Entering Pooja Room During Blood Spotting?

Discussion in 'Queries on Religion & Spirituality' started by Needtobestrong, May 19, 2020.

  1. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    According to my family tradition we don’t light God lamp or go inside or near Pooja room or near Pooja cabinet etc during periods...
    But now having slight irregularity with menses, i.e i get blood spotting in between cycle and few days before cycles start...ver light spotting for couple of days...sometimes actual period may immediately or even start few days after spotting also..can’t predict as I’m under stress now and dint face this situation that much , earlier..
    Now it’s inevitable to do light lamp everyday and do cleaning of all rooms...so was confused if it’s ok to go near Pooja room if there is slight blood spotting? Is it considered wrong?
    Or is it only during actual periods flow that we shouldn’t go inside Pooja room?
    Sorry if it sounds gross but embarrassed to ask any ladies about this...
    I don’t want to unknowingly make mistakes as my family members are very spiritual , PILs are old generation god fearing and traditional people...and now when there is world wide crisis we need God’s grace to be safe...
    How to deal with this situation?

  2. joylokhi

    joylokhi Platinum IL'ite

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    As a general rule, in households where we dont do anything related to pujas etc during periods, the days following the strictly third day when there is still flow, is also avoided. By this logic, on days you experience spotting, avoid lighting of lamp if there is anyone else at home to do the same. If not also, it is better to attend to puja room cleaning, lighting lamp etc only when you feel you are really free of doubts.
    Needtobestrong likes this.
  3. ImHuman

    ImHuman Bronze IL'ite

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    You should be more concerned about your health.. what's wrong with your menstruation..? As far as know this is not normal. You should consult for a doctor's advice instead.
    Needtobestrong likes this.
  4. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi..yes youre right I need doctors advice..I’m unable to go out and hesitating to step put much due to lockdown restriction and specially to hospitals...i don’t need believe much in online consults, will get it checked up once situation gets better in my city..
    joylokhi likes this.
  5. sarvantaryamini

    sarvantaryamini Gold IL'ite

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    @Needtobestrong , how bad is the spotting? For spotting there are no restrictions, but if the flow is too much, you can excuse yourself from lighting the lamp. The main goal of restriction is to avoid work during menstruation. If you are just spotting and you are not near the date then you can go ahead and do the rituals. When you are close to menopause these things may happen or if you have a cyst. God is always with us, no matter what, he will not get angry if you don't do pooja for some days. If you are doubtful then don't do the pooja. You can also ask other women in the house to do it for you if you are comfortable with asking them to do it instead of you.
    Needtobestrong likes this.
  6. PurpleRoses

    PurpleRoses Gold IL'ite

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    I agree with the poster imHuman ....
    You need to be more worried about your irrefular cycle and spotting which is abnormal.
    Are you nearing menopause?

    Online consultation is better in these times. You atleast can get a temporary treatment till you can visit hospital for a checkup.

    As per the pooja room , I don't believe in old illogical traditions and i enter puja room irrespective of periods. I don't believe periods make women impure.

    But then don't wish to hurt your sentiment. If you follow the tradition of not entering puja room on bleeding then follow it on spotting days too.

    Ultimately you need to do what makes you happy. Not because someone's told you to do this or that. :)
    Needtobestrong likes this.
  7. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    @sarvantaryamini and @PurpleRoses
    Thanks for your replies and concern..spotting is mild with cramping and usually some days before period..I have severe PMS...cycle is varying.,intervals are sometimes 20 days and sometimes 27 days..sometimes 30 days..but spotting seems to be warning sign of period approaching...I checked in my app which I used for tracking the dates ...I’m nowhere close to menopause or pre menopause age...so that’s not the reason...
    only past few months due to maybe mental tension and increased heat in summer season, increased stress and responsibilities at home with lockdown etc I’m guessing but cannot be sure...
    This requires checkup with a gynaecologist and a pelvic ultrasound which I’ll surely do shortly..
    I was thinking whether entering Pooja room during days of spotting is wrong , that’s why I had posted this thread..my MIL is also here , I can ask her to light lamp.
    PurpleRoses likes this.
  8. ImHuman

    ImHuman Bronze IL'ite

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    Cycles do vary . As far as I know .. period cycle 20-30 days is norl. can come in between 20-42 days. Do you get light flow in between cycles too? By PMS you mean anxiety and depression? For me, sometimes I feel so depressed and anxious that I will know it's coming. Until few months back I would suffer tremendous menstrual pain. Especially the first 3 days.

    .I have a plant in my house which I planted just wanting for a creeper. Later on I came to know that it is called Shankapushpi, very much loved by Lord shiva.. read few times that it is very helpful during menstruation. Every part of the plant is helpful.. etc.. once I could not bear the pain on first day of menstrual cycle and decided to give a try. I boiled Shankapushpi leaves along with tulsi leaves I had and drank the water. Magic.! It helped me so much that I did not feel like I am having periods. From then every month I am taking it. This experience further strengthened my belief in Ayurveda and unani and other alternative medicine ( previously I experienced great relief from cough by a unani medicine named Sualin). I have researched very much about this plant and more Ayurveda... Even coriander leaves are helpful in correcting menstruation problems. You can try if you wish.. in fact Ayurvedic medicines are much cheaper than allopathy ones.. I am just suggesting my experience here. I am suggesting to every girl who is undergoing menstrual pain. I have come across people who have completely recovered from 4 th stage cancer following Ayurvedic treatment.
    joylokhi and Needtobestrong like this.
  9. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Thank you, will try alternative medicines..
    I've always had PMS and menstrual cramps issue...spotting and changes since some months. Will consult ayurvedic practitioner and take their advice.
  10. sarvantaryamini

    sarvantaryamini Gold IL'ite

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    Are you having any form of birth control? Some of them produce these kind of effects.

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