Elevated Risks Of Seizure Post Covid Vaccine In 2 To 5 Year Olds And Cuomo's Vaccine Turn Around

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Thoughtful, May 25, 2024.

  1. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    On April 24th, a team of FDA-supported scientists published a new study in JAMA Pediatrics investigating serious adverse events associated with mRNA vaccines in children.

    This comprehensive and well-constructed cohort study focused on post market surveillance of the Covid vaccines in over 4 million children, confirming the well-documented risk of myocarditis — inflammation of the heart muscle — in adolescents 12-17 who take the mRNA Covid vaccines.

    However, the most shocking finding was the discovery of a new safety signal which hadn't been reported before:

    "In the primary analysis, seizure met the statistical threshold for a signal in children aged 2 to 4 years after BNT162b2 vaccination in all 3 databases and in children aged 2 to 5 years after mRNA-1273 vaccination in 2 of the 3 databases."

  2. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    New FDA Study Reports Elevated Post-Vaccination Seizure Risk In Toddlers

    Some.amazing work done by jouralist Rav Arora and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya who fought against Covid mandates.

    Young and healthy did not need Covid vaccines. Big pharma with the help of politicians coerced people into getting their kids vaccinated all to gain wealth for themselves. RFK Jr's asks for placebo tests were met with calling him someone who provides misinformation.

    Mom and dad were told, keep your kids safe. They were told, Vaccines are 100% safe and you need to give this to your healthy kids. There was no evidence and there is still none that the vaccines brought any benefit to kids. Now the study is coming out that the seizure effect due to the vaccine has gotten elevated. There are kids suffering and those will not be acknowledged or no one will be held accountable
    Last edited: May 25, 2024
  3. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Dr Birx, who stood next to Dr. Fauci and President Trump during interviews asking people to get vaccinated and asking them to convince their family members to vaccinate, has made a U turn now.

    Chris Cuomo who was the face of CNN, in pushing the vaccine down the people's throat and pushing for vaccine mandates now has come out that he himself is taking ivermectin for his vaccine injury. He is now asking an independent investigation on the Covid vaccines like the 9/11 independent investigation. Calls Joe Rogan was right.

    Big pharma, President Biden and his team need to be held accountable for putting people in harms way. Will it happen:

  4. Anbhu

    Anbhu Silver IL'ite

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    MalStrom likes this.
  5. mangaii

    mangaii Finest Post Winner

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    Why waste time thinking about all these things?
    Knowing isn’t going to stop anything
    Don’t live in fear . If you have already made the decision just live with it . At that time considering how bad the second wave was the right call was to get vaccinated. I don’t see purpose of such threads in forum . Maybe diff forum and diff audience would generate more response
    MalStrom likes this.
  6. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Good question.

    Let me ask you this, if you have a 2 year old, would you get your kid vaccinated knowing that the vaccine could elevate the risk of seizures and the vaccine will not provide any benefit.

    Will you yourself have taken the Covid vaccine if the government was transparent that not everyone needs this vaccine. That covid vaccine has the same risks as Covid like breaking down someone's immune system, severe neurological problems and death ( something which the vaccine could cause but getting covid directly would not in most people ). This information was fully available to the government and to the big pharma. But then there was big money involved.

    So when news like these come out, its important to learn from it.

    Did the main stream media highlight these risks of seizures in 2 year olds which is an information that has come out now. Not sure how many people knew before they read this post of mine. These vaccines are still available and encouraged to be taken. Maybe someone who is on the fence will read this and take it with the knowledge of the risks than without

    For the rest, why is this knowledge important. The big pharma is trying out a vaccination in one side for the Bird Flue and also finding a way on how to make it spread from human to human because this does not currently spread from human to human. Before you discount that no one will try to find a way to make a virus spread from human to human, remember the history of Covid and what was the happening in that lab of Wuhan because of millions of people are dead and more are suffering from life long issues.

    Did you think why there is no news on Covid lab leak and the government hasn't stepped up and come clean on what happened. Why has not been held accountable. Why is Dr Fauci, the man who is the most paid federal employee, the man who was the face of the Covid solution, making mask mandates, vaccine mandates, was the one who funded and ran this lab in Wuhan that was housing this Covid virus and where it spread from is free and not in jail.

    This is not to live with fear, but to spread awareness.

    Not really looking for responses.

    Things happen in the world and its important to notice who said what during the chaotic times. Who spoke the truth and who lied. It helps us when such things happen in the future.
  7. Anbhu

    Anbhu Silver IL'ite

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    Yes I would have taken the vaccine. As the % of death due to post vaccine side effects is very negligible compared to % of death caused by covid, I would be dump not to get vaccine. I am fairly healthy individual, I would fall on may not vaccine needed category. Now vaccine may be breaking down my immune system, may be causing severe neurological problems, may cause death, but I have lived few years now than getting covid that may have costed my life. Was there any proof healthy individual won't die from COVID?
    MalStrom likes this.
  8. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    How many seizures have been actually reported in 2-year olds as a result of the Covid vaccine?
    Anbhu likes this.
  9. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Scientists published a study in JAMA Pediatrics. This thread is about that study. Did you read the full text of that? Safety of Ancestral Monovalent COVID-19 Vaccines in US Children

    Before starting such click-bait titled threads, please read the level of "FDA-support" for the study, strengths and limitations of the study, data sources, data verification, why the study was exempt from institutional review and approval process.

    JAMA is published by AMA. Read about AMA's origins, reputation, standard and lobbying budget.
  10. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    That was the link I posted.

    I don't see anything contrary in there to what I type. Are you saying that the increased risk of seizure is false. It does not come clean like Rav Arora did, but it is there.
    Last edited: May 28, 2024

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