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Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by iyerviji, Jul 23, 2023.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    A lovelyquote received in whatsapp

    Great value of having good people aroundus is not what we get from them but the better person we become just because of them. That is the power of association

    In my case the above quote is very true. If I am progressing in life it is because of the people around me who always encourage me and inspire me to do more . I have earned so many brothers through facebook , actually more than my girl friends they encourage me moreandappreciate my work. I feel blessed to have virtual loving brothers.

    Here is another one

    Many relations cannot be evaluated in terms of money or gains,, because some investments never make a profit but still they make us rich

    Money comes and goes and doe snot come with us when we leave this world but the good things we do only comes with us. What is th euse of living a luxurious life . The more money we have the more problems, instead if we have less money and be satisfied in life then we can enjoy life to the fullest.. When young I used to think of luxurious life but now I understand tha tmoney is not everything in the world.

    A nice message written on a balloon which was flying highup in the sky

    It is not what is outside but what is inside that takes you to the top

    I have always been afriad of losing people I love but I sometimes think is there anyone who is afraid of losing me too

    Let me not bore you all more
    Thyagarajan likes this.

  2. joylokhi

    joylokhi Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear viji maami,
    i too come across so many wonderful messages in my readings, but u have picked and brought to light ones which truly add meaning to life! These are all lifes learnings, even to seniors like me! enjoyed reading as usual for all the positive vibes. I am sure all in IL equally enjoy your jottings as is clear from the responses u receive. Wish you the best of everything.
    Thyagarajan and iyerviji like this.
  3. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks very much.for your first response. First response is always good and makes your day.
    If I am energetic it is due to the friends I have all over the world. You are one of my close friends and thanks for appreciating my posts and my jewelleries in whatsapp which gives me energy to do lore. Don't know how long I will be making as my strength is becoming less day by day. Devi.is giving me strength
    Thyagarajan and joylokhi like this.

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