Full time Software Engineering or split time for clothing business ?

Discussion in 'Working Women' started by reca, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. reca

    reca Silver IL'ite

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    Hello IL,
    I am Reca and I work as a Software Engineer in Germany. Basically I work as a Research and Development Engineer and passionate about my work .
    Also I have interest to open a e-shop and sell western clothes online . I have no idea how to do this although !
    But I am keen to know , if anyone already having e-shopping store and how easy/ difficult to manage it alone ?
    Please suggest if I have to stick to my Software engineering job full time or split time for business . I am 26 year old and I have no idea how to run business yet alone.

  2. JShreenath

    JShreenath Senior IL'ite

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    It's admirable that you have a desire to start your own business. When I read your words, it appears that you are not too sure; I see a cluttered and confused mind probably having hard time to make a decision.
    Only you alone can decide for yourself. Best thing is to ask yourself 'who do I want to be as a person long term? What kind of feelings I want to feel every day in the long term? From this you can derive the next set of questions ' who do I want to be in my life? what do I want to have and what do I want to do ? All long term questions first.
    Then you ask yourself ' if I continue to work as an R & D software engineer, where will I be years from now? Will I be fulfilled with a long term career in software engineering?(If you have long term goals and visions set up in this field you might be climbing up the corporate ladder; so would that make you happy? etc etc)'
    Now shift your questions to clothing business online. If I don't do this will I be fulfilled in the long term, and in short term?' What would I miss if I don't do it? What would I gain by doing this?
    You have to keep asking yourself these questions that either induces pain or pleasure when you answer them.
    You can even ask - Is it possible for me to start small in the short term, in a way I can manage it while I work full time? If it begins to grow, say in a year two or five, then I can always evaluate whether I want to go full time or focus part time on software,.....'
    Remember the only limitations we humans have are the ones we set on our own minds
    Good luck
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
  3. reca

    reca Silver IL'ite

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    Hello JShreenath,
    First of all many thanks to you . You are right ! I was in a confused state of mind. Clothing business idea struck my mind since one of my aunt works as a Manager in a Garment industry. It seemed quite colorful and different.
    I am not from fashion industry, so it might need a different way of thinking to run a business in that line . My current job is very creative in terms of Engineering and I like it . As you said, I have to think about my long term goals.
    If I am not going to start a business, I am not really going to loose anything , however I may loose a different field experience.
    If anyone with my kind of background is already running such business, their inputs also might have been useful .
    Again I will really think hard before making further moves .
    Thank you JShreenath for sorting my thoughts.

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