Jesus said to turn the other cheek He also said to forgive 7 times 70 Easy for Him to say He was God Or at least the son of God How do I get to the place Where I forgive those Who disrespect me and malign me Those who could care less about my feelings Yet I still care about theirs Why is forgiveness so hard Why does it take so much out of you Why is it easier to hold on to a grudge Rather than to let it go Am I doing something wrong If it is true that we are to love others As we love ourselves And we stay mad at ourselves For our misdeeds and misdoing Is it realistic to easily forgive someone If you extend the olive branch Of friendship and kindness and forgiveness And it is not returned Should you really keep trying Even if you feel it is a lost cause Or will persistence win the day With the honesty and sincerity of words Be recognized and acknowledged Followed by a reasonable attempt To let bygones be bygones Is this one of the famous battles Between head and heart With both having opposing views But the same hold on your psyche Neither winning, neither losing Sometimes I wonder If our lack of ability to forgive Is truly more rooted in our Bruised ego and hurt feelings Perhaps the pain we feel is comforting If I were to release my anger and my pain Only to be knocked again Who becomes the bigger fool Me for trying Or them for doing I wish that such matters were as easy As a game of tic-tac-toe Or perhaps it is Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose Neither happens if you don’t take a chance So I resolve to forgive To be the bigger and better person Give of myself as I would want others To give to me And perhaps this time everyone will win.
I hope forgiveness was so easy. So amny poems on Forgiveness Pammor After reading all these I hope I will forgive myself