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Going "out" To Eat --- How Is Your Life, And Why So?

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by Amulet, Apr 26, 2019.

  1. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    We are in a household of two. Not newly weds; heh..heh..he... not by a long shot :grinning:. Therefore, we are well adjusted, i.e., one of us is totally adjusted to the other over the years. We go out once a week -- it is usually a date-night. We eat dinner in a restaurant, and then go to a concert or a movie (or do it in the opposite sequence). Or.. take a long walk home in a scenic and safe sidewalk in our city. This is as much to give a break to the one of us who is doing most of the daily cooking, as it is to go out on a date and be happy with each other. Avoiding the cooking and the dishwashing is a major part of the being happy also.

    I had been looking at some youtube videos of one southindian lady cooking vegetarian foods, and describing things in English. And she gives out a weekly meal plan for a bachelor or newly weds. There is no weekly scheme of eating out (and not cooking at home) in her time table. Take a looksee....

    Shouldn't the newly weds (both working) go out to eat at least once a week, if not more often ?
    • How is, or was, your experience as a bachelor or a newly wed or a not-so-newly wed ?
    • Do you eat out in some set frequency ?
    • Why do you do that ? How does it help ?
    • Would you like to eat out more, or less, or not at all ?

  2. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Good thread..

    1) When I was a newly wed,I started to cook only after two months!hated cooking and ate out at variety restaurants everyday!! Snacks were all junk! Happy days:)

    2) No frequency.just eating frequently and all my favorite junk foods and cheesy foods

    3)I am a big foodie!! And was extremely slim with high metabolism and never had too much outside food before marriage..freaked out after wedding

    4) I like to keep fit and that stops me from eating out a lot.Also metabolism slows down after some years.I can’t eat the same way I did a decade back.I try to make tasty food with the right oils and eat with the right combos..so able to maintain myself.

    My dream is to eat whatever I want..without gaining weight:)I am freaking out now in the gym,yoga,Zumba and healthy eating coz my India trip is coming..want to lose 10 pounds so that even If I gain 20 pounds coz of overeating(which I will) will be happy I added only 10 pounds more hee hee
  3. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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  4. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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  5. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    @anika987 , dr. @MalStrom and @shravs3 : Y'all seem to be tending towards not going out to eat all that much, for various reasons. A famous prophet of a religion preached something called "The Middle Way". His recommendation was to go out to eat now and then, not too frequently, as well as not not-at-all. Just the right number of times -- for some, it would be to sustain a happy-weight, for some it is to stay-home-&-chill, and for others it is to be healthy. And there'd likely be plenty more variety of reasons too.... including having to live in a hick town.
    For me it is to have a quality time together for gossip (both work and personal) and the sharing of nonsense and laughs.
    Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, .........<source: Buddhism and the Parable of the Mustard Seed>
    ......he left the palace at age 29, to meet his subjects, where for the first time in his life he saw people who were sick, aged, and suffering. Distraught by how he saw his subjects live when he himself led an indulgent life, he soon escaped his palace and began living the life of an ascetic. He begged for alms on the streets and abstained from physical wants and needs, to the point of near-death.

    He discovered in his ascetic journey the Middle Way, or the middle ground between self-indulgence and ascetism that would lead him to enlightenment. He sat under what is now known as the Bodhi tree and meditated for a reputed 49 days. Then, after those 49 days of meditation, he achieved enlightenment at the age of 35.​
    It is easy to see how the above parable can be adapted to Siddharta going out into his realm to see people not going out to eat at all, always cooking the same old same old at home, and eating it everyday of the week...or indulging too much in restaurant food, and not thinking about the suffering of the others one bit... yada yada..
    Disciple: Totally not eat out at all vs. Eat Out every x-days ?
    Bhudda: Eat out every 2x days; that is the middle way.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
    shravs3 and Thyagarajan like this.
  6. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello: Interesting prelude and a questionnaire for analysis and conclusion.
    2. In kitchennete she hung a small white board and chart is made for week days with options and alternatives. Inventories made beforehand and who ever comes first home would start making the dishes and some times together. All week ends out to dinner or lunch . Sunday relax food from caterers delivere at doorsteps - to save time for other household work laundry clearing the cobweb etc.
    Husband working hours 8am to 4pm. Spouse double shift in bank morning 8 to 12 afternoon 4 to 7.
    3. Once after finishing dinner, before placing on table the folder containing the bill for payment, waiter asked me how was the food.
    I told him that will be known only the next day after my finishing the morning chores.
    The waiter bust into laughter with tears.
    Thanks and Regards.
  7. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    We go out to eat or get food though Swiggy once a week or ten days. Only reason is I want off from cooking. Just relax and everyone can get their choice food.
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  8. Aarushi

    Aarushi Platinum IL'ite

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    We eat out a few times a week- definitely at least once on the weekends and on our weekly date nights. Even when we decide to stay home, sometimes with all our work and errands it is easier to order doordash or make a quick cheese, fruit and tapas style plate. I like cooking but putting a marinated fish or chicken in the oven is more my style. There was a time I spend endless hours slogging in the kitchen. Not any more. :)
    Giri12 and Amulet like this.
  9. MadhuRK

    MadhuRK Silver IL'ite

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    @Amulet I am that woman in your video.

    You have shot an arrow straight at my tender heart. For such is the emotional nature of the topic we are discussing here.

    My husband and I come from two entirely different backgrounds. He grew up in a household where eating-out was a prolific occurrence. The simplest event, like the earth completing one full rotation called for a celebratory dinner/chaat/dessert/thali-lunch etc. Every other Sunday their family would wash their car and in-order to celebrate this feat, they would all go to a special place and eat Chole-Bature !

    In my house on the other hand, if we have to go out and eat Masala dosa in Saravana Bhavan, it should not be a poornima (full-moon), amavasya (New moon), Tuesday, Friday, Pradosham, Chaturthi or any of the 7 days of the week. So in a year we would probably eat once, at the most twice, when all of these cosmic events aligned to give us a special day.

    As luck would have it, destiny drew a dotted line from us to them, from me to him. Our married life began with two good fortunes favoring my hand.

    1. I had a foodie for a husband. The first time we drove 1 extra hour to go and eat because he knew of a good restaurant where the food was "worth it", I was dumbfounded.
    2. My husband loved to cook.

    Every Friday and almost every weekend we used to find the latest novelty restaurant and eat-out. My mouth would simultaneously be stuffed up with good food and keep complaining about this truly bad habit of my in-laws.

    As they say, give something good to a human and watch as they monkey around with it. I quickly moved to stake my claim and negated both the points. I'm least interested in cooking, but eager to cut down on costs and establish my feminine smart-alec ego over his kingdom, I got him used to the idea of eating 3 mediocre home-cooked meals everyday. Even if we were traveling, I ensured that I took a rice-cooker and re-trained this "drive to eat" puppy to learn the art of "eat to survive".

    Fast-forward 9 years. My MIL openly asked to go to a restaurant when visiting us. My "trained" husband's reply : " Only if you can prove that its as healthy and hygienic as what we make at home. " Nowadays even if I want to go out and eat, my husband has lost all the interest in it and speaks like a priest at the altar, talking about the virtues of the greens we make at home, the evils of the oil he uses as the restaurants, about glamour-value vs nutritioin-value. Sounds a lot like me from a decade ago. I miss going out and eating at restaurants.

    The only trouble with truth is how truly indigestible it is.
    yesican, pocahontas, periamma and 6 others like this.
  10. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    no wonder the rap-poet eminem had said: :blush:
    Afresh, shravs3 and SunPa like this.

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