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Gifts for Teachers in U.S. Schools

Discussion in 'General Discussions - USA & Canada' started by Rihana, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. jskls

    jskls IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for the tag Rihana. When kids were in Pre-school it was just two teachers and we would gift a gift card to a local restaurant or Borders bookstore card. When they entered elementary school it was usually a group gift with class mom collecting it. We recd an email from the Principal about disclosure of any gifts over $25 under the law and this was uncomfortable for many teachers. So we couldn't give any personal gifts. I started participating liberally in Luncheons where all teachers are treated with good meal/desserts. Now in middle school we could donate to the school district fund giving credit to a particular teacher. Last year when my kid had a fall I realized how little attention do the nurses office or the front office employees get and so ended up gifting the school nurse and got some holiday treats for the front office at school. Now in high school I don't know the school policies. Maybe will end up gifting the Gym teacher. Amazon card works for all. I try to keep in mind the nice teachers at extra-curricular activiyies and get an idea of their preferd store like Bookstore/Amazon and get the card.
    sindmani, Vaikuntha and Rihana like this.
  2. Priya16

    Priya16 IL Hall of Fame

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    YES.But not about the child like/dislike.Typically if the teacher is caring and doing a good job, we tend to gift more.

    Sometimes, my DD's will tells us what the teachers favourites are/what kind of gift cards or something they would like to buy themselves and give to teachers.

    And also, I try to gift to teachers at the year end who worked hard for the kids.It's just way of showing our appreciation to the teacher.

    During Chrismas,we tend to give everyone but at the year end only for particular people.
    sindmani and Rihana like this.
  3. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I usually go with a $25 gift card for amazon, Target, or any store/restaurant I know the teacher likes. Partly because such cards are easily available in Walgreens for pickup.

    A few times, I've given a $50 gift card. To teachers I know more personally, or if teacher has given gifts to classroom volunteers. Now, I am cured of the volunteering bhooth (craziness). So it is simply $25 gift-card, and a greeting card from a boxed set of generic greeting cards. Kid writes "Dear <teacher name>, wishing you and your family and your cat and goldfish seasons' greetings. from kid-name and family"

    I glance at the greeting card to make sure it is politically correct (Ms/ Mrs, does or does not refer to teacher's family (she might have since gone through a painful divorce, pet might have passed away).

    Used to put the gift-card in an elaborate box or gift bag with tissues. Now I stick the gift-card inside the greeting card envelop.

    All the above are in addition to a biggish amount I give to the classroom at the beginning of the year.

    You pro'lly asked for short-story, got chapter book. Hee hee. :)
    sindmani likes this.
  4. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Gifts cards is the way to go, I feel. Else I have chosen to send candles. I am not big on chocolates and one year my DD chose to give tomato plants to her teachers at the end of school year and most teachers wrote back saying they have never grown a tomato plant and were excited to try it! I also know of many teachers who use the gift cards to buy books for classroom or stuff for classroom. Younger grades even if it is some work a personalized card always touches the teacher. Teachers at this level up to grade 4 at least, appreciate it much. I am not sure about other states but our state also has a policy of gift card over 20$ should be made known to the principal and we are discouraged.

    My DS in middle school now refuses to give cards to his teachers! So we pretty much have outgrown that after elementary school. While we celebrate teacher appreciation week with food for teachers for a week or so, there are no room moms organizing anything. So we pretty much stick to Christmas and end of the year gift giving!
    sindmani and Rihana like this.
  5. justanothergirl

    justanothergirl IL Hall of Fame

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    Yet another lazy mom replying..gift cards.
    Starbucks /amazon cards for people outside school. For school teachers Room parents collect about $50 per year or something like that ..beginning of the year and about $20 for the end of the year gift. I think they manage with that.
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  6. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I am a late poster here, but thought it would atleast help those who end-up gifting 2-3 times during the school year.

    My DD's school (elementary) make gifting a no brainer. Teachers (including Class teacher and Specials teachers) wish-list - giving details like where they would like to shop, dine-in, preferable fragrances for perfumes/candles, coffee-lovers, chocolate lovers, etc. are published in the School's FB group. That will also include Teacher's Birthday. So we've always gifted based on that list. Give the class teacher a small gift (ranging $10-$15) for her Birthday and during Teacher's appreciation week along with a small hand-written note recalling the best about her. Holiday gifting is a little more, mostly a gift card that will let her to dine-in for a good lunch/dinner in her favorite restaurant.

    We give the Specials teachers only for holiday season, mostly Starbucks card (or) Bath-and-Body works card, for they've been mostly loving coffee and/or shop for lotions/hand-wash ;-).

    My DS's school, his room-parent made it a lot more easier for the holidays. She emailed about the Movie Gift Basket she was trying to put-together and asked for what each one of us would like to contribute. That made it super-easy to pick one from the list.

    We also give Instructors/Coaches of extra-curricular activities small gift cards only for the holiday season.

    Class teacher gets 2-3 gifts, or atleast one gift for a relatively higher amount, for he/she spends more time and is putting up more with my kid :)

    I used to buy for pre-school teachers personalized gifts like jewelry, hand bags, Indian out-fit (like hand-embroidered kurtis), etc. only after I briefly chatted with them to know what they would really like.

    With kids getting into elementary schools and with no. of teachers to be gifted increasing not finding the time to do the same. Also, I feel the bigger school teachers get lots of gifts and didn't want ours going redundant. Gift cards are convenient on us as well comes useful to them when they want to spend.
    sindmani and Rihana like this.
  7. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Lots of great ideas.

    The room-parent thing is convenient, and that parent puts in some time and effort to do the coordination and gift buying, wrapping, and sometimes getting the class kids to sign a card.

    But, sometimes, I didn't join the group. Am kind of frugal at heart, and cannot think of spending too much on flowers or gourmet fancily packed cookies. If the amount collected is $200, and $50 is going towards a beautiful bouquet the room-parent buys and hands over to teacher, and (selfie)picture of handing over goes to yearbook... I think to myself - what is wrong with the $15 bouquet?

    One time the shoe was on the other foot - I gathered $20 each from a few parents, and figured since I did all the collection etc, I would get a gift card all agreed on, and a basic greeting card for the 5-6 kids to sign. No! One mom wanted to give suggestion on how to wrap the gift-card, how the kids should "make" a group-card that is more personal, and expected me to coordinate so that all moms could be present when gift-card is handed to teacher! That was the last time I volunteered to coordinate a group gift. It was tougher than coordinating a desi potluck where each guest wants to bring choley. :coffee
    sindmani, Sunshine04 and Durga18 like this.
  8. dimhere

    dimhere Gold IL'ite

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    ROTFL!! So true! :) Umm, wonder how I missed this thread..Sorry, @rihana. Anyway, for future reference, here goes:

    This year, the kids' schools had a "charity tree" put up. We had to buy the gift cards, and stick it on the tree with the teacher's name.
    For example, "In honor of Mrs Teacher" from the Dimhere family, Amount: XX.

    So public display: Which teacher got the most? Which family donated how much? and Who was considerate enough to donate to the music/art/front office ladies.. :):)

    A lot of parents who thought could skimp, were forced to shell out to look good in the school lobby! Genius, I say!
  9. KashmirFlower

    KashmirFlower IL Hall of Fame

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    time for gifting teachers... end of the year appreciation type I want to gift as some friends above said. for X-mas i did 25$ gift card (olive garden, or 2 more restaurant they can use it) and happy holidays card. Now I want to keep it to 10$ (mostly end up with a giftcard ) and an appreciation card.
    WOuld like to know from others too,
  10. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    $10 looks a bit less (that you gifted in Xmas won't be really remembered). I'd suggest $20 and have child make card rather than spend $3 - $5 on card. Child writing a few small sentences about favorite times in the year - field trip, school celebrations, some activities that they do in class.. will make the teacher feel appreciated in a special way, and also if teacher reads the card in class, your child will feel great.

    If you have the time and inclination, write a separate note to the teacher. I used to mention what all my child talked about teacher/class at home.

    Restaurants - the gift card amount should cover at least enough for 2 people meal. The teacher shouldn't have to spend money to use the card.
    sindmani and KashmirFlower like this.

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