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Family Whatsapp Group Saga....

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by thegirlygirl, Mar 25, 2023.

  1. thegirlygirl

    thegirlygirl Platinum IL'ite

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    Hello ladies,
    Hope you all are doing well.
    I've been thinking of posting a thread on this topic from some time, and today I thought of posting a fun thread!

    Do you ladies have a family whatsapp group?
    I quite recently married into a family that has several whatsapp groups and I got added into all of them all at once!!! It was quite overwhelming in the beginning.

    There is a whatsapp group for our whole family( PILs, BIL, Co-sister and us), then there is one for the whole extended family( uncles and aunties and cousins included), then one huge one with the whole clan, and several others.

    How do you ladies keep up with it? Having to like all the baby pictures shared by co-sisters, wishing each and every family member on their birthdays and anniversaries, reacting and commenting on all the vacation pictures sent by family members? Having to like all the pictures of art and craft done by members! Even worse responding to messages with a subtle tone of sarcasm in them? Sending greetings related to festivities on every group and responding to them? Congratulating members on their promotions, baby births and weddings. Hah!! The list is endless!

    Also what about the awkward messages that some members end up sending on these groups!

    Come on, let's all share our anecdotes on this topic! Either funny, or even those that are serious. All are welcome.

    I feel that whatsapp has put a burden on us to forcibly reach out and interact with in laws in ways we don't desire even when we live miles apart from them. We have to share pictures of the food we cook, the furniture we buy, the Pooja setup for festivals, etc etc....
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2023
    KashmirFlower likes this.

  2. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Congratulations on your wedding!!

    My 2 cents which will save you from lots of headaches down the road, Stay away from all family whatsapp groups. If you need to know the family news, your DH would be part of these groups and will let you know.

    Tell them that you cant keep up with whatsapp groups and are very infrequent checking and responding. Uninstall if needed or mute and never look at these message. Never ever post anything there, even to thank the wishes you received. Leave groups if its not too awkward.

    You will thank me someday.
    KashmirFlower and thegirlygirl like this.
  3. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Ah, upon reading it again, you are not looking for advice on whether to stay or leave or what needs to be done. Sorry, please disregard it!
    thegirlygirl likes this.
  4. thegirlygirl

    thegirlygirl Platinum IL'ite

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    @Thoughtful Any kind of response is welcome on this thread!
    Thank you for the advice, yes it would be wise to not post so much. I'm trying to do that now.
  5. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    We also have several WhatsApp groups.
    1) For me and my parents only
    2) Me, parents, sibling
    3) Me and sibling only
    4) Me, parents, sibling, sibling’s spouse, aunt and 2 closest cousins
    5) Me and aunt
    6) Entire gang on my dads side: all my parents generation and me and my cousins generation
    7) Huge group on my mother’s side-literally hundreds of members. I had to leave this group because it was getting too much. Mom gives me the important news
    IME these activities wax and wane. Except for my immediate family I don’t really keep up much with other groups. I don’t post and just skim for any juicy details.
    I wouldn’t waste too much time on the relatives you don’t interact closely with IRL. If it’s your husband side people then be even more careful with posting. It’s very easy to get in trouble with nitpicky relatives and you as the new bride.
    These groups are also fine and fun until they’re not. Large groups will have people with diverse and strong opinions.
    My group #6 fell apart over Covid politics. Someone posted a news article which made a few people upset, heated exchanges flew, some of the elders tried to mediate and then left in a huff when the arguments wouldn’t subside. It still hasn’t recovered fully 2 years later. I just maintain individual conversations with the people I really cared about in that group. It’s a real shame because until then we were having fun, lighthearted exchanges and connecting as an extended family many years after the happy days of our childhood.
    So have fun, but be careful not to step on any land mines.
  6. godsgp

    godsgp Silver IL'ite

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    This is something I can relate to.

    So our family has all grown up kids.
    The youngest baby was born about four years back and of course everybody liked to wake up to his pictures and videos everyday.But after a while the baby photos and videos took over the group with ninety nine percent of the posts being them!!Grown up kids just became obsolete and were not liking it either.
    After three years of patience finally Ms.big mouth aka me remarked on the content of the group.There is radio silence since then.Some passive agressive family we are!!
    thegirlygirl likes this.
  7. thegirlygirl

    thegirlygirl Platinum IL'ite

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    Thank you ladies, for your responses.

    My BIL recently posted a nude picture of his 5 year old daughter on the family WA group that has her grandparents and uncles and aunts!! :anguished::anguished::anguished:
    I don't know what he was thinking!! :rolleye::buenrollo::sconf:
    By chance, this messege popped up on the group when I and hubby were relaxing on the sofa together and we opened it together. My mouth fell open while my husband tried his best to pretend that there was nothing unusual happening...... :clap2::clap2::clap2:

    It was deleted a few minutes later...
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  8. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    Now it is clear why WhatsApp provided “disappearing messages” option. Few of my friends had kept it functional. But there are crookswho before disapoearance of juicy message ir image would immediately take a copy and oaste it seoarate folder for future ref of for some harafiri!
    thegirlygirl and swarnamary like this.
  9. Anbhu

    Anbhu Silver IL'ite

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    May be it was a mistake he tried to select another photo and did not know this photo was already selected unknowingly. I would not even have posted it here.

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