This is a rant thread about current affairs.. Be it happening news in US/Canada/ UK/ India. Its just about rant/ vent/ frustration/ OMG what happened current affairs, be it politics/celebrity life/Science/ Crime/ Sports. Note to participants - Please let's all Agree to just AGREE with the person who is ranting. This thread is not about taking a stand or stating your opinion about the ranter’s concern/issue. This is an exclusive rant thread on Current affairs. Lets all freely rant out on Current affairs.
I started this thread because of Melania Trump’s speech!! OMG! Why would anyone steal Michelle Obama’s speech and say that "I wrote it with a little bit of help". I have ranted enough to my H about this issue and I still cant get over how cheap it is to steal someone else speech. What even was Melania thinking!! Jeez! Just feeling very compelled to show my disgust toward stealing someone else intellectual property. I know both of them have speech writers, yet its unreal for Melania Trump to just get the stage and say the exact or more than 50% of an alike speech from the First Lady!
I read on BBC News that lot of companies in India just gave its employees holiday to watch Rajinikanth movie.. Really? It must be huge for BBC to report it as news!
i want to rant seeing the boy form Syria whose blood on his hand dsnt scare him anymore . at that age even the sight of blood on someone else used to give me goosebumps. i want to rant because unknowingly media is exaggerating the girl girl girl power ...they are Indian athletes . And all athletes who are representing India with honesty should be respected. I want to rant because i saw a pic of and MP being lifted by police through a damp area.literally lifted. Iam sick and tired of left right issues. i sometimes don't know which side to choose. or are there any real sides ?
@ashima10- Aleppo boys video is haunting. Sick to my stomach to see every time I have read about it. This is not a rant-- I feel karma caught up with Ryan Lochte, the US swimmer who was caught vandalizing gas station at Rio.
Stanford rapist Brock Turner is released after serving just 3 months out of his 6 months sentence! Unbelievable just 3 months in prison is just so frustratingly insane! Doesnt even happen in India
Kashmir ...ever burning ! Pellets and what not ! Kids dragged out of childhood ! A heaven destroyed by Man.
Not sure whether to feel sorry for Gary Johnson 'What is Aleppo?' blanking out or feel sorrier for the "choices" U.S. voters have. Karma? He was a bad boy? I really didn't follow on his past misdeeds, if any. I thought after the furor died down, he'd get away easy, but looks like not - got a 10 month suspension. I still can't stand the spin he puts on it.. 'bounce back... getting advice from Phelps...'
OK, the below is not a disagreement with the rant. : ) I searched up this thread to post about Turner's release etc and found it's already mentioned. : ) ========== I was also outraged at the light sentence he got away with, and the entire sordid episode including his father dismissing it as '20 mins of action.' I'll be honest here - I had to look up definitions of assault, intent to assault, what is rape, foreign object etc to understand what happened and what didn't. And to think of what would have happened if he hadn't been caught in the act... with no witnesses the victim might have had a hard time recalling what happened, and getting others to believe. There was a movement to recall the judge. Hopefully, that doesn't happen. He has already recused himself in enough ways (will no longer hear criminal cases, and so on). But, coming to Brock Turner himself - and I am surprised at my own change of opinion - I think he did get the punishment deserved. He was released Friday, went home for the long weekend, and on Tuesday registered as a sex offender. SEE IT: Brock Turner registers as a sex offender Turner will have to update the info on any major life events such as moving, attending school, even buying a car. With the amount of news coverage, I think the message has been issued - 20 years of academic and other achievement can be wiped out in a single instance of indiscretion. The victim's heart-wrenching letter is there online for ever.
You might have already read about the "open" letter Amitabh Bachchan wrote to his granddaughters. If not, here is a link with the full text ( scroll down down to get to the text, then pay attention to the very starting of the letter - gets down to business straight away) Nice patriarchy-tinged letter, Mr Bachchan: Tweeple strike back at Big B’s letter to granddaughters If he wanted to cash in on the women's equality and all that movement, at least could have paid someone to write a better letter. What a waste of a powerful name that can influence millions.