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Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by maalti, Aug 1, 2022.

  1. maalti

    maalti Gold IL'ite

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    “What is your son doing?” Vinoth asked his cousin whom he met after a long time. “He is in plus two and aspires to pursue B.Arch.”, his cousin Ram replied. “That’s good. Please contact me if he needs any help”. “Sure” Ram replied, feeling happy.

    “Hello Uncle, how is your health? He asked his uncle. “I am good. Age related problems only. What to do? I am unable to go to the medical shops alone and buy medicines. Sometimes, I feel giddy. There is a medical shop nearby but he is not making door delivery. I don’t know to use the Apps etc., to buy or order online” his uncle replied. “Don’t worry. I will give you a number of my friend who runs a medical shop. Just give a missed call. He will come home, pick up the prescription and supply the medicines at your door step” Vinoth said. “Thank you so much Vinoth” his uncle replied. He was obviously happy.

    Then he came to his mother. “Amma, tell me what you want?”. He asked. “I want you to be like this always. Caring, loving and spending some time with me amidst your busy schedules” his mother replied. “Do you know something Vinoth? This is the most memorable day in my life” she said. On hearing this, his eyes became moist. “Sure ma. I will definitely fulfil your wish” he said.

    “What story were you reading dear”? he questioned his eight-year-old niece. “I was reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone. “Wow, that’s great. Do you have the other parts”? he said. “No uncle, I am yet to buy” she replied. ‘Well, you don’t buy. I have the complete set. I will give you” he promised. “Thank you, uncle, thank you “she replied happily.

    Everyone felt happy as Vinoth enquired each one of them separately. Vinoth was a very busy entrepreneur and had no time to any of the relatives or even to his mother. He never picks up any calls from any of his relatives, not even his mother. They were very surprised and pleased.

    Someone was shouting “Govinda”. They were waiting for almost five hours now. All of them got up and rushed towards the entrance of the room where they were waiting at Tirumala to have darshan of Lord Balaji. Yes, after a marriage, they all had come to Tirumala to have darshan of Lord Balaji. Vinoth thought this was the memorable day in his life also since his mobile was not ringing continuously and troubling him. He was able to see the love and affection of his family members. He thanked Lord Balaji for the realization.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Kudos. I like the short and sweet story that takes us to seven hills.
    Gadgets do dissuade us from noble acts, Kind enquries, render succor to needy etc. Your this Govinda story brings out that moral succinctly.
    A day gadget off is needed to see the delight of others in such persons presence. A real camaraderie scope for which is large in restricted use of smartphones.
    maalti likes this.
  3. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    I like Vinoth. I don't take calls from relativesa too. Once they start talking they forget that you don'have other thingas to do that could be more important than a never ending conversation.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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