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Gulgula: a little kid!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by smilealwayss, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. smilealwayss

    smilealwayss Gold IL'ite

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    Happy shopping:

    Papa, Mamma and cute little gulgula go for a regular shopping trip. Gulgula is all excited as this is his chance which comes once in a week. He can choose all his favourite snacks that he can take in his school’s snack box and yes most importantly he gets one junk food of his choice. Mamma and Papa buys the regular stuff and gulgula gets busy with his job. Suddenly he is so enticed with the noodles, the lays chips packet and the diamond rings [free gifts inside]. He does not want to miss any of these and requests to Papa.

    The tragedy:

    As expected he was denied. Mamma does the same and he got too upset to accept it all. He tried nagging, crying and all the childish ways but in vain. A very angry Gulgula finally declares that he does not want anything including the snacks that were allowed for him. A shock ran on the face of the parents. Mamma was more worried for the baby and had a soft corner to allow him. But then some decision had to be taken with much care. One small gesture and it might set a cascade of such routine incidents. With the entire dilemma cleared, Mamma looked at Papa who was never confused and had a stern answer saying so be it. Replace back all the snacks that you have picked. Gulgula did the same with a very violent face.

    Realizing the mistake:

    Following week Gulgula had to accept the scary vegetables and fruits on all the 5 days instead of the usual two days. He missed the chocos, moong dal, dark fantasy biscuit, peanut chikki, muffins and the other dream options he had picked up at the store. He felt very sad thinking why he had placed them back in anger. Mamma explained him why he should not have behaved so. Gulgula was already feeling bad and promised never to repeat his mistake again.

    The happy twist:

    The same week it so happened that there were pokemon cards free with every small chocos pack. Little Gulgula’s heart longed to have all of them. He told his mom “My friends have 3 or 4 cards. I wish to have atleast ten such cards. But then I am allowed only three packs. If at all I could have more this week”. His mamma promised to give a thought to his proposal and to discuss with his Papa. That week on the usual shopping trip, Gulgula picked three packs as usual along with the other snacks. No one spoke a thing and then while they stood in the billing line Papa asked Gulgula to pick as many packs as he wished for he was a well behaved baby and that he had learnt his lesson.

    The ecstasy:

    That was it! There was no bound of joy and Gulgula’s face appeared as a balloon full of happiness. He was so happy that he seemed like he flew on cloud nine. All the way home he just talked about his collection and that he had more stickers than everyone else in his team. How he would call all his friends and how they all could play with so many stickers. He never seemed tired of explaining the characters in the pokemon stickers and their attacks and powers. It was all in all a great day for him.

    A deeper sense of the story:

    The story of Gulgula, thus ended happily. A happy ending always puts a smile on our face. But then a deep thought and we realise that aren’t most of us like Gulgula in our life. A disappointment; be it small one like a scolding from our teacher/mom/dad/elder, a little failure in exams, missing our favourite thing or a bigger disappointment like a hurting word from our loved ones, facing the glitches and clichés of an unavoidable close relation, facing a sudden downfall in terms of money or position. Be it anything [remember chocos for Gulgula], we all tend to behave almost similar to Gulgula. We just concentrate on what we are denied at that moment. In doing so we totally give away/forget all the good things that are filled in our basket [all the other snacks he picked]. We cry, blame, regret and drown ourselves in sorrow [just like Gulgula]. We fail to have our belief INTACT on that superior power [Waheguru/Allah/Jesus/Krishna/anyone we believe in!].

    But one day when things get better, we realise: all that had happened was for our good or our betterment (it happens with most of us). Perhaps the omnipresent super power above us [one power but many names] had planned every good and bad in our life for our betterment just like he had planned in Gulgula’s life. All we need to do IS TO BELIEVE IN THAT POWER. One small disappointment was given so that we could get the best in life [10 chocos with pokemon stickers all at one go! Can u think of anything better? (Note: think like a 6 year old child)].

    kiran82, Shivalaya, vaish78 and 19 others like this.

  2. Amica

    Amica IL Hall of Fame

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    I love the name Gulgula. I can't stop saying it. DH thinks I've gone nuts. :laughing:

    @smilealwayss, I really enjoyed your snippet. It is hard to write a story from a child's perspective but you did it brilliantly. :)
  3. smilealwayss

    smilealwayss Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Amica Mam

    Thank you sooooooo much for the ENCOURAGING comment. I am all smiles., and literally happy from heart [we all do get energetic when we are appreciated!].
    and Yes Gulgula is one of the names with which I call my son when I go just gaga over such a small wonderful bundle of joy.
    Feel so refreshed reading your line "I really enjoyed your snippet. It is hard to write a story from a child's perspective but you did it brilliantly."
    Thank you once again for making me active at this sleepy noon time. I can now concentrate on my work!
  4. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear smilealwayss, what delightful narration! Enjoyed the story as well as the wonderful anology between the little Gulgula and us as grown up kids. It is indeed comforting to think that just as Gulgula's mom felt compassion for him when he was struggling through the week, the Universal Parent must also feel the same for us when we choose to throw our adult tantrums and weep.

    I wonder how I missed this snippet despite searching the forum everyday. I guess old threads get bumped up to the first page while the new ones get hidden on the second.

    Kaniths, thanks a ton for bringing this to the notice of readers in the FP section.
    StrangerLady, jskls and kaniths like this.
  5. Rith

    Rith IL Hall of Fame

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    Such an amazing snippet. It is so lively such that I am visualizing that a small kid narrating in its own language..So sweet.
  6. smilealwayss

    smilealwayss Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Satchi
    Though I wrote the comparison but it makes much more sense reading your words and YES indeed its very comforting to read what have stated:
    "It is indeed comforting to think that just as Gulgula's mom felt compassion for him when he was struggling through the week, the Universal Parent must also feel the same for us when we choose to throw our adult tantrums and weep."

    Felt so good with your comment " I wonder how I missed this snippet" Its a biggest compliment and full of encouragement.
    satchitananda likes this.
  7. smilealwayss

    smilealwayss Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Rith

    "I am visualizing that a small kid narrating in its own language..So sweet."
    Some body stop me and hold me to the ground ! I am literally flying! thanks for such uplifting comments
  8. jskls

    jskls IL Hall of Fame

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    I did read this story and in a hurry forgot to give FB. Thanks @kaniths for bringing it to FP attention.

    Smilealways you put a smile on our face with a lovely short story and analogy. I loved the way you had narrated with select subtitles and all. Thanks for sharing a nice story
    kaniths likes this.
  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Smilealwayss,

    What a wonderful narration and life lesson told in the language that everyone from a child to adult can understand the moral.

    Two things we are consistently managing in getting a better life, one is developing a great attitude towards life and enhance our character,skills, patience, perseverance and performance. This is like a numerator. Simultaneously,we keep working on controlling our expectations, emotions, senses, mind, desires and attachments which is like a denominator. This ratio when managed well, works wonders.

    I call this as a P/E Ratio of a human being i.e. Performance/Expectations

  10. rudrakshi

    rudrakshi Gold IL'ite

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    Awesome narration and I also like your user name too smilealwayss.
    Amica likes this.

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