Finest Posts - January 2015 Nominations

Discussion in 'Finest Posts of IL' started by Kamla, Dec 26, 2014.

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  1. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear friends,

    I have the special pleasure of opening the Nomination thread for the Brand New Year of 2015! Welcome to January 2015 friends!

    We are stepping into the 15th year of what we celebrated as the New Millennium not so long ago...Or, so I thought. But it has been fifteen long and wonderful years into the new millennium! A millennium that brought us into Two Thousands, a millennium when most of us stepped into the era of computers. Talking of my generation, we may have heard about computers before, some of our children were getting introduced to it. We even bought them the first of the video games-- most of you still may remember 'Atari'?!! At least, my generation had nothing to do with all this while we were still at schools and colleges. But then, we too grew into the millennium. Computers occupied a pride of place in our homes along with our TV and video recorder sets. Who knew that it would slowly replace them one by one! Agree, we do have TVs, but we can do without it for our computers can easily provide all the entertainment. Moreover, it can even replace our books. This is the era of Kindle after all! Talking about Kindle and books, we have enough material to read...yes,..on our computers! Who but we at Good to Read forum of Indusladies online portal are the happening and rocking proof of it all!

    So friends, here we are stepping into January 2015. Finest Posts has kept our interest engaged for quite a few years now. It is up to all of us to keep it swinging for many more years to come! After all, computers may come and go, but we the people will be the masterminds behind it all! Our minds will be always ticking and working and writing and composing! As long as we do that, we will be reading and appreciating. What we appreciate, we nominate to FP!

    Fear not friends, we are here to stay! Some months may be slow and others may be full of hustle and bustle! Here's to wishing that January will be a busy month for writers, nominators and for FP team 'ers' !!

    Happy New Year to all of you! May 2015 keep all of you in good Health and Prosperity!

    Keep Nominating!!

    Your FP Team


    Please do Note that posts and threads from the sub-forums Express Cafe, Forward Messages & Jokes, Online Games & Puzzles are not eligible for nomination.

    To familiarize yourselves with FP and its nominating process, please check[COLOR=#009900 !important][COLOR=#009900 !important]this link[/COLOR] below: Finest Posts of IL Each member is allowed to nominate up to 4 posts only.
    This ensures that each of us have a hand in deciding the winning post as we will filter our choice more closely, thus making [COLOR=#009900 !important]the winner more significant.[/COLOR]

    The nominations will be closed on the 26th of every month. Simultaneously, the nomination thread for the following month will be opened.

    In case of nominating FBs, please remember to add a link to the FB and not to the original post.

    The following gives step-wise on adding links to your nominations

    - To add a link to the original post that you are nominating :
    How to add a "Link" in my post?
    - To add a link to the FB that you are nominating :

    Attached Files:

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  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Kamla as always superb announcement for January Nominations. Glad that I too had the opportunity to learn Computers thats why I am here in this wonderful site. Thanks to Jey and Malathy for this wonderful site.

    Thanks for the good wishes and wish you and your family too


    May God bless you and fulfill all your wishes in the coming year
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  3. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Anna and Kamla

    First of all wish you both and your family a very Happy and Prosperous New year. I thought this time I will nominate later but habits die hard. Also since this is for January 2015 Nominations I thought let me nominate and was surprised that noone nominated Srama's wonderful post about love. Because of love only I could stay here for 7 memorable years and could become Vijima to so many virtual daughters. Here I nominate Srama's
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  4. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Kamla,

    Only you know how to surprise I tell you. Beautifully written post. I never ever expected a New Year message filled with references to the ubiquitous technological world. Now that I mention it, it is only apt. Yes the world has only become smaller with all these technological advancements playing such an important role. Yes, a hearty Welcome to 2015!

    Enjoyed the lovely welcome to the New Years! And Kamla, I know you are busy with the holiday season. Enjoy and Happy New Year to you and your family!
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  5. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Viji aunty,

    I was grinnig ear to ear reading Kamla’s post, your response to it and what do I see, a nomination to my post? What do you think happens aunty? My grin only widened. Thank you for the nomination especially of this post. I wish I could explain more, but let me leave it at this.

    A very happy new year to you and uncle.
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  6. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Vijima,

    That's what we call 'with a bang'! :) >>> I meant your presence here, your words and your very first nomination to kick start the New Year!

    Everything is going like a clockwork in my opinion. Great response to the new start and what's more, by our 'First' lady Vijima. It would not have felt the same if you did not make the start with your auspicious nomination! So all is well and all is as it should be!

    Thank you for appreciating words. That keeps me going and motivated.

    As for Sabitha's(Srama), a very befitting nomination especially as the first post for the new year. Starting with love, let us hope the love is the dominating factor of the year not only in FP and IL, but in the world over all. We need it and how!

    Thanks for coming and hope to see you regularly.

    Wish you and your's the Very Best for 2015 from me and also from Cheeniya sir!

    L, Kamla
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  7. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Saby,

    So happy to see your post being nominated as the first one in the new year by our 'First' lady of IL!

    Also, thank you for much for the lovely words. As I sat down to pen words for this new thread for the new year, I had to think of what binds me with all these lovely people in IL. How did I get to know some lovely friends at this stage of my life? I had to thank the computer and our technology! No other way!

    However, all this is possible only because of the love that we share together be it for the computers, the written word or a common thread of emotion that binds all of us!

    Your also talks about the same thing! Only, it does so in Srama's way and thought!

    Happy New Year to you and your lovely family!

    L, Kamla
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  8. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear buddy Kamla
    Every time you make an announcement here, I learn something new about the Art of Making Announcements! I do not mind being your Ekalavya as long as you do not demand my Index Finger with which I do all my typing as Gru Dakshina!
    This announcement brims with joy de vivre! The expression of 'Brand New Year' did the impossible; it brought a smile to my grumpy face! Your youthful spirit comes to the fore when you talk of growing into the millennium! I retired way back in the previous Millennium and am groping my way into the new one! I remember the times when I sat glued to my Bharat TV waiting for the vertical colour bands to disintegrate into the swirling logo of Doordarshan accompanied by its ear filling signature tune. My excitement would soar as the screen opened to the programme for the farmers. I learned here all about the diseases that affected my favourite potato. It is almost a decade now since I got introduced to my PC. Since then the honey moon between my Index Finger and the keyboard has continued without a hitch!

    It is no exaggeration if I say that your presence as my buddy in IL makes it a very enriching experience for me. Two things will never end, The Never Ending Story and the process of my learning! I am enjoying every bit of it my dear buddy!
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  9. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Aaaawwww dear dear Cheeniya sir!

    You are back! All is well and things are how it should be with you adding the rainbow to the FP's new nomination thread!

    Sir, me your Guru? There is a limit to pulling my leg!! If at all, it is you who has enriched not just my world but the world of many of our IL members! All of us wait with abated breath as to what's next from the magic box of the wordsmith Cheeniya! My amazement at your vast knowledge of the world and especially about books and literature not just in English, but Tamil, Sanskrit and more is unending. I have learnt a lot from you and you have made me think and ponder about subjects and aspects that I would otherwise have never paid attention to!

    However, this may sound like "you scratch my back and I'll scratch your's"!! It was not meant to be so. This is my open admiration and I had to say it at least once before this year ends! ( I will come back again next year with new words, God wiling!!).

    Thanks for the appreciation.

    L, Kamla
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  10. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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