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Face Glow using Face Yoga( Funny faces) !!! :)

Discussion in 'Face & Skin Care' started by lalithasathish, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. lalithasathish

    lalithasathish Silver IL'ite

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    I recently bumped upon an article on Facial Yoga while I was browsing on how to reduce the fat beneath the chin in the neck area. I found the video tutorial really useful and started searching for similar articles online. Here’s what I have gained from those articles based on my small research which I wish to share it with you all.
    Anyone having knowledge on Face Yoga , request you to kindly provide feedback and enlighten us more about this art.
    I will be trying out some of the things mentioned below . Any online IL buddies joining me are most welcome. We can discuss about it and do it together!!!

    Did you ever imagine that making funny faces can do wonders to your face??Yes ,there are solid cases that proves this fact. Try to analyze yourselves with the below points :

    1. Do you spend countless late nights sitting in front of your laptop or computers?
    Then thre are high chances that you get lines on your face and dark circles around your eye.

    2. Are you aging fast ? Then you are for sure worried about wrinkles appearing on your face due to aging.

    3. Do you have fat accumulated in any part of your face due to weight issues? Then you sure would want to get rid of it.

    If the answer to any of the above points is an “YES” ,the solution can never be as simple as can be imagined. Face Yoga provides remedy to all the afore-mentioned problems.
    But ButBut!!! You need to be prepared to look funny and ridiculous :rotfl

    Our face acts as a reflection of our inner self. Face like any other parts of the body needs to be toned and firmed up and definitely needs a work out.
    Face yoga works on the 50 plus face muscles on the face and around 40 muscles on the neck attached to the face. By focusing on the specific muscles on the face or neck, the muscles get pumped and the skin gets firmed up thereby bringing the required glow to the skin and thus making us look younger and refreshing .:thumbsup

    As one grows older, the production of two important proteins required by our skin to maintain its elasticity , namely Collagen and Elastin, tend to decrease in our body . Doing this yoga on a regular basis helps in stimulating the production of these two vital protein inturn keeping our skin look healthier and youthful. Doing it continuously for 28 days with 15 minutes a day can make a huge difference according to study!!

    Steps to do face yoga :

    First and foremost thing is to isolate the specific muscle in the problem area of the face/neck.
    Below are the images of face yoga acting on different muscles on the face.


    Courtesy : Home | Mail Online

    If willing to experiment, there are many interesting videos about face yoga that can be found online.
    4 people like this.

  2. Yashikushi

    Yashikushi Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Awwwwwwwwwww.age defying yoga poses..all for FREE
    Thanks for sharing..
    try these:)

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  3. HappyFaceYoga

    HappyFaceYoga New IL'ite

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    Hello , I am so glad to use this type of exercise . I am continuing everyday But my face is not slim till now or I can't guess that my face is slim or not .
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2014

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