Finest Posts of IL

Discussion in 'Finest Posts of IL' started by Induslady, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hello IL’ites

    Today, we are announcing a initiative called “Finest Posts of IL” with which we want to celebrate members for the quality of their contributions to IL Forums! Our Super Moderators host. Through this initiative, we will pick a post that you all consider as one of the finest posts of IL. And we will do this every month.

    What is finest Posts of IL?
    It is an initiative to reward the best contributors at IL. Members of IL will make nominations for the best contributions in this site. Super Moderators running the Finest Post initiative will pick the best among the nominations as the finest post of IL.

    Here is how the initiative will work:
    • Every month, we will start a thread to receive nominations for “Finest Posts of IL”
    • As you read the forum and come across a post that is impressive, nominate it for “Finest Posts of IL” in the nomination thread. There is a limit to the number of posts that you can nominate - upto 4 nominations by a member in a month.
    • At the end of the month, our Super moderators will review the nominations and announce a post as one of the “Finest Posts of IL”.
    • The member who made the winning post will
      • Receive a special Gift
      • Will have a special mention in their signature about their achievement
    • The member who nominated the winning post will receive an Indusladies T-Shirt! If more than one member nominate the winning post, the first person to nominate will get the IL-T Shirt.
    What posts are Eligible?
    • The nomination can be a
      • Post in the forum
      • Thread (in essence the first post of that thread)
    • The nominated post should be written by the poster herself/himself--Must be an original work of the poster.
    • The post that you are nominating could have been posted anytime in the past. It doesn’t have to be a post that is made in the month for which you are nominating.
    • Any QUALITY POST/THREAD could be nominated. A quality post is a good piece of advice, suggestions to some one in need of help, a complete answer to a co-member's question,a post that provides guidance, a post sharing information most wanted, a post building relationship, reaching out help, etc.
    • It could also be a great piece of writing - fiction, non-fiction, poem, song, etc.

    The Posts that are Not Eligible:

    • You cannot nominate posts from the category Just for Fun (Online Games & Puzzles, Jokes, Weekly Polls).
    • Posts from the sub-forum General Discussions.
    • Posts from all the forums which are under the section of Community Central.
    • Posts that are cut and pasted from other sites.
    • Articles and middles published in other newspapers or magazines are not eligible for nomination.

    How to nominate?
    It’s simple. Copy the web link to the post that you want to nominate from your browser and post it in the nomination thread. Commenting a line or two about the post is appreciated, but not required.

    A member gets to nominate up to 4 nominations during a month.

    Where to nominate?
    Nominate in the current month's thread here. Finest Posts of IL - IndusLadies

    Where can I see the list of past nominations and winners?
    You can see them in this Finest posts of Index thread.

    Have Questions or comments?
    Please post them on the Finest Posts of - Comments, Feedback and Suggestions thread.

    Starting from June 2016, you will have a special ribbon showing that you are a FP Winner displayed with your Username in all your posts as well as in your profile page. This display will remain for six months! This is in lieu of the small gifts which were sent to you in the past. The change is introduced as quite a few never claimed their prizes in the past and the logistics was proving to be difficult. In the revised system, the special ribbon will continuously proclaim you as the Winner for six months!
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:This being not the case now, this announcement made in 2007 needs suitable modification so that new comers are not misled and to avoid possible disputes.
    I expect @IL_Admin would do the needful at the earliest.
    Thanks and regards.
    God - loves anecdotes regardless of it nominated and or winning for the Month of its posting.
  3. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sir,

    Here is the announcement made by Cheeniya Sir in the Finest Post forum itself in July 2016. Am sharing the link here.

    Finest Posts - June 2016 Winners
  4. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I have incorporated the change in the Original announcement. Thanks a lot for your vigilance:blush:
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    You are welcome my friend and brother in reverence.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2020

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