Hi, I would like to buy electric kitchen chimney. Pls suggest me the brand.. Whether the installation of the chimney requires any major mason work?? pls throw some light on this. Thanks & Regards, Kavitha Kannan :wave
HI, Faber is the best. even prestige has brought in electric chimneys. and there is an offer going on like anything for anything. the range is good. no if you already have an exhaust outlet, or a window outlet, it is easy to install, that is what i was told. all the best. Love, shanthi.
hi kavitha i also did buy faber...i bought it at rathna fan house...i think a decent one wud cost u around 4000...there wudbe any major mason wrk n all invloved.. lov sowmi
Hi Kavitha, Faber and Gilma are good ones. They have all kinds of range and style of chimneys. The company people will come and install it. If you already have some cupboard or some wood work done on top of your stove then probably you will have to remove it because the chimney has to be right on top of the stove. Anyhow, the company people will guide you.
hai all, i would like to know whether the electric suck all the steam while we cook especially during fish fry. we dont know have a electric chimney but have a exhaust fan which is of no use. during cooking it full of steam and cough in our house. please help
I have to buy a new one as the old one is not working.The company has also wound up.How much does Faber cost? and How much is it? and where is it available?
Checkout this link Chimney: Compare Electric Chimneys with different Air Suction Capacity & Read Review on Chimney
Hey, To which brand did u all ended in getting ur electric chimneys? I am looking for one to buy. Rgds Sudha
Pls guide me ASAP. V have a plan to purchase Faber Chimney. 1.What r all the points should be consider before purchase it? 2.Which one is the gud shop for it? 3.V r vegetarian. So i choose Air suction Capacity 500-700m.Is it corret and enough? 4.Is there any offer is going on?