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Extra marital relationships

Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, May 9, 2007.

  1. Malathijagan

    Malathijagan Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Chithra,
    Coming to talk of platonic relationships, why do they arise in the first place? most of these type of relationships arise between ppl of opposite sex. And the reason-for married ppl-incompatability and for unmarried ones- harmonal changes. Other than this reason, I wonder if platonic relationships can ever exist. May be I am wrong, but in majority cases it is true. Aplatonic relationship has always the risk of crossing limits and turning into a physical relationship.
    I feel when one marries, specially the new generation, he/she should be fully prepared to respect each others differences. Each one should have the freedom to pursue his/her own interests, at the same time searching for commonalities so that life can be shared between them too. In this way life won't be suffocating . Do people who seek physical pleasure from professionals find compatibility with them. Physical pleasures and emotional compatability are two different things. The former will wane with time.
    I would like to borrow your words-"One is answerable to one's own conscience, which always comes out with the "right" answers and not "convenient" answers ! You are answerable to your own self; only next comes the society.
    It is always fear and guilt conscience that makes us come out with a "holier than thou" attitude."
    any way Cheeniya sir had started with a " Highly combustible thread"!
  2. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Malathy,
    I am giving you a reply, since you have addressed the post to me & not to Cheeniya.
    Very often, in life, things crop up from unexpected angles, call it, quarters!
    Platonic life is a term which has been in existence, dating back to old times, perhaps. But with the internet connectivity literally in our finger tips, it has become more relevant today. What starts as a pleasant 'hi, bye" takes a different hue, in fact, different hues over a period of time. I think, in spite of compatibility with the spouse, this can shape up as a casual, interesting, enjoyable friendship. Each is on her or his best behaviour & words, because the companionship is more virtual than real. I strongly feel the "getting drawn to the other", unknowingly (?) creeps in as a very high probability. For the same reason, one "dares to bare" one's inner self as well. Unless one's moral values are very high & "holy", I think, physical pleasures which we (flippantly?) call "fleeting" are very likely to play a part when they meet - ofcourse, I am not generalising, Malathy. I am not totally condemning platonic friendship. I only feel, it is like walking on a razor's edge. One has necessarily to be on guard all the time!

    We can talk theoritically so much. But it is very probable that emotions can always overrule us and we fall an inevitable prey to the rulings of the heart.
    Unless we are very strong in our minds, in the present day context of life, the opportunities are very many to "lead one into temptation".
    It is at such times, we tend to follow the "convenient answers" from our conscience, to twist it to our wishes !
    You write that physical pleasures will wane away in time. It is not likely to be so in all cases, though may be, in a majority of cases.The "fire" in one's heart is likely to be present till the last day, may be in a dormant form atleast. If it is fanned by opportunities, its existence is bound to be revealed. Hence my statement that one should follow the right answers from one's conscience. Only the person concerned can decide what is the right answer ??!!
    Last edited: May 12, 2007
  3. Vidya24

    Vidya24 Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Cheeniya,

    Just a random thought from the back on my head (flooded with Sun TV serials where every man standing has an EMA). Whenever an EMA is mentioned, two movies tinkle in my mind. One is Mudhal Mariyadhai by Bharatiraja. The other is Bridges of Madison County with Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood. Let us all take an honest moment and tell ourselves- with whom did our sympathies lie in either movie? Did we pray for tradition and propriety to hold sway and allow the marriage to continue as always? Or did we shed a tear with the actors and vote otherwise?

    How simple, convenient and refreshing it would be if the goal of all EMAs were physical contact and affairs? In my opinion, the very essence of today's EMAs is the negation or avoidance of physical contact. What most 'friends' seek is someone to talk to, someone to confide their feelings. Someone, non-affected, a third party to share their troubles and problems.

    Such an EMA is all about escapism, a voluntary suspension of reality and belief. Escapism because in the ten minutes of chat, the agents escape into a mayajal world where there is no on else except the two of them. Escapism because in this relationship they will never be expected to balance the household budget together, they do not have to deal with the MiL, they do not have to turn away frustrated in bed, they do not have to plan a retirement together.

    I assume most modern EMAs are like this. There are many to whom an EMA spells out as a physical relationship, I am sure they have their reasons and justifications for what they do. But for the rest of the world, EMAs are platonic, covert. I do not recommend either, there is no substitute to dealing with ground reality practically. But at the end of the day, all said and done and reasoned, who wants another complicated partner for sex, when you have to trade a good friend in the bargain?

    Have to run now.

  4. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sri,

    Seeing the combustible nature of the thread I took herculean efforts to keep away from such a juicy discussion. Many of my stories and articles have affairs as their central theme. I have never seen even a single case where the persons involved in the affair are happy. That made me write stories like The Leader (Alive - 2002), An Affair and Its Aftermath (in IL in the marital relationships forum) where I have given words to what I saw in real life.

    I have known men having relationship with call girls. They are of a different type and they are happy and without problems. A client of mine, very rich and very handsome used to be of this type. He used to talk about his experiences with all the VIP call girls. He was a happy-go-lucky person until he met a woman who fell in love with him. This man is married with three children.

    The lady who fell in love with him is also from a rich family. She is also married. Before going into the morality of that issue, let me just tell its effects. The hero became grief-stricken. The eternal smile which used to adorn his handsome features had gone for ever.

    I did not have the heart to advise him on his personal matter. But when I chanced to meet his nephew who knew every thing, I told him, "Your uncle is now carrying enormous emotional baggage. When he was just visiting call girls he was free and happy. This complicated love affair has given him a baggage which he can never put down. Take it from me, this affair is going to leave emotionally deep scars in your uncle's psyche."

    But having said that I would like to just add a raider to what Chithra has said regarding modern girls. I can boast that I am most competent to make a statement in this regard, because I have many women friends, a typical cross section of them. A high-profile HR Manager, a couple of writers, a house wife, a few chartered accountants et al. I chat with many of them, exchange mails, talk over phone and have also met them in person and talked for long.

    I could sustain these relationships because there was no hidden agenda involved. Other than friendship I did not require anything from them. Nor did they want anything from me. If any of them has a mood swing, she would call me and chat generally for a few minutes. And if I want some shoulders to cry on in the middle of the day, I will call them up, not to discuss my problem; but talk generally about super star, the climate and the US economy.

    I have been like this for the past 15 years and never once I have crossed the limits. The maximum limit to which we go is shaking hands. That too is not carried out as a formality. When we meet after a long time, or when we part, knowing well, that we may not meet for years, we shake hands.

    It is pretty naive to think that fear or other external factors can safeguard our chastity. Only a deep realisation about the risks can guard us. Because fear, at times, can be thrashed down, if the body-chemistry is right.

    It is even more naive to think that with all the modern means of communications women (or men) tend to go astray. A small percentage do get caught up in affairs. But a majority are aware of their limitations and are able to sustain healthy relationships with the members of the opposite sex for life. If you ask me, honestly, the proportion of women (or men)falling into affairs has remained almost the same over the last hundred years. Only thing is we have better news coverage now.

    Let me also tell you a hometruth known to the Tamil culture for 2000 years. If a woman decides to cheat, nothing can stop her. The fear factor, chastity belts, regimented home, nothing can come in her way. Thiruvalluvar was one person who was aware of this when he said:

    சிறை காக்கும் காப்பு எவன் செய்யும் மகளிர் தம்
    நிறை காக்கும் காப்பே தலை

    Of what use is a cage in guarding woman's chastity? She is the best guard.

    Last edited: May 13, 2007
    Happinessjourne and jop2000 like this.
  5. Vidya24

    Vidya24 Gold IL'ite

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    :2thumbsup: :clap

  6. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sri
    A nice analysis! I may agree or not agree with you but does it matter?
    This is problem that has confronted men and women sincethe dawn of time. We may be for or we may be against but this will go on for ever like Robert Brook's River! I wish we had the power to stop it by a simple wave of our mighty hand!
    My life has been a mixture of good and bad and I am expecting my grandson to ask me one day,like Nayagan was confronted by his grandson, "Thatha, are you a good man or bad man?"! I am sure I'll have no answer! But I know this much that I am not going to be ashamed of my bad deeds or elated about the good ones.
  7. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamla
    Some people who are victims of EMR have deeply repented subsequently not because they went astray but because their EMR was with the wrong man or woman! There is no guarantee that EMR can give enduring happiness but it is still possible that it may, provided the emphasis is not on the physical.

    It doesnt require any deep analysis. Flesh is a fast perishing commodity and any relationship built on the basis thereof can only be short-lived. But the spirit within is ageless and imperishable and a relationship woven around it is like to last forever. The French writer Andre` Maurois has analysed such relationships brilliantly and his conclusion is that even in such a spiritual bond, a little physical aspect can creep in without either of them being even aware of it! Is it right? Is it wrong?

    Who am I to judge being the most falliable man alive?!
  8. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Vidya
    I cant agree with you more!
    I have come out with something similar in my Blog, The Eternal Myth posted in this forum.
  9. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sri,

    if your grandson were to ask that 'Nayagan' question in my presence, I will intrude even befor you open your mouth to say, that "Your thaatha is a good man."

    Goodness, to me, is not being confined to some pre-determined moral code. Goodness is accepting one's faults and when seeing some other person committing the same set of excesses, to disregard that with a compassionate smile.

    Again goodness or badness cannot be based on past deeds or omissions. It is actively based on what we think at this given moment.

    I do not have the seniority or maturity to proclaim along with you, "I am not going to be ashamed of my bad deeds or elated about the good ones"
    But I know this much. Being elated about our good deeds makes them less good and being ashamed of our bad deeds makes them less bad.

    Thanks, Sri, for giving an opportunity to go deep into my thoughts and feelings.

  10. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sudha
    Every value keeps changing with the Time. What was considered blasphemous a hundred years back is now accepted as inevitable. Have we not seen this happening in medical world? Potato is one day a deadly poison and the next day the same potato is a saviour! curd kills one day but next day it is life saving. Aspirin is deadly and now saves you from heart attacks!

    Every virtue and for that matter vice has a definite shelf life! Nothing is eternal. Till about a couple of centuries back, chastity was the most respected quality only in women though! The women were expected to stay with their men, serving them and worshipping them, no matter if they were a piece of stone or a blade of grass! They were encouraged to enter the funeral pyre of their husbands if they predeceased their wives even if those men had lived with another woman throughout their lives! Chastity was used as a weapon to keep the wives subservient to their husbands for life.

    But today even the manufacturers of contraceptives do not project their products as a way to plan the family but only as an instrument of safe sex! Their visiual ads are so titillating that it is difficult to perceive the characters portrayed in them as husband and wife! They even seem to encourage EMR.

    I can go on and on but would stop with just saying- Let posterity judge us! For the present we are in the midst of a highly volatile and evolutionary era when the feelings of having been oppressed for a thousand years are undergoing a kind of self-correction!

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