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Foursome After 40 Years

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Thyagarajan, Jul 30, 2022.

  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello: Foursome After 40 Years :hello:

    Dear IL FOLKS,
    Do keep meeting your loved ones, don't wait for any opportunity to meet someone, we never know when it's time to get separated and we may never get to meet again.

    The journey of life is also like a train journey. When someone's destination comes, they got to be dropped off at that right moment. Only few blurry bleary memories would remain!

    Stay with family, feel the joys of being alive..

    Keep meeting your loved ones, especially on special occasions and sometimes without any reason too.
    May the fabric of our relationships be strengthened by the weave of camaraderie, for whom we do not have to wait for any reason or opportunity to meet.

    Here story of four bosom friends is apt. They studied in the same school up to Senior secondary.
    At that time, there was only one small hotel in the city. After the last exam in their schooling , they had decided that they all should meet in that hotel and have some fun and lunch. The four of them could hardly collect rupees five.

    It was a Sunday and all four of them reached the hotel by their bicycle at breakfast-hour.

    Sunil, shyam, charu and Aarthi started talking & giggle while having lunch. All four of them decided unanimously, that they would meet again after forty years in the same hotel on 1st of Jan.

    "Till then we all should work very hard. It will be interesting to see how much progress has been made after 40 years," they discussed.

    It was also decided that the last one to reach the hotel then, would have to pay the bill for that day.
    Bala, the waiter who served them lunch, was listening to all this. He said, "If I stay here till then, I'll be waiting for you all."

    All four separated for higher education.

    Sunil had left the city after his father got relocated, Shyam went for further studies, and Charu and Aarthi got admission to different colleges in the city.
    Eventually, Sunil also left the country.
    Days, months, and years passed.

    In 40 years, the city underwent a sea of change. The city turned populous with broad wide and narrow roads, flyovers, metro rail and malls changed the complexion of of the city.

    Now that hotel had become a five-star hotel,
    the waiter Bala had now become Mr. Bala, acquired the status of owner of this & other chain of hotels in this city.

    Forty years later, on the scheduled date, Jan 1st, 2010 at 6 p.m. a luxury car arrived at the facade of the hotel.

    Sunil alighted from his electric car and started walking briskly towards the huge reception area. He now owns three golden & platinum jewellery stores.

    SUNIL reached the hotel owner Mr. Bala and both of them kept looking smilingly at each other. Mr. Bala had said, “Sir, Ms Aarthi had booked a table for you a month back.”

    Sunil was delighted that olden days waiter Bala had risen in status & was very happy that he was the first of the four to be at the rendezvous so he wouldn't have to pay the bill that day and would make fun of his friends for it. After a while, Shyam arrived. He has become a well known contractor of the city. For his age, he now looked like an old barrel apple shaped. Now, they both were talking and waiting for the other friends.

    The third friend, Ms Charu - also came in half an hour. On talking to her, both of them came to know that she was now a businesswoman.

    The three friends kept looking towards the door again and again, wondering when Aarthi would come.

    Soon, Mr. Bala came to them and said, "A message has come from Aarthi . She has asked you all to start with lunch, and she'll join you."
    All three were happy to meet each other after 40 years, laughing and joking for hours,
    but Aarthi had not yet come.

    Mr. Bala said, "Aarthi has sent another message, you three should order your favourites from the menu and start eating."

    The food was ordered, but even after they had finished eating, Aarthi did not show up. When the three asked for the bill, they were told that the bill has been paid online.

    At 4 o'clock in the evening, a young busty lady from the car alighted and reached the three friends preparing to leave the hotel. The three couldn't take their eyes off the petite busty lady.

    The young lady said, "I am your friend's daughter Aruna, my mother's name is Aarthi. Mom had told me about your meet today,
    she was waiting for this day, but she passed away last month due to a long illness...

    She had asked me to arrive today here at hotel
    because if I had come early, it would have made you all sad. Mom had said, "My friends will not laugh if they come to know that I am not in this world, then they would lose the joy of meeting each other...
    I don't want that.

    That's why she had instructed me to arrive here late. She also had asked me to greet all of you on her behalf."
    ARUNA SHOOK HER hands with each of the three while her eyes turned moist.

    Everyone around was eagerly watching this scene, they thought they had seen this young girl somewhere.
    Aruna said, "My mom became a professor and gave me a good education. Today, I am the
    Lion of this city..."

    Everyone was amazed, Mr. Bala said, "Now, it won't be after 40 years, but we will meet in our hotel every month, and each time there will be a grand party from my side...."

    svpriya and SuiDhaaga like this.

  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Touching story
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  3. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello: Thank you ms vijima.
    I AM delighted to see a first FB here from a veteran.
    It is evident that you are active both physically and mentally with making jewellery and evaluating responses and posts here for possible nomination forfinest post fir the month.
    God Bless.
    iyerviji likes this.
  4. sociallifein30s

    sociallifein30s Gold IL'ite

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    uhh loss of a mum is unbearable. every living moment for us feels like she is somewhere. I sometimes hear my name being called out and I get a leap in my heart.
    I heard her yell at me so many times that she can take care of herself and I that should not get anxious if she is delayed somewhere. Sometimes its traffic, sometimes shes just downstairs chatting up with Aunty, or sometimes shes just window shopping. Stop getting anxious. she kept saying. I just hope shes doing something of those and the bell would suddenly ring and I can get yelled at happily ...
    Amica and Thyagarajan like this.

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