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Goody Bag Ideas Please!!!!

Discussion in 'Birthday Party Planning' started by lattada, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. lattada

    lattada New IL'ite

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    My son's fourth birthday is coming up soon and we are inviting a big number of people. There will be about 40 kids within a range of 0-16 years. I have done and received numerous goody bags with same pencils, crayons, notepads, plastic toys, candies. Some are worth it but most of them just end up in the trash can.

    This year, I thought why not give a gift certificate to baskin robbins to each kid? After all, everyone loves ice cream. right? Baskin Robbins also has several locations. I would love to know what you all think of this idea. I was thinking I could give each kid a gift certificate for two dollars. They should be able to get one ice cream with that gift card. I am guessing one cone ice cream would cost about two dollars. Do you think that would be too less? How much does an ice cream at Baskins cost? What amount on the gift card would look reasonable without us having to go overboard?

    If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. Thank you for reading.

    I look forward to hearing from you....


  2. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Rati, that is such a neat idea. I agree most of the goodie bag stuff ends up being useless. But I think 2$ might look a little less - I think you can add a couple of more things into the bag like candies/pencils/bubble solutions - all usable and perishable items based on your budget. Michaels has some really neat stuff like puzzles that you can get for a buck, they are a little difficult for kids to make, you can add it with the ice cream gift card maybe :)
  3. lattada

    lattada New IL'ite

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    Thank you, Srama for getting back to me. I agree with you that two dollars might be a little less. It would look better if I throw in some toys. I liked your Michaels idea and will check it out.

    Thanks again.

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