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Essential Fatty Acids or The EFA's

Discussion in 'Indian Diet & Nutrition' started by Eljaype, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Eljaype

    Eljaype Bronze IL'ite

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    Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids. They are essential to human health but cannot be manufactured by the body. For this simple reason, omega-3 fatty acids must be obtained from food.

    EFAs are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids derived from linolenic, linoleic, and oleic acids. There are two families of EFAs: Omega-3 and Omega-6. Omega-9 is necessary but not considered "essential" because the body can manufacture a modest amount of this on its own, provided essential EFAs are present in ones diet

    It's very very important to minimize the intake of saturated fats and cholesterol (animal fat) while consuming enough good fats. Also, good fats raise your HDL or "good cholesterol". One of the jobs of this High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) or "good cholesterol" is to grab your bad cholesterol, LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), and escort it to the liver where it is broken down and excreted.

    Flaxseed oil (flaxseed oil has the highest linolenic content of any food), flaxseeds, flaxseed meal, hempseed oil, hempseeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, avocados, some dark leafy green vegetables (kale, spinach, purslane, mustard greens, collards, etc.), canola oil (cold-pressed and unrefined), soybean oil, wheat germ oil, salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, albacore tuna, and others.
    One tablespoon per day of flaxseed oil should provide the recommended daily adult portion of linolenic acid, although "time-released" effects of consuming nuts and other linolenic-rich foods is being studied, and considered more beneficial than a once-daily oil intake.
    Flaxseed oil used for dietary supplementation should be kept in the refrigerator or freezer, and purchased from a supplier who refrigerates the liquid as well.

    In fact, infants who do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids from their mothers during pregnancy are at risk for developing vision and nerve problems. Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include extreme tiredness (fatigue), poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings or depression, and poor circulation.

    will be continued

  2. MeenLoch

    MeenLoch Silver IL'ite

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    It's very very important to minimize the intake of unsaturated fats and cholesterol (animal fat) while consuming enough good fats.

    Didnt u mean "saturated fats" ?

    Coincidentally I had written about here too, simplifying what I read elsewhere.

    Indians lack a lot in HDL. Right now you can go and get ur checkup done fro cholestrol, LDL and HDL and we ll realize that you do not have enough HDL, but lots of LDL...

    I have got Flaxseed powder from HODGSON mill....It can be added ot cereals milk etc, also a de-coction can be made with a tbsp of Flaxseeds.

    Flax seeds are called Alividai in tamil ....
    Vadhana had found this once in the thread Afternoon Snacks

    Good piece of information.
    Any other source for HDLs ? You have listed quite a lot...Will make a not of them...
  3. Eljaype

    Eljaype Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Meenloch,

    Sorry for making that small mistake, but in the meaning it made hell of a difference.

    Thanks for pointing it out to me. I was at the office when I posted. I had started at that time my hubby the Boss called me. I just clicked without checking. Thanks once again. I'll correct it.

    For a person the minimum HDL one should have is 40, how much more one has it is good for them. I am a regular fish eater, so I don't have any problem with my HDL. Thank you.

  4. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for the information about EFA. I have read about it extensively and glad to read here too. You have written in a consise and reader friendly manner Thanks and keep bringing more..
  5. Eljaype

    Eljaype Bronze IL'ite

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    Thanks Chithra,

    I'll post as much as I can. The little time I got I am trying to spend in a better way. Thanks once again for your warm words and support.
    Give me your suggestions, as to what else you would like me to do. I'll try my best.
  6. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    For starters if you are familiar with health issues like Cholestrol, Blood pressure, Diabetes you can give day to day suggestions as to what to eat what not to eat and such. In this thread itself you have given the HDL number what it should be so these suggestions are useful for lay people like me. These are only my suggestions; Also constructive ways to change lifestyle, bad habits etc.. Hope this helps. Regards;
  7. Eljaype

    Eljaype Bronze IL'ite

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    It sure helps Chitra, Thanks.

    I would like to do what is needed for you all. My aim is good health and if I can change some atleast, I would be happy. Give me feedbacks, now and then so that I can improve myself. Ok
  8. Eljaype

    Eljaype Bronze IL'ite

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    The traditional Indian diet is based on Carbohydrates and the oil selection used is also wrong in most of the cases. If one can mix up two or three types of oils we can get all the nutrients we need from them itself.

    Cardiovascular Diseases are most effectively prevented by those oils which contain an increased percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), especially oleic acid. Westerners use olive oil. we can mix and use our sesame oil, coconut oil, ground nut and rice bran oil and get a better result.

    Coconut oil should not be used for deep frying since it can produce trans fatty acids which can destroy the balance between Omega3 and 6 fatty acids. If one can take coconut oil in a raw condition without brining it to the boiling point, it is very good for health. One need not fear about LDL at all.

    If you want to know more about coconut oil and its benefits just go to this site http://coconutoilforhealth.blogspot.com/2007/03/benefits-of-coconut-oil.html

    You can know more about the benefits of this oil.

    Vegetable oil do not contain cholesterol. So refining oils, while improving the taste, flavour and consistency, does not remove cholesterol, as is commonly believed. In fact, heat and chemicals used to refine oils damage the valuable essential fatty acids. Therefore, unrefined, cold pressed oils should be used. Soya oil is also valuable but need not be used if 50 gm soya is included in the daily diet. Mustard oil may also be used for special dishes.

    All pulses, including soya contain certain enzymes that make them indigestible. So it is always advisable to soak pulses overnight and pressure cook them for at least 20 minutes. This destroys the enzymes.

    Mixing 25 gm soya flour with wheat flour to make chapathies or with two scoops of idli / dosa batter will lower blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. Since mixing soya into cereals will lower blood glucose levels, medication for lowering blood glucose levels will have to be reduced.

    There has been different opinions about the ratio of the consumption of Omega3 and Omega 6 fatty acids

    It should strike a balance between the two. The best ratio would be 1:1 or or atleast 1:2 . the usual amount of intake of omega 6 fatty acid is more when compared to omega3 intake.

    The research is still going on in this subject and so there are lots of speculations going around. But as far as I know Omega 3 should be taken more than the Omega 6, which are available in plenty in our Indian diet. If one gets a little careful with the diet and the selection of menu at home, we can get this problem cleared.

    This post cannot and does not end here, I'll continue with it.

  9. Vysan

    Vysan Gold IL'ite

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    I dont know there is so much on oils... Thanks for the useful info...
  10. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Latha,
    Keep posting such informations which are very useful to us and also to change the eating habits to lead a healthy life.

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