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Happiness a journey not a destination

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by nandinimithun, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. nandinimithun

    nandinimithun IL Hall of Fame

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    Happiness …one doesn’t go seeking it...one makes happiness. It’s not the destination, it’s the journey. One is happy when one learns to dance in the storm, but cry in the rain.

    Everybody looks for happiness but few realize happiness is not a goal…it is just about doing what you like, living the way you want to live, relating honestly to people , making your own decisions, being comfortable with who you are , living life on your own terms and conditions, pleasing yourself , allowing others to be free and just seeking the best and good in yourself and in the world around you. !!!! Huh whatever was in my mind has come out as these words in a sensible way.
    I often see people seeking for someone or something to make them feel happy . How justified are we in doing so? We often look for people we cling to, ask for support from, people to control, people to blame for us being unhappy, generally people who we feel is an antidote for our inadequacies , our fear of being alone, our fear of loneliness. we live off the fringe of others lives instead of living our own lives to the fullest.

    Our life is a gift to us from the god almighty, this is my strong belief, though I don’t know how many of you believe this . We are here on earth to give our lives some purpose , create a meaning to our existence. No one on earth owes you anything, but you owe it to yourself to make some meaning of your life.You cannot blame others if you are unhappy or if your life is not as you want it to be. You are the the only one in complete charge of your life . You are the only one who has it in you to make that tiny difference in your own life. People do support you in this endeavor to help yourself but nothing will come of it if you don’t commit yourself to make a difference in your own life .

    No ones promises have the power to make or break you, nor do broken hearts , abandonment or betrayal have the power to limit your learning, your growth as a human being or your progress towards the purpose of your life. Everything in life happens to you because you are gifted with an ability to get over it and learn from it.If you want happiness then you need to get over a lot of things including the thought that some day an angel will come to make a difference in your life . that angel is no one but ‘yourself’ .You are your own savior, your own knight in shining armor .

    Being happy is about liking the way you feel and being unhappy means you are not too successful & need to work hard at making yourself happy. Start living honestly and lead life in a simple yet most satisfying way and make an earnest start on committing yourself to make yourself happy. Learn to accept and be your true self not pretend to be someone you are not. Take risks and assert yourself. Say no to arguments and unnecessary confrontations. If you can’t fight it accept it gracefully. Enjoy all your successes and let go of most of your expectations. Make peace with unpleasant memories and don’t hang on to the past .., forgive, let go and move on.
    Respect yourself and take yourself seriously but at the same time don’t try for perfection , just make peace with your shortcomings and weaknesses. Since you live your own life, take onus for it, be responsible for it, make it happy for yourself .

    Just know that the best can come only from you, so be the best that there is

  2. AkilaMani

    AkilaMani Local Champion Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Beautiful!! You made me Happy!!

  3. nandinimithun

    nandinimithun IL Hall of Fame

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    hi akila

    thank u :) a pat on my back and a smile on my face for making u happy :)
  4. nandinimithun

    nandinimithun IL Hall of Fame

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    hi akila

    thank u :) a pat on my back and a smile on my face for making u happy :)
  5. Rishitha

    Rishitha Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Nandini,

    I wonder how will you think about the concepts.
    You are amazing.You make me think about the true things in life
    that matter more than anything.I want to know how will you think ?.
    Making positive approach in everything.keep it up.Need to learn so many things
    from you.Love you
  6. nandinimithun

    nandinimithun IL Hall of Fame

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    hi ri****ha,

    Yippieeeeeeeeee am getting so many compliments :) first of all thank u dear.
    Well these are some of the things i learnt from my parents and now frm my husband, and i see happiness and beauty in lil things in life........... Coz every person has a problem, but its upto us how we deal with it and how we look at it, when we have a problem we have 2 options, first to keep thinking about that and losing interest in other things, second to think about that and come up with a solution with a smile on d face, and say ' Hey god feels i am strong enuf to handle this'...........

    Noone ca hurt u except u urself, so always have a smile on ur face and hve a positive thnkng whch will make a difference :)
  7. sreemanavaneeth

    sreemanavaneeth Gold IL'ite

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    Hai Nandi,

    Very apt and well summarised the topic. A small curve on our face when we happened to see others will surely bring happiness which is everlasting in our life. I liked the below line which has got more meaning in it. The happiness is with us only we have to show it out and think always and try to find out from each and everything. Keep it up:thumbsup

    Our life is a gift to us from the god almighty, this is my strong belief, though I don’t know how many of you believe this . We are here on earth to give our lives some purpose , create a meaning to our existence. No one on earth owes you anything, but you owe it to yourself to make some meaning of your life
  8. nandinimithun

    nandinimithun IL Hall of Fame

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    hi sree
    thank for d summarised version of d comment :) i always believe that a simple smile on a face costs nothing :)

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