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Everything Happens For A Reason, In Its Due Time And Season

Discussion in 'Poetry' started by SuiDhaaga, Sep 22, 2021.

  1. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    Everything happens for the best
    Do not look back with regret
    If this didn't happen where would you be
    If this didn't happen, how do you know
    You would be happy

    Everything happens for the best
    Gone is gone
    Whether what happened is
    Right or wrong

    What if you were protected from
    A ditch in the road
    What if you were protected from
    Tripping over an ugly toad

    What if you were protected from
    People who are fake
    What if you were protected from
    Nightmares that keep you
    Wide awake

    Everything happens for the best
    What you cherished may never return
    But how do you know that the
    Life you carried might have ended
    Up cruelly tortured and burned

    Everything happens for the best
    In these dark times we see others
    True colors
    In these dark times we see others
    Profess our closest brothers
    In these dark times we see others
    As they have seen us all along
    Now we can understand
    Who has been right
    Who has been wrong

    Everything happens for the best
    If it is meant to be
    Your cherished one will come to thee
    If it is meant to be
    You will find bliss and be freed from your misery
    If it is meant to be
    You will have a lovely party
    If it is meant to be
    You will absorb nature's true energy
    And find love and peace
    Amica and Thyagarajan like this.

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    It looks as if you were under that dark shade of special tree and besotted with kind of enlightenment. The flow of apt words falling in line with description of delight and rejoicing moods is simply overwhelming awesome & heart ebbs. Keep it flowing.

    It is true every action in the cosmos happens with a strong purpose visible or invisible. A rat or mouse appears insignificant but ...it saved my life. Narrated in link

    Tight Schedule- Spouse, Rat & 'craft
    SuiDhaaga likes this.
  3. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    Sometimes words just hit me. Have to be in a peaceful state of mind. You can say this is also meditation.

    But ....OMG you had a close call! Scary world we live in! We need God's Divine Hand.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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