our relatives , who came to know of our Golden wedding day, came and greeted us. Though we have never celebrated our wedding day even once, on our Golden wedding daythere was gala celebration in a big Kalyana mandapam.
    There is always give and take in the family .My husband is 76 and I am 72,We are proud to have intelligent, educated, well behaved daughter and son. We are the parents in-law of a respectable son-in-law and an educated, very decent and amicable daughter-in-law.
    We are thankful to God for all the good things we are blessed with and for the strength of mind and Free Will bestowed on us to face trials and turbulances, which we accept as part of human life.
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  10. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Sai dear glad to get your wishes as the first fb

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