Get My Money Back

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by amulya2020, Apr 3, 2024.

  1. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Giving hand loans to friends is common. It is difficult to know why he is not returning the loan as promised and expected. Could it be that he is in a real financial problem of his own? Well, that is not a sound reason but it happens. Some friends do not share their real difficulties.
    As you say, the amount is not big. I would wait and watch. Maybe someday his conscience will wake him.
    I had a similar experience and it worked.
    amulya2020 and Thyagarajan like this.
  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Very true. It is like me. Sharing our burden to one & all is of absolutely no use though it is claimed one may feel light after releasing the anguish or venting.
    I had this habit of not telling my real difficulties in a given situation but I would discuss my difficulties only with chosen few who I deem possess the necessary expertise in the matter. Whining with whoever we encounter is real waste of time and sometime they rejoice in my plight and broadcast to others.
    This habit I followed in both domains -domestic & office.
    God Bless
    amulya2020 and HariLakhera like this.
  3. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    I also feel so. We share our happiness but sharing our burden is very personal. It is said that there will be thousands to share your happiness but the burden you have to carry. There will be words of sympathy. It is like only the wearer knows which side the show pinches.
    All said and done, when we take a loan with a promise to return, we should return, come what may.
    Thyagarajan and amulya2020 like this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    The huge private hospital insisted for the payment in advance by cash only for PACEMAKER for my mom who had recovered from heart attack in 1980s.

    I had no such big money in my savings account . I didn’t want to beg my relatives to loan me. But many including my father in law, sister in law, nephew and many more were unhappy that i had not sought financial help from them and said bluntly i should not have taken loan from office colleague.

    I just went and met my colleague in branch office in Chennai. He directed me to his subordinate with whom i had only a year’s acquaintance during training in 1976. He told that he would visit the hospital and arrange payment by cash.

    By evening he had visited the hospital and made advance payment for implanting pacemaker the next early morning. The amount was a lac plus. He never asked me when i would refund the money.

    Next day the pacemaker was implanted and it was late evening i saw radiance on my mom’s countenance and simultaneously i thanked the surgeon , my friend and his subordinate officer. Both visited hospital and seen my mother in ICU the third or fourth day as she was convalescing.

    My beloved mother asked my how I arranged funds for her treatment and offered to handover golden bangles, mangal suthra, ear studs which was in safe keeping - custody with my sister. i politely declined to take it. But i was surprised when she said “never live as a debtor. Do arrange immediately - "return the friend the amount he paid to hospital".

    I had to foreclose fixed deposits held in mine and my spouse name . It was a Monday - day third -i met my friend at his residence when i handed him the amount in cash with profound thanks. I had a great sigh of relief. I informed mom. She softly closed her eyes implying a total satisfaction!
    Last edited: May 3, 2024
    HariLakhera likes this.
  5. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Such good people live among us.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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