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Genesis of a Writer

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Ninasnatter, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. Ninasnatter

    Ninasnatter New IL'ite

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    Eureka! A zillionth split of a second when a truth one has been searching dawns at a speed that beats the flash of lightning. All human endeavours to build faster and super-fast computers pale in comparison to the one inbuilt in the human grey matter. Inventing a computer that imitates the thought process of a human mind will be the ultimate super machine. Yet, sadly enough it will still be an imitation.
    Life, one realizes is all about imitation. Right from the time, a baby has headed its way out of the womb and emitted its first cry of discomfort at being ousted of its idyllic world, its five sensors ,no six (one cannot overlook ESP- the mother of all senses) are propelled into action. Does it ever occur to anyone of us as to which sense is activated at the onset? Probably, instincts work overtime to facilitate the baby in making headway into the outside world. But as soon as it steps err heads into the world, it signals its arrival by a loud wail. If life is an imitation, then how come a newborn wails? It has never opened its eyes or ears (possibly) to observe the outside world to imitate. There’s some truth in the Indian mythology and as later scientific discoveries have revealed – that a fetus – human and otherwise – can hear while still in the womb. So, in that order, a babies ESP, then hearing sense get activated first. Wrong again!!!
    A baby senses or feels discomfort and hence cries. So it should be a sense of touch that comes second. While still in the womb the baby eats and drinks – doesn’t have much choice there or is it? If the womb happens to belong to the diet conscious anorexic female or the out of choice destitute female, the thought processes of the (let’s not say fetus…sounds too impersonal) unborn work overtime and decide to imitate and go on a diet too? Or perhaps decide it’s not so healthy to pull along and prefer to give in and lie in peace forever? So is it a sense of taste that comes second to the ESP?
    As per the above thought process, then the newborn while still unborn has the following order of senses activated – ESP, Taste, Feel, Hearing , Seeing and err… can’t comment on the sense of smell. But, of course as soon as the newborn pushes its head out, it’s supposed to have been breathing. So, it must be breathing and smelling the outside world and then signaling its distress at the polluted world and wailing its guts out. So, let’s rearrange the senses – in the correct order now – ESP (Extra sensory perception), Feel, Taste, Hearing, Smelling, and Crying before seeing? The entire humanity with the exception of those born dumb, are involved in a race to use their vocal/translated into writing/acting powers to attract any and everyone’s attention.
    If one reads headlines anywhere – newspapers, television, hoardings – the people in the limelight are all those entities screaming for attention. Essentially if one has to make headway in this world then one’s lung power has to work overtime to be heard over and above the entire din to draw the attention of everyone’s attention through the most efficient sensory gateways i.e. the eyes. Did anyone realize that that is the last thing that the baby opens when it enters the world? But that is the first gateway of worldly learning. So, the order if reversed, seeing, smelling (with the nose or sensing something wrong), hearing, touching, tasting (success), feeling and then pondering is the real order in which a newborn infant adopts to launch itself into the business of living. Exactly the reverse order since its creation as an embryo till its ejection into the outside world.
    What if the human race decides to maintain the order of using its various senses in the order in which the embryo functions – will the world be as idyllic as the womb? And life being all of imitation all those yet to be born will automatically imitate the world order and maintain status quo.
    Any change in the world order has to be brought about at its most basic level – at its inception. So how about inventing a school which makes it curriculum – Teaching a baby to use its senses in the right order – thinking, feeing, tasting, hearing, smelling and seeing in order to recreate the most idyllic world it has experienced since conception.
    Any venture capitalist having entrepreneurial abilities is welcome to look into this school of thought for all those celebrity moms and dads eager to make sure their babies have a head start into the world.
    It is precisely using this order of senses that has got me thinking as to what is my ideal world. I am happiest when writing away my thoughts first thing in the morning. And so, I have decided to make this my business of living. Doing what I feel happiest about! Writing!

  2. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Wow! Thats an interesting beginning, Ninasnatter. A great start. Thanks for sharing. -rgs
  3. Ninasnatter

    Ninasnatter New IL'ite

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    Thank-you for the encouraging remarks. I'm new and still trying to find my way!:drowning

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